Are you looking for ways to take care of your kid’s grades fast? School cheats are the way to go as they give you absolute control over kids’ school performance, no matter if they are high school, or grade school students. To find out more about how to use these cheats, keep reading!

Below you’ll find related school cheats, mods and challenges for an awesome gameplay!
school in sims 4
School is one of the unavoidable elements of growing up in the Sims world. Kids and teenagers all need to attend classes regularly, get to school on time, and do their best to keep up with homework. They have a system of grades from F to A to rank their success in school.
Although Sims could always attend school, with Sims 4: High School Years, school life is richer and more realistic than ever. If your kid neglects homework and misses out on school frequently, they will become an F student, and the social service of Sims 4 will take them away from you. They can even take after-school activities! Because sometimes you just need to focus on other elements of your storyline, let’s see what the magic world of grades cheats can do for you!
Why and when to Use school cheats?
Anyone who has played an 8-member household knows what it’s like to lose track of the daily activities of each family member. The ideal study mood for students is Focused, and it takes time to fix grades if they drop too low. While kids are done with homework relatively fast, teens need around 4 hours to complete their homework, which is a lot of time, considering they are also spending a lot of time just going to school. Unlike kids, they can’t Breeze Through or Dominate their homework.
Sometimes we just want to skip the school part and let our kids and teens focus on skills and fun. Other times simply need to get quick results that align with our gameplay scenarios. Either way, cheats are a good way to get a handle of grades, improve focus or deal with after-school activities! Some school cheats are irreversible, while others give you more space to experiment and revert back. Let’s dive into it!
how to activate cheats?
Before we jump into activating school cheats, let’s first do the necessary – activate cheats. The universal cheat for that is testingcheats true and you’ll need to type it into a special dialogue box in the upper left corner of your screen, and hit Enter button. To open this cheat box, if you are playing on PC, press CTRL + SHIFT + C.
- If you use Playstation: press both bumpers (R1 + R2 + L1 + L2). Use the ”X” button to select the chat box.
- If you use Xbox: press and hold both bumpers (LT + RT + LB + RB). Use the ”A” button to select the box.
- If you use Mac: press CMD + SHIFT + C.
Once cheats are successfully activated, simply use the same method for opening the chat box for all other school cheats.
How to Get Better Grades With Cheats in Grade School
Your youngest doesn’t have to spend ages doing homework to get straight A’s. There are school cheats that allow you to go a few levels up, or down, depending on what your objective is.
To level up, all you need to do is type careers.promote Gradeschool, hit that Enter button, and this will instantly rank them a level higher. You might have to repeat this a few times, depending on how bad their initial grades are. For instance, if your kid has a C grade, to get them to an A grade, you’ll have to use the cheat code twice.
If you love drama and are plotting for your kid to be taken away for having bad grades and being neglected, you can also use the counter-cheat to drop their grades as low as an F. To do that, type careers.demote Gradeschool. Feel free to use these school cheats as many times as necessary.
How to Get Better Grades With Cheats in High School
Now, here comes the high school version of the previous grades cheats. If you have a reckless teen that just refuses to stay on schedule and study, you can always turn to cheats. Open a dialogue box, type careers.promote Highschool, hit Enter, and watch their grades change instantly.
If you are aiming for a reverse effect and would like to make young troublemakers, or make them shift grades for worse, type careers.demote Highschool and press Enter to activate it. You can play with both high school grade cheats to fluctuate between levels as you desire and shift easily from a straight F student to an honorable student.
Want to include preschool education in your gameplay? Check out this Preschool Mod!
Cheats to Help You Graduate School Faster
If you are bored with seeing your teens go to school every day and have bigger plans for them and school is stealing your precious time, worry not. ”A” grade students have a chance to graduate faster than others and do better once they get employed as young adults. However, thanks to school cheats, this perk isn’t only limited to A students.
You can make any student graduate school early by typing traits.equip_trait trait_hsexit_graduate_early in the dialogue box. You can even make them graduate with honors and shine in all their brilliance by typing traits.equip_trait trait_hsexit_graduate_honors.
Or, if you want to make your Sim super ambitious and get them to not only graduate but also become a Valedictorian, we got your back. Use traits.equip_trait trait_hsexit_graduate_valedictorian, and your wish will be fulfilled!
How to Get Expelled With Cheats
Thanks to Sims 4: High School Years, students can drop out of school via computer by clicking on High School > Drop Out of High School. This will prevent them from taking some career paths as they progress to the next stage of life. However, did you know that thanks to school cheats, you can also get them expelled? All you need to do is type traits.equip_trait trait_hsexit_expelled in the cheat box, confirm the action, and watch your teen Sim say goodbye to high school once and for all.
If you end up regretting getting your Sim expelled, give this School Quit & Rejoin Mod a go.
How to Get your Students to Focus?
No matter if they are going to grade or high school, your kids and teens will need to be focused to study. Students who have a Focused moodlet learn much faster and get their tasks done with fewer hurdles and procrastination. There are two ways you can do that – by directly applying a cheat on your Sim, and second, by making their space more inspiring for studying.
The first of these school cheats is add_buff FocusedHigh. However, if you’d like to extend the Focused period for your students, type in sims.add_buff e_buff_focused, press Enter to confirm, and this will instantly activate the 12-hour Focused moodlet period, which is more than enough to get good results in whatever they are earning.
You can use a counter-cheat whenever you decide to stop the Focused effect. For that, you will need to type in sims.remove_all_buffs and this will cancel out the previous moodlet.
The second, and more ‘’organic’’ way to do it is to unlock home decor that will help them focus. To do that, type bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement in the dialogue box. This will grant you access to all objects that enhance focus, so go ahead and place them in their workspace.
cheats for after school activities
Sims who join after school activities, need some help, too. There are four after school activities they can opt for from Sims 4: High School Years. To get them promoted or demoted in any of their chosen activities, use these after school activity cheats:
- Cheerleader Team – careers.promote hsteam_cheerteam (or to demote – careers.demote hsteam_cheerteam)
- Chess Team – careers.promote hsteam_chessteam (or to demote – careers.demote hsteam_chessteam)
- Computer Team – careers.promote hsteam_computerteam (or to demote – careers.demote hsteam_computerteam)
- Football Team – careers.promote hsteam_footballteam (or to demote – careers.demote hsteam_footballteam)
Or, to help them gain rewards from these after-school activities faster, try these school cheats codes:
- Cheerleader team reward – traits.equip_trait trait_reward_hsteam_cheerteam
- Chess team reward – traits.equip_trait trait_reward_hsteam_chessteam
- Computer team reward – traits.equip_trait trait_reward_hsteam_computerteam
- Football team reward – traits.equip_trait trait_reward_hsteam_footballteam
Want to expand after school opportunities for your Sims? To get a mod that adds more fun activities, go here.
School can take a lot of precious time, especially if you have other objectives. Cheats are a great way to control the outcome regarding grades, activities, and efficiency when stying. Whether you will use them is up to you. Some can be endlessly played with, while others, like the cheat for getting expelled, are irreversible, so always have that in mind. Enjoy your gameplay!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Jovanna
SnootySims @ Patreon
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