We get to control everything about our Sims, from their hairstyle to their career. But tell me, how cool would it be to have the ability to create shorties and tallies in the Sims 4? Very cool! Luckily for us, there are now mods that allow us to change our Sim’s height, making for some very fun possibilities! Read on to learn about the different height slider mods available for the Sims 4!

What Are Height Slider Mods? Why Would You Want To Use Them?
As the name on the tin suggests, a height slider mod is a mod that will enable you to use sliders in CAS to adjust your sims’ height. It’s another subtle way to make each sim feel unique, and it will allow you to more accurately recreate real-life people who are shorter or taller than normal within the game. Varied heights are so coveted in the sims community that you will often find body presets with modified heights, and even pose mods that will modify sim heights as part of the poses!
Despite how popular height slider mods are there are only a few available for download, likely due to the complexities of getting them to work correctly. That being said, unless otherwise stated the following mods are only designed to work on teen bodies and older.
Visual Glitches that can be caused by Height Slider Mods

Using height slider mods may cause visual glitches in the game, and it’s not unusual to experience any of the following:
- Because the Sims 4’s animations are all programmed based off of standardized body heights it’s to be expected that animations may look off between sims, especially those of drastically different heights. For example, when my sim Sasha hugged her friend, due to her larger height the friend’s arms clipped into Sasha’s shoulder. Things like these are purely visual and don’t affect actual gameplay.
- Animation glitches also occur when a sim of extreme height is interacting with objects in the world such as clipping into/through items, their hands not actually holding objects which instead float above or below, etc. Again, this doesn’t actually affect gameplay and just looks funny. The easiest way to limit this is to keep your height adjustments fairly close to the standardized height, or play around with your sim’s height until you find something that achieves the desired effect.
- Though it’s not totally clear why, sometimes a height slider can cause one of your sim’s appendages to disappear. It appears to be random and unpredictable, and while it’s merely a visual glitch it can be a bit alarming if you don’t know it can happen. There doesn’t appear to be a one-size-fits-all fix as I’ve found advice on everything from popping into CAS to reset it, changing the sim to normal height and then back to the desired height, deleting cache files, traveling to other lots, or changing clothes. Unfortunately it’s a risk you take when playing with height slider mods, though it doesn’t seem to be the case if you use presets instead of sliders.
Closing Thoughts
Though there are several ways to create the illusion of height differences in things like poses, for actual gameplay you can’t go wrong with height slider mods – these are a major game-changer! They have their quirks, sure, but aren’t quirks what made us all fall in love with Sims in the first place? Enjoy your tiny and towering ‘toons!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole
SnootySims @ Patreon
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