The Sims 2 UI Mod: Soak In The Millennial Nostalgia!

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Author: Nicole
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Do you miss playing what’s arguably the best game in the mainline Sims series? Travel back in time with this fantastic Sims 2 UI Mod!

Sims 2 UI Mod

I can still remember the first time I booted up The Sims 2; I loaded into the Pleasant House and was immediately overwhelmed with the new 360° of view and free movement the camera had, compared to its isometric and rigid predecessor. And wait, there were Teenagers in this game? And Toddlers?! It was clearly cutting-edge gameplay technology.

Hard to believe looking back on it now that The Sims 2 was once considered a mind-blowing graphical upgrade, especially when it you compare it to The Sims 4, but most simmers who played both games can agree that TS2 introduced and/or included plenty of content that we’re still missing in our game today. And thanks to the talented modder vyxated, we can now bring some of that nostalgia to today’s Sims game and relive some of those glory days.

The Sims 2 UI Mod


This comprehensive Sims 2 UI mod has a huge amount of freedom in how you customize it, with lots of little optional packages you can add or exclude to really make it perfect for you. Let’s go over the details!

The Core Sims 2 UI Mod

UI Cheats Extension

In order to use the main core mod, you will need to have UI Cheats Extension installed. The Sims 2 UI mod must load before UI Cheats does, but the files are named as such that this should happen automatically so long as you don’t go fiddling with the filenames (and if you do, make sure UI cheats comes after the Sims 2 UI mod alphabetically). The core mod changes the UI of the game to a more TS2 feel, with those classic deep blue hues.

Add-On Packages by vyxated

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Where the Sims 2 UI mod really shines is in all the other add-ons. Some of the other creations are by vyxated while others have been linked for a more cohesive experience. You can pick and choose what you want, but for the best experience you’ll want to install them all.

The Sims 2 UI mod has versions of the Loading and Opening screens in several aspect ratios and languages so it can be used by simmers of all kinds. You’ll get options to change the mouse cursor color/style and decide what type of notification screen you want to see; there’s even a full cell phone screen override complete with TS2-ified icons!

Other add-ons by vyxated that aren’t necessary but recommended are linked in the post and include a CAS screen modeled after the one from The Body Shop, gizmo & grid overrides for Buy/Build mode (in many colors), and a decorative taxi like the one from the travel screen that can be used as another way for your sims to get around.

Add-On Packages By Other Creators

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On the mod post you will also find links to a whole bunch of other creations that are definitely worth adding to your Mods folder for a fully nostalgic experience.

More on SNOOTYSIMS: Find the right vibe for your map view with these Maps mods!


The Comparison

So you’re probably reading all of this and thinking to yourself, “if the Sims 2 UI mod is so good, let’s see it!” Don’t worry simmers, we’re here to deliver! I booted up The Sims 2 and took some images* to make a comparison so you can see just how great this new UI mod really is!
*Screenshotting wasn’t working for TS2 so these images are of a photographed computer screen.

The Loading Screen is an almost perfect replication
Considering how different CAS is now, the vibes are there (especially with the right CAS override)
Buy Build
We have many more Buy-Build tools now but you still can’t go wrong with that classic blue UI
Neighborhood Screen
There are even floating plumbobs over occupied homes!

When I first loaded up the new mod and entered a residential lot I was immediately pulled back in time almost 20 years, with the memorable TS2 sound of my sim’s whim being satisfied as I heard the move-in taxi pull away. It’s been well over a decade since I heard those sounds but I felt like a teenager again immediately!

Final Thoughts

Is the Sims 2 UI mod an exact match for the original? No, but The Sims 4 is a totally different animal so we can’t really expect a 1-for-1 replica. However, it perfectly captures the vibes of TS2 while updating the UI to work for our current game. If you’re a long-time player of the franchise who is a sucker for nostalgia or a younger simmer that digs the older look, this UI mod is absolutely one I 100% recommend. Testing it out made me feel warm & fuzzy inside and I hope it does the same for you.

Which Sims mainline is your favorite out of the 4? What features from TS2 do you wish we had today? Let us know in the comments below, and happy simming!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole

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I've been playing The Sims since the first game launched way back in 2000 and have been using CC for over 20 years. As a creative person with an interest in design, The Sims games have always been a great outlet for me whether I'm creating a cool sim, trying a new build style, or dabbling in CC making. The Sims really is a wonderful medium for all sorts of creative outlets and I'm happy to share my enthusiasm with other like-minded players!

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