We have compiled the most spectacular mods available for The Sims 4 when it comes to school and teens! Yep, because let’s admit it, the teenage sims and the educational system in the game need refreshing refinements! So, we made sure to pack a lot of great stuff in this list that will enhance your gameplay and add some much-needed thrill. Check them all out!

Our Must-Have Mods for School and Teens
Last July 2022, The Sims 4: High School Years was officially launched. Through the release of this twelfth expansion pack for the game, we have been given the opportunity to enter the gates of high school once more, as we join our teen sims in their journey to discover their best lives through the many new features available in the game.
However, we think that the best way to enjoy this expansion pack is to add more mods to spice up the lives of our teen sims, as well as to throw in more school-related mods to improve the game! So, we collected the best TS4 mods for school and teens that we think you’d like! Browse our list below and download them all!
Find related content below for your teens!
1. Teen Traits Mod by Triplis

This mod from Triplis is straightforward—it gives you 8 new packs of traits exclusive for teen sims in the game! Each pack is complex and unique, giving you all-new teen-related whims, buffs, and moodlets. Goody Two Shoes, Emotional Conduit, Walking Punchline, and Frenzied Rebel are just some of the available trait packs in this mod, which will surely provide you entertainment when it comes to handling your teens.
Come and download the Teen Traits mod here.
2. Child and Teen can Quit or Rejoin School Mod by Triplis

This mod, which is once again from creator Triplis, gives our sims the choice to quit school whenever they like, and to re-enroll if they want to! Under the Career menu on the phone, you can now find the options to “Join School” or “Quit School” for your sims. Additionally, one of the cool features of this mod is that your child sims who get super low grades won’t be jeopardized into being sent away! Whew, what a relief for our non-studious kid sims.
Get the mod by Triplis here. Also, we wrote more about this in this article: Sims 4 No School Mod – How To Quit School?
3. The Sims 4 Go to School Mod Pack V5 (Alpha) by Zerbu

The Go-To School is a mod that has been around for quite a while. Created by Zerbu, this mod has recently been updated to version 5. Just like how High School Years allow your teen sims to go to school, with this mod you can now let children sims attend an actual elementary school where they could sit through their classes taught by teacher sims. Every day is exciting day because there are different subjects assigned per day. Regarding the elementary school, you can create school lots or download the ones available in the gallery.
Visit this site to download the Go to School mod. You can then read more here: Go To School Mod For Sims 4: An Overview
4. Education System Bundle by Kawaiistacie

Kawaiistacie, a cc and mod creator, also came up with a school mod that highly enhances the educational concepts and gameplay of The Sims 4. The Educational System Bundle consists of 4 mods crafted for school. The Preschool Mod allows toddlers to enter school. The Better Schools Mod allows more interactions in school. The Smarter Homework Mod allows students to build skills while doing their assignments. Meanwhile, the Online Schooling mod gives students the opportunity to attend school virtually.
This is the page where you can download this mod. Plus, read more about it here: Sims 4 Better School Mod – Improve Schools!
5. Education Overhaul mod by Adeepindigo

The Education Overhaul mod, released by mod creator Adeepindigo, is probably one of the most intricate school mods made for the Sims 4! The mod introduces a lot of new educational concepts in the game, including boarding schools, virtual schooling, education career for aspiring teachers, preschool and middle school, and many others! You can also look forward to the academic fun brought about by field trips, detentions, honor rolls, summer and winter breaks, and in-school events.
Adeepindigo’s Education Overhaul mod could be downloaded here.
6. School Activities Mod by KiaraSims4Mods

This mod by Kiarasims has long existed even before The Sims 4: High School Years was launched. In the latter, your sims can join afterschool activities in cheerleading, chess, computer, and football. With this mod, your children and teen sims can join post-school activities much like an adult sim joins a career. There are specific days and hours for the activities selected. Your school sims can enjoy ballet, dance club, debate club, karate, volleyball, and the yearbook club, among many others!
Click this page to download the School Activities mod.
7. 25 Vacation Days Mod by MSQSims

How hard is it that our children sims keep missing life happenings and occasions in the household because they always have to go to school? This mod, created by MSQSims, lets your sims enjoy a whopping total of 25 vacation days from school! Now, kids and teens can enjoy a lot of momentous events at home or celebrate their holidays with family because of this really generous vacation system.
The 25 Vacation Days mod is available here.
8. Adult Jobs for Teens by Sparklimari

Imagine if your teen sims can juggle work and school at the same time, to have the best of both lives! Now they can, with this mod created by Sparklymari, which is an update of the “Drop Out of Highschool and Get a Real Job” mod by Telford. With this simple mod, your teen sims can get employed just like a regular adult sim. Yep! Teenage sims can now apply and work for all careers that are available in the game.
You can download this mod on this website.
9. Choose High School Classmates by Rex

This is another straightforward mod that just makes the school life of our sims so much easier. The creator, Rex, created this mod to prevent the game from generating random classmates each given day in High School classes. With this mod, we can click the “Choose High School Classmates” option and assign specific teens to attend daily classes with our sims.
This mod is available for download on this page.
10. Teen Aspirations Bundle Mod by Illkavelle

This mod is totally a cool addition to TS4 High School Years! It gives us four new aspirations exclusive for teenage sims in the game. The Prom Royalty aspiration challenges your sim to become popular and get the prom crown. Next, Overachiever aspiration dares your sim to be the ace student. Then, the Towards Independence aspiration inspires your sim to confront adult choices in their early years. Lastly, the Teenage Rebellion aspiration is for sims who want to use their angst to progress through their teenage lives.
Please click this link to download this mod.
11. Dynamic Teen Life Mod by Adeepindigo

We have another mod by Adeepindigo, which will add color to the lives of our teenage sims and their school adventures! The Dynamic Teen Life mod adds wonderful tweaks to the game. It allows after-school activities, provides a new Popularity System for our teens, gives them all-new social groups, and allows added in-game events for teens, such as Hookups, Group Dates, College Fairs, etc! There are also new gameplay add-ons such as writing on journals, gossiping, mental health activities, and more.
Go and visit this page to download this mod.
12. Check Today’s Events and Sneak out by Illkavelle

We sometimes wish our sims can cut school and sneak somewhere else with their friends! Now they can, with this cool little mod from, once again, creator Ilkavelle. This will let them have an option on their phones to “Check Today’s Events”. If they find an interesting event happening somewhere, they can have the opportunity to sneak out and visit that lot.
Get this mod by Ilkavelle here.
13. More Students at High School Mod by Ksuihuh

This mod allows more student sims to be present at high school lots. Originally, the allowed number of sims in the lots is maxed at 20. This mod raises that allotment until 35. Now, your sims can feel a better school vibe by getting to brush their elbows with more students around the halls!
Visit this page to get this mod.
14. School Uniforms Mod by Ilex

This mod by Ilex allows an overhaul of the school clothing system in The Sims 4. Your sims can now wear their uniforms in other color schemes and styles. What is more, the mod fixes a lot of clothing limitations in the game, Now, there will not be any more velcro school footwear. Plus, wearing these new outfits would allow sims to still wear other accessories.
Get the school uniforms here.
15. Short School Hours for Teenagers Mod by MSQSims

This mod is also from the creator MSQSims. It allows a simple school and teens tweak in the game—it lets your teenage sims attend school for only a short period of time. School for them is now just from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Wow! The teens could then allot more time for their side jobs or after-school activities.
This mod is available here.
Wrapping It Up
School is such an exciting time for all our sims! It is the time to learn more about themselves and discover the paths they’d be taking later down in their lives. At the same time, our sims in their teenage years are in their prime time for the most momentous experiences that life has to offer. Thus, we hope that with these mods that we handpicked for you, you will be able to give the best adventures for your sims who are in their teens or are completing their school milestones. Happy playing simmers!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Lina
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