Sims 4 Pet Beds – Top 10 Best Pet Beds CC!

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Author: Stefan
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One of the things that Sims 4 really lacks is an abundance of pet beds! Seriously, this is a real issue because the real world is filled with thousands of different designs for pet beds. And pet owners know that choosing such a bed isn’t a small deal. So we searched the internet for the best pet beds CC for The Sims 4 and made a list of the top 10+ choices for you!

SnootySims Pet Bed CC Finds

Besties Part 2: Me and my Cat ( Wallpaper/ Floor/ Chair/ Bench/ Bed/ Cat Food/ Curtains/ Paintings/ Rug/ Lamp/ Night Table ) [MM]

Besties Part 2_Me and my Cat by Sixamcc

Cow Armchair & Pet Bed

Cow Armchair & Pet Bed by pixelvibes

Old Television, Table, & Pet Bed

Old Television, Table, & Pet Bed

This little download is a 3-for-1! First you get a small, old-fashioned but functional TV. Then, there’s a version where the TV has been hollowed out and turned into a small table with shelving, giving you lots of room to store things. And finally, if you have Cats & Dogs your kitties and small dogs can enjoy a pet bed conversion of the TV which has been a popular craft idea going around for a little while now. Use these in different builds for whatever you want, or combine them in a single story to show the passage of time. It’s definitely an upcycle-friendly set!

Feline Fiesta

Feline Fiesta

Pets stuff is tricky because if you want EA to give us more content for them, they’ll try to get you to pay for it. This mini set is not only free, but cute as heck too! A small 7-piece collection, it’s got everything you need to make your cat-owning sims’ homes trendy, colorful, and fun! The self-cleaning litter box has many expressive patterns, the blocky scratching post can double as a piece of art, and the tart bed is too cute to not download!

Leaf-motif makes awesome stuff for humans too, so if you love this collection be sure to check out their other work!

MellouwSim’s Snuggle Haven: Small Pet Bed & Meat Stick Toy (Cozy Comfort for Furry Friends)

335750 small pet bed meat stick toy by mellouwsim sims4 featured image

Fuzzy Haven: Retro TV Box Bed for Your Cherished Cat (#AlphaCC Deluxe Pet Furniture)

257894 retro tv box for your favorite furry ball sims4 featured image

AlphaCuddle Haven: Ultimate Comfort (Pets Bed, Pet Furniture for Dogs & Cats)

221783 pets bed sims4 featured image

AlphaCuddle Haven: Stylish Pet Beds in Vibrant Colors (Dogs & Cats)

308899 pet bedr ecolors sims4 featured image

Fruity Snooze Haven: The ‘Fruit Cocktail’ Pet Bed (Dogs & Cats Comfort)

306725 pet bed fruit cocktail sims2 featured image

Pawsian Paradise: Luxe Persian Plush Pet Bed by FaeSims4 (#AlphaCC, #Dogs)

237006 persian plush pet bed by faesims4 sims4 featured image

AlphaCuddle Haven: Ultimate Large Pet Bed for Dogs & Cats (#PetFurniture)

236489 large pet bed sims4 featured image

Alphacc Cozy Haven: Ultimate Kitty Pet Beds (Accessories & Pet Furniture)

322946 kitty pet beds sims2 featured image

Equine Elegance: 6 Horse Bedding Styles (Accessories, Ranch Decor, Pet Comfort)

328029 horse bedding 6 different kinds sims4 featured image

AlphaCuddle Comfort: The Ultimate Pet Bed for Dogs and Cats (#PetFurniture)

220909 better pet bed sims4 featured image

CozyCritter Nook: AmySanRos’ Ultimate (Bed/House) for Dogs & Cats #PetFurniture

142896 bed house for dogs and cats by amysanros sims4 featured image

Alphacc’s Haven: Essential Accessories & Decor for Every Room (Pets Included!)

302474 and the last part is of course objects and stuff sims2 featured image

Áki’s Cozy Haven: The No Style x WOODLAND Cat Bed (Pet Furniture Masterpiece)

328746 aki cat bed by no style x w o o d l a n d sims4 featured image

Majesticats Bliss (Free Gift Set: Pet Furniture, Beds, Accessories & AlphaCC for Cats)

336136 majesticats free gift sims4 featured image

Pamper Your Pet with Persian Plush Bed for Sims 4 – Cats & Dogs Required


Around the Sims 4: Pumpkin & Shark Beds for Cats & Small Dogs


Cats and Dogs Recolor Pack: 10 Items, 30 Maxis Match Shades, EA Meshes


8 Color Swatches Collection: Get Your Palette Now!


Refresh Your Pet’s Space: 6 Solid & 2 Watercolor Floral Cat Beds


Large Pet Version: Cute Patterns by Top Spoonflower Designers, Requires Cats & Dogs


October Mood Small Pet Bed Recolors: Cats & Dogs Expansion Required


Pets Essentials: Collars, Hoodies, Beds, Bowls, Doors, Litter, Costumes, Toys


Pet Bed for Cats & Small Dogs: 6 Colors, S3 to S4 – Visit Blog!


Living Room Decor Set (Pet Blanket Bed/ Hanging Plants/ Rectangular Rugs/ Functional Candles) [ALPHA]

Living Room Decor Set

Verösgi Comfy Pet Bed Furniture [MM]

Verösgi Comfy Pet Bed Furniture

Christmas Tree Pet Bed [Alpha]

Christmas Tree Pet Bed

Your Sims’ furry friends can now get in on the holiday spirit with this adorable Christmas tree pet bed! The bed features a tall, light-filled tree with a cozy hole in the middle. It’s the perfect place for cats and dogs to curl up and relax on chilly winter nights.

Round Modern Style Pet Bed [MM]

modern style pet bed

Laundry Room Set (Washing Machine/ Dryer/ Pet Bathtub/ Pet Bowls/ Pet Beds/ Clutter/ Shelves/ Locker) [MM]

Laundry Room Set (Washing Machine/ Dryer/ Pet Bathtub/ Pet Bowls/ Pet Beds/ Clutter/ Shelves/ Locker) [MM]

Colorful Pets Set (Beds / Food Bowl / Rug / Cat Tree / Toys / Scratching Post )[Alpha]

pets set mechtasims

[algu] yura pet bed

848 algu yura pet bed algu

Comfy Critter Cushions: Velvet Pet Bed (Download) by CMDesigns #PetFurniture #Dogs

338205 velvet pet bed download by cmdesigns sims4 featured image

Versace Velvet Paws: Luxe Pet Bedding for Stylish Bedrooms & Beyond

306673 versace carpet sims4 featured image


Even though there are many more pet beds for The Sims 4 on the internet, these 10 are dear to our hearts. We’ve used all of them in one way or another, so we want you to give them a try as well. Of course, you can pick any of them, according to your liking. Or, you can search the internet for more pet beds designs!

Happy simming!

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