Use the Singing Cheat to Make your Sim a Siren!

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Author: Nicole
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With the singing cheat you can turn your sim into a top-level crooner or the ultimate pop star sensation!

Singing Cheat
The Sims 4 Singing Cheat

The Sims 4 has many skills your sims can gain over time, some of which aren’t necessarily needed for career advancement and instead are just for fun. Examples include the Bowling and Selvadoradian Culture skills. Singing is another skill that isn’t strictly needed for work performance, but it can be used in multiple ways to improve the quality of your sims’ lives.

Belt Those Tunes!

The singing skill was introduced with City Living, and having a high singing skill can help your sim in a number of ways.

Sing in the Karaoke Contest to win Simoleons and Prizes

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Performing well at a Karaoke Contest can earn simoleons!

On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays at 8:00pm you can head to a Karaoke Bar in San Myshuno and perform in the Karaoke Contest. Your sim will earn points based on the quality of their performance(s) and if they score the most points that night, they’ll win simoleons! And the higher your sim’s singing skill, the more song varieties they will have to choose from to perform.

If your sim is a talented singer, this is an awesome way to make a not-insignificant amount of money and would be a great supplement to someone who freelances, goes to University, or is just looking for a little side hustle. If you want your sim to perform in the Karaoke Contest it’s best to start early, as the first singer to perform is awarded the win in the event two sims tie for 1st place.

Learn more about Karaoke Bars and other Community Lots here!

Write & license songs to earn Royalties

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Make passive income from writing & licensing songs!

Sims who are musically gifted can write song lyrics & music that can be licensed for royalties. A sim must be at Singing level 8 to write lyrics and Singing level 9 to begin licensing their songs. Your sim will also need a microphone or level 3 in a musical instrument for these actions to be available.

When you have a song written that you want your sim to license, click on the mailbox and select “License Song.” Unfortunately you can only license one song per week per instrument, so your sim will have to be incredibly musically inclined if they want to license multiple tracks each week.

The amount a sim will receive in royalties will depend on their skill level(s) and the quality of the song. It’s not much of a money maker in the beginning but if you keep your sims at it, they can begin pulling in a sizeable passive income. And if they’re skilled in other instruments you can earn even more money by busking on the side!

You can find out more about how royalties work for singers, musicians, videographers, and authors alike by visiting this link!

Serenade other Sims & leave them smitten!

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A good Serenade can really get the flirty vibes flowing.

If your sim is in a Flirty mood and really wants to lay on the romance to a partner, they can sweep their love interest off their feet with a Serenade. A successful Serenade session will give your sim a +2 Flirty moodlet for a whopping 8 hours and will increase the odds that even riskier romantic options will go over well. It’s the perfect catalyst for an amazing date or a steamy sleepover!

Want to woo you sims in more ways than just singing? How about a kiss that will sweep them off their feet?

The Singing Cheat

If these perks all sound amazing and you don’t want to take the time to skill build organically, the Singing cheat has got you covered!

All skills in The Sims 4 tend to follow the same general formula, so if you’re familiar with other skill cheats you shouldn’t have any trouble using the singing cheat. If you haven’t already, make sure you’ve enabled cheats and have the sim whose singing skill you want to change selected as an active sim. Then enter the singing cheat:

stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing 10

This will max your sim’s singing skill, but you can change the “10” to any number between 1-10 to set their singing skill exactly where you want it to be.

And that’s it! Now your sim can croon to their heart’s delight, earning simoleons and pulling in hotties along the way!

Closing Notes

Though the singing ability isn’t going to fundamentally change your sim’s life, it can help incrementally improve their lives in a number of ways. Whether your sim just wants to have more game at the Karaoke Bar, hopes to earn some money singing in contests or writing songs, or they want to woo the object of their affection by way of their vocal chops, the singing skill will get them there. And with the magic of the Singing cheat, you can help them get there even faster. Give it a try, and enjoy the dulcet tones of a sim serenade. Happy simming!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole

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I've been playing The Sims since the first game launched way back in 2000 and have been using CC for over 20 years. As a creative person with an interest in design, The Sims games have always been a great outlet for me whether I'm creating a cool sim, trying a new build style, or dabbling in CC making. The Sims really is a wonderful medium for all sorts of creative outlets and I'm happy to share my enthusiasm with other like-minded players!

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