Looking for some cool remote jobs for your Sims? Look no further! There are a few work from home Sims 4 careers, and this guide will cover them all. Stay tuned to learn how to get a remote job and work from the comfort of our home in TS4!

What Are Work From Home Jobs In Sims 4?
Sometimes our Sims can really benefit from remote jobs! Work-from-home jobs allow them to complete job tasks from the comfort of their home office, or make career progress without having to go to work and disappear down the rabbit hole. Luckily, there are quite a few options that allow that in the game, and classic freelancing is just one of the options.
For example, Sims can also register as self-employed at the Ministry of Labor, or choose semi-active jobs, where they can choose to go to work or opt to work from home. Additionally, some part-time careers also allow work from home for teens, and we will now cover all of them! Let’s see what remote career options there are in the game, and how Sims can work from home, depending on the type of career they opt for freelance, self-employed, hybrid, or part-time!
1. Become A Freelancer And Work From Home Full Time

Thanks to the Freelance career option from the base game, players can have a work from home career in the most literal sense. There are a few freelance jobs Sims can do: Digital Artist, Programmer, Writer, Paranormal Investigator, SIMply Crafted Creator, and Photographer.
All of these work on the same principle, although gigs and tasks are different. For instance, Photographers will need to do photo shoots with cool backdrops, how cool is that? A freelance job will always be listed in the jobs panel among all other careers, and like all other careers, it has a performance bar. Once employed, your Sims will need to adapt to different clients and meet deadlines – much like real freelancers! This is how to work as a freelancer in Sims 4:
Take Gigs
Now that you are employed as a freelancer, it’s time for your first gig! Just like real freelancers, they will need to take projects/gigs every day to earn a living. You can find these in the carer panel or on the phone. Every gig will have a small list of tasks to be completed to finalize the gig. This can be anything, from chatting to a client, to taking photos if your Sim is a photographer. To check what tasks they have, just look for them in the career panel, where you can track career progress.
Improve Key Skills
Every freelance job has skills Sims needs to master, and every gig has skill requirements. The more skilled they are, the better clients and projects they can land. As they progress, they will get 10% higher pay every time they rank up. Gigs that show in gray are unavailable. This simply means you have to help them polish their skills a bit to unlock that opportunity. So, if your Sim is a freelance programmer, make sure they master the programming skill as fast as they can to land better-paying jobs.
Meet The Deadlines And Pace Your Sim
Every gig has a deadline. If you happen to finish the gig before it’s due, kudos to you. Your Sim may even get a bonus! However, failing to turn over the work on time will result in decreased work performance and no paycheck. Sims can take more than one gig per day, so how much they earn will pretty much depend on how hard-working and efficient they are. This just means you are free to take another one and make even more simoleons. New gigs will always be available.
More on SNOOTYSIMS: Follow your Sims as they take on the daily adventures of their jobs with this awesome Active Careers Mod for The Sims 4!
2. Register as a Self-Employed Sim With the Ministry of Labor!
Another cool way to work from home is to register under the Ministry of Labor. This base game option allows Sims to come up with their unique job title and make their hobby a real job. Sims who license songs, grow and sell veggies, paint, fish, make candles, collect and craft, bake, knit, breed horses, make sculptures or floral decorations can all legally register as self-employed with this option. These are just some ideas!
Keep in mind that self-employed Sims are not employed like those who have regular careers, and won’t have gigs or daily promotion tasks. To work from home as a self-employed Sim means to set their own rules. They get to choose when they work, how much they work, and how they sell their goods. There is no career meter, no ranking up, no need to track progress, and no deadlines or limitations.
You get to decide what skills your Sim needs, how fast they learn them, how many products they sell, or how they present their services!
3. Choose If You Want To Work From Home With Hybrid Careers

Hybrid careers are all careers that allow you to choose if you want to send your Sim to work and have them disappear down the rabbit hole (go to work), or have them stay at home and work remotely. They are ”semi-active”, because you can be present while Sims works at home and actively engages in completing daily promotion tasks, but don’t have to. There are a few of them in the game, and all are listed in the table below:
Civil Designer | Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle |
Conservationist | Sims 4: Island Living |
Critic | Sims 4: City Living |
Education | Sims 4: Discover University |
Engineering | Sims 4: Discover University |
Gardener | Sims 4: Seasons |
Law | Sims 4: Discover University |
Military | Sims 4: StrangerVille |
Politician | Sims 4: City Living |
Social Media | Sims 4: City Living |
Style Influencer | Base game |
How To Work From Home In Semi-Active Careers?
Every work day, 1 hour before your shift starts, the game will notify you it’s time to choose if you want your Sim to go to work or complete job tasks at home. This reminder will show in the bottom left corner. You get to choose this every 1 hour before every work day.
Every semi-active (hybrid) job has unique tasks Sims has to complete during their shift when at home. For instance, a beginner Civil Designer may need to work a little with the recycler or fabricator to complete their daily tasks, and Style Influencers may need to do some blogging.
Much like with freelance careers, these tasks are listed in the career panel. If unsure how to complete them, just hoover over the task and you’ll see a brief description of what needs to be done.
4. Try Part-Time Jobs For Teens And Adults
Part-time jobs are great options for teens and older Sims to earn some cash without having to work full time, and there are two of these jobs that can be done at home – Simfluencer and Video Game Streamer. Both come with Sims 4:High School Years and have 3 career levels. Although part-time, both are also hybrid jobs, which means you can choose to work from home if you want to.
Some of the daily tasks Simfluencers are asked to rank up are making business plans, making product reviews, or updating online bios. Video Game Streamers will have similar tasks, but will also need to hold gaming livestreams.
Final Thoughts
So, these were all job options that let Sims do their job at home, in one form or another. While freelance careers require at-home engagement all the time, hybrid careers allow you to pick what feels right and send a Sim to regular rabbit hole work if you don’t want to monitor them. You choose. Happy simming!
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