If you’ve been active on social media platforms like Tumblr or Patreon, chances are you’ve seen clayified hair. It is similar in texture to maxis match, so many Sims fans are drawn to it. In this post, we’ll show you our favorite clayified hair cc options for both your male and female Sims. Enjoy!

A New Hairstyle Trend: Clayified Hair Custom Content!
Simmers, do you ever ask yourselves why you keep searching for custom content? Because the Sims 4 community keeps coming with new packs that are just there to wow us… Well, get ready to be excited, because you’re about to explore a new collection of clayified hair CC!
This collection will include different hairstyle options for both female and male sims, including bob, messy, long, and short styles. So whether your sim is looking for a new everyday look or a special occasion style, they’re sure to find something they admire in this collection!
1. LeahLillith Polly Hair Clayified

While you’re hanging around at kotcatmeow.tumblr.com, check out this fabulous hairstyle as well! It has a perfect shape and the clayified touch just makes it radiate and glow in every direction! It also works in 16 of the 18 base EA colors, so you won’t get bored of it! Download it now from this link!
2. Leahlillith Naira Hair Clayified

And if you were waiting for something wild and lavish – here it is! This beautiful hairstyle has been clayified and given a modern tone. Now it can gleam properly on every Sim you create and give you that exclusive look you want! Here is the direct download link.
3. Leah Lillith Selene Clayified

Locks, on top of locks, on top of locks! Say hello to one of the most beautiful hair mods on the entire internet! The way the texture and the form of the hairstyle are combined is really something special. It also works for males besides females, and can it can be used in combination with hats. All the credits go to Furansims and you can download her CC from this link.
4. Jungkook Hair Clayified

A short and cute haircut is what always makes men attractive! This clayified version is no different and it is a sure way to make your male Sims outstanding! You can download the mesh along with the mod so there are no difficulties there. Thousand thanks to Yorã» for creating the mod which you can download directly from here.
5. Ade-Marina

Let’s get your Sim on a modeling runway with these new and amazing hair mods! You don’t need to search further to get the most fabulous look out there – we did that for you! All you have to do is choose a color that you like most on this awesome hairstyle! The CC is done by Awesomesimmeryt and you can download it from here!
6. NightCrawler Crow Hair

Another creation by Awesomesimmeryt is this wonderful hairstyle. The design and the texture are truly special and the mod looks exceptional in every color! Yes, you need the mesh but the link is provided here! The official source of the CC is The Sims Resource.
7. Nightcrawler Runaway

Long, sleek, and gorgeous – this hair could be the real winner of this list! It makes up for a bombastic appearance on every young Sim, but it’s great on older Sims as well. All the base game colors work and they suit it beautifully. Why wait? Hurry up and download this clayified mod from this link.
8. Anto-Puma Retexture Clayified

And if you were looking for a haircut to make your male Sims dreamy and wanted – here it is! Not only the design is original and deserves all the praises, but the way the base colors play with this mod is fantastical! The creator is Veulir and you can download his CC from our direct link here.
9. Cazy Haley Hair Clayified

This princess hairstyle is something that every female Sim needs! No matter if you are going for a famous career or not, this mod will truly enrich your appearance a thousandfold! Plus it works in almost all of the base EA colors, so you can enjoy a fresh look every day! You can download this clayified CC directly from this link.
10. Grafity Delight Hair Clayified

This hairstyle has it all – glorious braids, cute bits of bangs, and a wonderful crown behind! This mod is certain to achieve excellence in the appearance of your Sims, no matter who or what they are. The clayified design only enhances the hair and you’ve got to try it for yourself! Head over to kotcatmeow.tumblr.com for a download.
11. Leahlillith Bling Hair Clayified

For all of you who are more independent and out-of-the-norm – here we have for you an incredible addition to your hair collection! These twin tails are polished in such a manner to shine in every color they come. And they do! Don’t wait for too long and download this awesome CC from here.
12. Leahlillith Horizonte Hair Clayified

Do you play an ambitious Sim? Then you definitely need this clayified hair mod to achieve that highest level of gorgeous! The overall work done on the mod is really for applauding and it also works in the 16 of the base EA colors. The official source is kotcatmeow.tumblr.com but you can download it directly from here.
13. Leahlillith Layla Hair Clayified

This time we are full of new and interesting hair mods! Take a look at this super cool clayified hairstyle that will completely transform your Sims from typical and ordinary to entirely fresh and delightful! You can also find it at kotcatmeow.tumblr.com or you can download it directly from this link.
14. LeahLillith Palace Hair Clayified

Getting ready for a festival or a celebration? But no matter where you go, this mod has been made for a powerful Sim and some powerful reactions! With the clayifying, this hairstyle has gotten even more elegant and even more luxurious! You shouldn’t wait to try this one, so visit kotcatmeow.tumblr.com or download it directly from here.
15. Clayified Skysims Aliza Cosmic Retexture

The bangs and braid style is back again here and in a more glorious light! This retextured hair mod looks simply amazing inside the game and we recommend it to everyone who wants to try something different! You can download this clayified hair from here.
16. Jakea Eternity Clayified

Long wavy locks, great volume and an overall relaxed vibe – this hairstyle doesn’t miss anything! The clayifying has only polished the true beauty of this design and with the new retexture – this mod has become a truly perfect hair addition! Hurry up and download it from this link!
17. Nevaeh Clayified + Accessory Recolor

We’re concluding this compilation with an awesome clayified mod Weepingsimmer. The unique looks of this hairstyle alone have charmed us, but we also love the fact that you can use it on male or female, young or old Sims! The mesh is needed of course, but you can find it at the download link as well. Don’t wait too long to try this one! Have a blast!
Final words
Well, Simmers! This was our list of some of the coolest clayified hair custom content packs. If you’re overwhelmed with options, allow us to further dazzle you with the links below. Happy simming!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicolas
SnootySims @ Patreon
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