100 Traits Mod to Make Your Sims More Unique!

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Author: Nicole
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Tired of giving your sims the same traits over and over again? Looking for new characteristics to give them more unique identities? You’re going to love this mod.

100 Traits

The Sims 4 has over 60 traits you can choose from when creating your sims. A lot of them are realistic and useful, but there are also a handful that you probably don’t use very much. Who wants a neighborhood full of mean or gloomy or evil sims? That being said, once you’ve created enough characters you’ll probably find yourself selecting from the same handful of traits over and over again.

Vicky Sims created the 100 Base Game Traits Pack which brings a selection of new traits to The Sims 4 so you can create dynamic, nuanced characters that aren’t all the same. There are currently 2 versions of the mod which have over 100 traits you can use to create unique personalities for every kind of sim.


What kind of sim are you?

There’s a lot to this mod; make sure to read up on everything so you can take full advantage of what it has to offer! Vicky Sims is currently working on a Version 3 so be sure to keep up with their website for the most up-to-date version.

They have created a helpful spreadsheet with the status of their mods so you can be sure that you have the most accurate info.

100 Base Game Traits Version 1.6

Version 1 of the mod is currently at 1.6 and contains most of the content. The traits are broken down into 5 types:

  • Emotional Responses
  • Social Behavior
  • Intimate Relationships
  • Physical Appearence
  • Talents & Weaknesses

These traits will show up in their respective sections of CAS’ trait menu, with appropriate animations to match them. Players have the option to use the traits as CAS items or as Rewards Store add-ons in order to get around the 3-trait limit in CAS, but unfortunately you cannot install both versions.

If you choose the Rewards version of the new traits you will also need to install a way to access them; Vicky Sims has a Traits Picker mod and an AddTraitsMenu mod that you can choose to use if you wish.

100 Base Game Traits Version 2.5

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This newer version of the 100 traits mod makes some changes to the way the mod behaves, but is compatible with version 1.6. To use them together, you need to delete the Emotional Responses and Physical Appearance folders of 1.6 before installing 2.5, as these traits were updated between versions.

Unlike the previous version of the mod, this iteration allows you to have both CAS and Rewards Store traits installed at once. Unfortunately though since Version 2.5 only includes some of the trait types right now, you won’t be able to have it both ways for every single new trait.

It’s a little confusing to follow, but if you want to get all of the traits to show up in the most accurate and up-to-date way, you’ll need to combine the two versions. Here’s how it looks for me with the traits installed for CAS:

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Version 2 has all the traits merged into a single .package which is why those appear as single files, while the Version 1 traits are in folders. Reading the Download Instructions at the bottom of this page clarifies it as simply as possible.

Add-Ons and Other Mods

In addition to being compatible with other mods they’ve created (which are listed on both versions of the 100 traits download pages), Vicky Sims has made an add-on for users of Lumpinou’s Mood Pack Mod. The mood pack mod is needed to use a variety of other mods so it’s nice that there’s added compatibility there.

If you’re a player who likes to do the Not So Berry Challenge, Vicky Sims has made a modified version of the challenge using their traits. They also have a challenge to create the unluckiest sim ever! Check them out.

Version 2.5 has an add-on file called “chingyu_CommonTraitsMenu_forV2” that will allow you to manually enable/disable buffs that come with the new traits.

Take a look at our guide to the Not So Berry Challenge!

Get The Mod!

If you want to give the 100 Base Game Traits mod a try or read up on more information about it, click here to go to the mod main page!

Closing Thoughts

100 Base Game Traits is a mod that’s continuing to evolve, but still brings a massive amount of content to The Sims 4. If you’re the kind of player who wants more dynamic characters with realistic personality traits you’ll definitely want to check it out. What kind of sims will you create? Have fun combining different personality traits to create characters as unique as you are. Enjoy and happy simming!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole

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I've been playing The Sims since the first game launched way back in 2000 and have been using CC for over 20 years. As a creative person with an interest in design, The Sims games have always been a great outlet for me whether I'm creating a cool sim, trying a new build style, or dabbling in CC making. The Sims really is a wonderful medium for all sorts of creative outlets and I'm happy to share my enthusiasm with other like-minded players!

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