Sims 4 Gardening Career Guide: How To Become a Botanist Or A Florist

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Author: Jovanna

Have you come across the idea that your Sims could potentially be the next best green thumb – and earn money doing so? If so, you are in the right place. Here is everything you need to know about the Sims 4 gardening career.

Gardening Career

Sims 4 Gardening Career: Turn Your Love For Plants Into A Profitable Career!

If you are one of those simmers who have Seasons installed, you are in luck, especially if you love gardening and plants! Seasons EP features a lovely semi-active, hybrid career, the Gardener Career, which has two fabulous branches: Botanist and Florist. Being all about greenery, this job relies heavily on gardening skill, followed by logic and flower arranging, depending on what your Sim wants to specialize in. Here are all the details about ranks, promotions, and rewards!

More on SNOOTYSIMS: Would you like to make gardening easier for your Sim? Gardening cheats can surely help! 

Gardening Cheats Featured Image

Ideal Mood, Compatible Traits, and Aspirations

While the ideal mood on early levels seems to be Energized, Florists will thrive when inspired, and Botanists will benefit from being focused. Botanists can benefit from the Genius trait since they get randomly focused, while Florists will benefit from the Creative trait, which gives random Inspired moodlets. Sims who have the Loves Outdoors trait are happy when outdoors, and will enjoy this career more.

The most compatible aspiration for gardeners is Freelance Botanist, as its milestones focus on gardening and improving gardening skills, which matches daily promotion tasks for this career. However, none of these are a must for succeeding as a Gardener, and you are always free to choose any trait or aspiration you like.

What To Expect From The Gardening Career?

Gardener Career 1

Since this is a semi-active career, there is an option to work from home, and you will get a popup notification asking you whether you want your Sim to complete job tasks at home or go to work every hour before their shift.

Choosing to send your Sim to work will send them down the rabbit hole, where you can control their performance by clicking on their image. If they choose the second option, they will get special tasks to complete during the shift, which you can find in the career section in the bottom right corner of your screen. Working from home will give you a chance to tend to your garden during the shift, and improve skills as you complete tasks.

Early Career Levels

Gardener Career 4

If you have some simoleons to spare, go a buy seeds from your PC. Plant some plants, as your daily task on beginner levels will be to harvest harvestables, and slowly start learning gardening skill. Your Sim’s performance will depend on the cycles of nature, so keep track of seasons, as different plants can be harvested at different times of the year.

Early levels don’t offer much in terms of rewards, though. While your Sim will receive some seed packets, a sprinkler, new CAS outfits, a planter, and some decor, there is not much else to expect before specializing. They will have an option to Blog About Gardening Tips from level 2, which can give them some fame points and a positive moodlet.

However, these blogs aren’t always well-received, in which case they will get a negative moodlet. Those who choose to stay and work from home will have gardening-related tasks to complete, such as purchasing seeds, harvesting or fertilizing pants.

1. Dirt Digger$20/hour
Sat-Sun, Tue-Thu
Harvest Harvestables,
Level 2 Gardening Skill
2. Soil-Sifter$21/hour
Sat-Sun, Tue-Thu
Harvest Harvestables,
Level 3 Gardening Skill
– $300
– Starter Herbs
(Seed Packet)
– Blog About Gardening Tips computer interaction
3. Seed Scatterer$23/hour
Sat-Sun, Tue-Thu
Harvest Harvestables,
Level 4 Gardening Skill
– $400
– Starter Fruits
(Seed Packet)
– Garden Planter Box
4. Leaf Cutter$25/hour
Sat-Sun, Tue-Thu
Harvest Harvestables,
Level 5 Gardening Skill
– $500
– Seasonal Summer Plants
– Sprinkle-O-Matic
2001 (Sprinkler)
– #1 Mom Wall Decal

Gardening Career: Botanist Branch

Gardener Career 2

The Botanist branch blends gardening with science. Your Sim will be expected to not only work on gardening skills, but also polish logic, and will need to max out both. The ideal mood for the Botanist branch seems to be focused, and most decorative pieces your Sim will receive give a focused aura. Besides building skills, their promotion tasks on all levels will be to harvest harvestables.

At level 7, your botanist will receive the Life Under a Microscope, which is a huge microscope that can be used to analyze microscope plant samples. However, the best reward is the ability to Submit Grant Proposals, unlocked at level 6, which, if all goes well, can earn them a couple of hundreds of simoleons, and some fame points. 

Sims will unlock the ability to Blog About Scientific Findings at level 5 to get positive or negative moodlets, and Post Phytological Breakthrough at level 8, which can boost their focus. Should they stay at home, their work-from-home tasks will include anything related to gardening, from fertilizing plants, and researching gardening, to splicing, collecting, and analyzing microscope samples.

5. Plant Nerd$40/hour
Harvest Harvestables,
Level 6 Gardening Skill,
Level 2 Logic Skill
– $600
– Cowplant Berry
– Blog About Scientific Findings computer interaction
6. Stem Researcher$45/hour
Harvest Harvestables,
Level 7 Gardening Skill,
Level 4 Logic Skill
– $700
– The Drifter
7. Sap Splicer$70/hour
Harvest Harvestables,
Level 8 Gardening Skill,
Level 6 Logic Skill
– $800
– Life Under a Microscope
8. Flower Fellow$75/hour
Harvest Harvestables,
Level 9 Gardening Skill,
Level 8 Logic Skill
– $900
– Hooplankton
– Post Phytological Breakthrough computer interaction
9. Bouquet Biologist$90/hour
Harvest Harvestables,
Level 10 Gardening Skill, Level 10 Logic Skill
– $1,000
– Rhapsody in Blue
10. PhD of Pollen$420/hour
Harvest Harvestables– $1,200
– Blemish Blossom

Gardening Career: Floral Designer Branch

Gardening Career 3

Sims who decide to become Floral Designers will spend a lot of time crafting flower arrangements at the flower arranging table, maxing out gardening and flower arranging skills to get ahead. Designing arrangements is a creative craft, and the ideal mood for this branch is inspired.

Level 5 unlocks the ability to Blog About Arrangement Tips on the computer and Find Flora-Design Cliantele under the web section on the computer, both of which can make your Sim focused for 4 hours. The great part about this branch is that your Sims can make money on the side from their flower-arranging skill.

If they choose to work from home, their daily tasks will revolve around fertilizing plants, harvesting flowers, and making and gifting flower arrangements. Apart from the arranging table and some decor, there is not much to expect from rewards.

5. Petal-Placer$35/hour
Craft Flower Arrangement,
Level 6 Gardening Skill,
Level 2 Flower Arranging Skill
– $550
– Bonsai Tree
– Blog About Arrangement Tips computer interaction
– Find Flora-Design Cliantele computer interaction
6. Stem Cutter$42/hour
Craft Flower Arrangement,
Level 7 Gardening Skill,
Level 4 Flower Arranging Skill
– $650
– Violets are Blue Flower Arranging Table
7. Anther Artist$60/hour
Craft Flower Arrangement,
Level 8 Gardening Skill,
Level 6 Flower Arranging Skill
– $750
– Caress Wheel Barrench
8. Floral Organizer$60/hour
Craft Flower Arrangement,
Level 9 Gardening Skill,
Level 8 Flower Arranging Skill
– $850
– Starblossoms
9. Leafy Luminary$75/hour
Craft Flower Arrangement,
Level 10 Gardening, Level 10 Flower Arranging Skill
– $950
– “Blossoming Beauty” Wall Painting
10. Visionary of Vases$350/hour
Craft Flower Arrangements– $1,000
– Domec Floral Floor Vase
– A Single Rose

Wrapping It Up!

The Gardening career is a splendid choice for Sims who love plants and gardening. They can earn a nice sum doing what they love, plus get some decent side income selling flower arrangements, or selling harvestables they grow and collect at home, which is a great deal. We hope you found this guide helpful, enjoy your gameplay, and happy simming!

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