Sims 2



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Sims 2: 46 Posts

The Sims 2: Influence

Sims can use Influence to let other sims do certain actions like cleaning or making a term-paper for that sim. The Influence level is based on the amount of friends the sim has (no household friends). To gain Influence, the ...

➞ The Sims 2: Influence

The Sims 2: Cheats

Cheats for The Sims 2 and Expansion Packs To open the cheat box, hold down Ctrl, Shift and C CheatCode Result Kaching Adds §1.000,- to household funds Motherlode Adds §50.000,- to household funds Moveobjects on/off Move unmovable objects Aging -on/-off ...

➞ The Sims 2: Cheats

The Sims 2: BV Collectables

Collectables Item Value Room score Where to find Dog bone §55 N/A Ground Map to secret lot §400 3 Ground A random small item Various Various Ground A water main N/A Goes down Ground Skippy the stone §25,- 1 Ground ...

➞ The Sims 2: BV Collectables

The Sims 2: Wishing Well

The wishing well is only available by the Garden Club. You get one if you get a score of 700+ points after the inspection of your garden. Can be used by Teen and older. If anyone in the household makes ...

➞ The Sims 2: Wishing Well

The Sims 2: Juices

Juice Ingredients Result Apple juice 3 apples Faster homework Beauty Coctail 2 oranges, 2 cucumber Love potion Eggplant juice 2 eggplants Random skill point Lemonade 6 lemons Cools sims down Orange jucie 6 oranges Cures colds Orangeaid 4 oranges, 2 ...

➞ The Sims 2: Juices

The Sims 2: Dating Info

Level Points End of date Gift Dream Date 950-1.000 Romantic kiss Dated Sim will bring over a bouquet of flowers Great 650-950 Tender kiss Dated Sim will bring over a single flower Good 425-650 Peck Postal worker will deliver a ...

➞ The Sims 2: Dating Info

The Sims 2: Talent Badges

There are more talent badges then the ones below. Stocking, Cash register and Cosmetology, however these only increases your speed or succes rate and don’t give any new options. Robots Robots Name Cost Badge Purpose Malfunction Toy Robot §108,– N/A ...

➞ The Sims 2: Talent Badges

The Sims 2: Business Perks

Connections Connections Level Name Description 1 Notable reputation When the owner meets a new Sim, the relationship begins at +5 Daily/+5 Lifetime 2 Sterling Reputation When the owner meets a new Sim, the relationship begins at +1 Daily/+10 Lifetime 3 ...

➞ The Sims 2: Business Perks

The Sims 2: Business Ranks

Rank Name Stars needed # of customers on lot* 10 Visionary Vending Venture 125 10 9 Outstanding outlet 100 9 8 Esteemed Establishment 75 8 7 Unique Boutique 60 7 6 Empowered Emporium 45 7 5 Proficient Purveyor 30 6 ...

➞ The Sims 2: Business Ranks

The Sims 2: University Scholarships

Scholarship Qualification Award Hogan award for athletics 8+ Bodyskill §750,– Bain-Gordon Communication fellowship 8+ charismaskill §750,– Kim metro prize for hygenics 8+ Cleaningskill §750,– London culinary Arts 8+ Cookingskill §750,– Will Wright Spin Genius Grant 8+ Logicskill §750,– Bui Engineering ...

➞ The Sims 2: University Scholarships

The Sims 2: Free Time Careers

Careers added with the FreeTime expansionpack Architecture Architecture Jobname Logic Creat. Mech. Friends Workdays Salary Cement Mixer 0 0 0 0 Mon,Tue,Thur,Fri,Sat §155 Brick Layer 0 0 0 0 Mon,Tue,Thur,Fri,Sat §176 Foreman 0 0 1 0 Mon,Tue,Thur,Fri,Sat §284 Head of ...

➞ The Sims 2: Free Time Careers

The Sims 2: Seasons Careers

Careers added with the Seasons expansionpack Adventurer Adventurer Jobname Body Char. Mech. Friends Workdays Salary Ambassadors Intern 0 0 0 0 Mon,Tue,Wed,Fr,Sat §172 Spelunker 1 0 0 0 Tue,Thur,Fri,Sat,Sun §225 Multiregional sim of Some Question 2 2 0 1 Mon,Tue,Thur,Fri,Sat ...

➞ The Sims 2: Seasons Careers

The Sims 2: Pet Careers

Security Security Jobname Req. skill Times Workdays Salary Snooper Department N/A 7 pm-2 am Tue,Wed,Thur,Sat,Sun §113 §130 Guard Pet Stay 5 pm-12 am Mon,Wed,Thur,Sat,Sun §200 §230 Contraband Sniffer Speak 12 pm-6 pm Thur,Fri,Sat,Sun §353 §406 Pet Corps Play Dead 8 ...

➞ The Sims 2: Pet Careers

The Sims 2: University Careers

Careers available after graduating from University Artist Artist Jobname Creat. Mech. Char. Cook. Friends Workdays Salary Canvas Stretcher 0 0 0 0 0 Tue,Thur,Fri,Sat,Sun §231 Street Caricaturist 1 0 0 0 0 Tue,Wed,Thur,Fri,Sun §357 Souvenir Whittler 3 2 0 0 ...

➞ The Sims 2: University Careers

The Sims 2: Personality Traits

Give 0-4 Personality point for the left traits, 6-10 points for the right traits. 5 points have weak tendencies for both. Neat Sloppy Increase cleaning skill faster Hygiene decays faster Raises fun when cleaning Makes faster messes (like shower/counters get ...

➞ The Sims 2: Personality Traits

The Sims 2: NPCs

Service NPC’s Service NPC’s Name of NPC Base fee Per hour Service Maid §5,- §10,- Cleans all messes in the house Repair(wo)man §10,- §50,- Repairs all broken objects on the lot Gardener §5,- §10,- Waters flowers, pull weeds, trims shrubs ...

➞ The Sims 2: NPCs

The Sims 2: Desperations

When in severe desperation, Sims will not accept any interaction and does a silly thing. Note that each Desperation has 2 or 3 different animations. Pictures Aspiration Description Family Sim pulls out and cuddles a flour sack marked up to ...

➞ The Sims 2: Desperations

The Sims 2: Zodiac

Pic Zodiac sign Attracted to Repelled by Aries Gemini/Taurus Cancer/Libra Taurus Aries/Libra Virgo/Cancer Gemini Pisces/Virgo Capricorn/Aries Cancer Taurus/Scorpio Gemini/Aries Leo Sagittarius/Cancer Capricorn/Gemini Virgo Aquarius/Sagittarius Leo/Taurus Libra Virgo/Cancer Pisces/Scorpio Scorpio Pisces/Leo Libra/Aquarius Sagittarius Pisces/Capricorn Libra/Scorpio Capricorn Aquarius/Taurus Leo/Gemini Aquarius Capricorn/Sagittarius Scorpio/Virgo ...

➞ The Sims 2: Zodiac

The Sims 2: Deaths

ways to die How Ghostcolor Old age When a sim reaches the end of his life White Drowning When a swimming sim’s energy is -100 Blue Electrocution Can occor when a sim repairs an electrical object/plays with evil kite Yellow ...

➞ The Sims 2: Deaths

The Sims 2: Food

Foods Available at Skill Price 1 sim Price 6 sims Juice/Chips/Cookies Anytime 0 §3 N/A Instant meal Anytime 0 §3 §12 Cereal Breakfast 0 §4 §16 Toaster pastry Breakfast 0 §4 §16 Meat sandwiches Lunch 0 §4 §16 Hot dogs ...

➞ The Sims 2: Food

The Sims 2: Creatures

Ghosts Ghosts Pic Expansion How to become How to cure Details Base game Dying Using the Resurrect-O- Nomitron Can scare other living sims causing their needs to dramatically drop and even resulting with the victim dying from fright. * Can ...

➞ The Sims 2: Creatures

The Sims 2: Career Objects

Base Game Picture Name Career Skill Description Tele Prompter Politics Level 5 Charisma Can be used to practice speech which satisfies fun and raising Charisma skill Surgical Training Station Medicine Level 4 Mechanical Can be used to increase fun and ...

➞ The Sims 2: Career Objects

The Sims 2: Reward Objects

Aspirationscore Gold or higher: Success Aspirationscore lower then Gold: 50% chance of Failure Picture Name Points Uses Succes Failure Money tree 3.000 Unlimited If watered regularly, §40,- per harvest §1,- per harvest Noodlesoother 5.000 24 hours Mood is boosted with ...

➞ The Sims 2: Reward Objects

The Sims 2: Magic

Spells List of all spells. The spell needs to be cast on the subject to work; Like to remove puddles, cast the spell on a puddle. To cure a Sim, cast the spell on a sim, etc. There is a ...

➞ The Sims 2: Magic

The Sims 2: Hobbies

Arts Cuisine Personality Sloppy,Nice Neat,Lazy Mannerisms Frame Hands Rub Tummy Skill Creativity Cooking Interests Culture,Fashion Food Career Architecture Culinary Secret Lot My Muse II Sue’s Kitchen Unlockables None Serve Chips (3) Serve Cheese(5) Serve Appetizer (8) Newspaper Arts Food & ...

➞ The Sims 2: Hobbies

The Sims 2: FreeTime Talent Badges

Talent Badges for the FreeTime expansionpack Pottery Pottery Item Badge Cost Sell for Flawed Item Plate N/A §30,- §40,- Salvador’s Sagging Saucer Vase Bronze §35,- §55,- Domingo’s Drooping Vase Tea Set Bronze §42,- §70,- Felipe’s Falling Tea Set Pot Silver ...

➞ The Sims 2: FreeTime Talent Badges

The Sims 2: The Genie

The lamp will be brought to you by the gypsy and can only be used 3 times after which it will vanish. 14 days after that, you again have the chance to recieve another lamp. Wish Result Additional info Wealth ...

➞ The Sims 2: The Genie

The Sims 2: Tour Chance Cards

Mountains Logging Expedition Logging Expedition Chancecard Choice Result The group is on a river and suddenly, they encounter a fast current. What will you do? Go by land +1 Body Poison Ivy Follow the river anyway +1 Body -90 Fun/Comfort ...

➞ The Sims 2: Tour Chance Cards

The Sims 2: Momentos

Far East Far East Pic Cryptic Name Pic Unlocked Name Enjoy a warm cup of tea Drank tea Emerse yourself in tradition and culture Went on a far east vacation Join in ancient exercise Learned Tai Chi Landscape the Zen ...

➞ The Sims 2: Momentos

The Sims 2: Career Cards

Athletic Athletic Job Chancecard Choice Result % Team Mascot The SimCity Quarks are looking for a new mascot. Will you be the next Limpy or will you steal the limelight with your own mascot? Become Limpy +1 Body/Creativity 85 -§150,- ...

➞ The Sims 2: Career Cards

The Sims 3: Skills

Skills skill Gardening Guitar Handy Logic 1 Learn 2 new songs 2 Get ‘Weed’ interaction Learn 2 new songs 3 Get ‘Fertilize’ interaction Learn 2 new songs Self-cleaning upgrade Can search galaxy with telescope 4 Learn 2 new songs 5 ...

➞ The Sims 3: Skills

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SnootySims is excited to offer their supporters an exclusive all-in-one file with their entire custom content (CC) collection, including furniture, decor, and tattoos.
This pack allows easy downloading of everything in just a few clicks as a special thank you.
While all items are available for free on Patreon, this bundle is designed for convenience. SnootySims deeply appreciates their supporters, whose backing makes their journey as CC creators possible.