Jungle Adventure Cheat Sheet For The Sims 4

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Author: Dyan
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Do your Sims love exploring the Selvadorada Region? Well, make sure they are equipped with the right tools and the essential Jungle Adventure Cheats to help them out, just in case their journey goes sour!

Jungle Adventure Featured Image

The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure

Jungle Adventure is one of the most interesting game packs ofTthe Sims 4. Having been around since 2018, the said game pack allows your Sims to explore the vast wilderness of Selvadorada, a lush rainforest filled with unexpected challenges, amazing treasures, and other discoveries. If you want your Sims to have an easier time in the forest, then we got you! Be sure to read through this article for the Jungle Adventure cheats that you need.

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credits: elleneedscoffee

How to Open Console Commands

Before everything else, you’ll need to access the console commands first. To do that, you’ll need to open the console by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + C on your keyboard simultaneously. Second, you’ll need to input testingcheats true to activate the cheats before you type them. You can also check out our testingcheats article here for the full guide.

Sims 4 Jungle Adventure Cheats: Skill Alteration

  • stats.set_skill_level Minor_LocalCulture X – This cheat allows you to modify and edit your Sims’ culture level skill on Selvadoradian.
  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Archaeology XX – Typing this cheat provides you with the ability to change your Archaeology skills according to your desires.

Take note that for the Minor Local Culture cheat, the X represents the value that you can choose from, 1 being the lowest and 5 being highest. For the Major Archaeology skills, the maximum value that you can input is 10, with 1 being the minimum. Going higher than the allowed preset may not work or cause your game to crash. Be sure to make a backup save just in case you’re going to input these Jungle Adventure cheats on your Sims 4 copy to make sure you’re not gonna have to start over again.

More on SNOOTYSIMS: If going on quests in the tropical forest sounds fun, then Jungle Adventure is a pack you should take into serious consideration! Read on if you are curious to discover more about its key features through this full guide!

Featured image for The Sims 4: Jungle Adventure

Helpful Traits for the Sims 4 Jungle Adventure

If you’re going hunting or simply want to explore the jungles, there’s nothing more beneficial than having the best traits to accompany you in your journey. Whether you’re trying to hunt treasures or just trying to appreciate the beauty of the jungle, then take these traits with you.

  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Archaeology – The museum is like your own house. You’re more flirty on dates inside them and you also have the ability to get artifacts donated to the Museum.
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_JungleExplorer – Traits like this one will help you find treasure chests more than people who don’t have one.

Skeleton and Death Cheats

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credits: elleneedscoffee

Some of these of these cheats will harm Sims, make them suffer, or kill them instantly. Make sure you’re inputting the right cheat in order for you to activate them.

  • traits.equip_trait poison – This trait cheat will kill your Sims via poison instantly.
  • sims.add_buff curses_MarkedForDeath_Common – Repairing items will electrocute you.
  • sims.add_buff curses_MarkedForDeath_Rare – Your sims will die from poisoning within 3 days. Needs antidote to remove the poison.
  • sims.add_buff curses_MarkedForDeath_Uncommon – You’re randomly combusting.
  • traits.equip_trait Trait_Hidden_Skeleton_ServiceSkeleton – Makes you a skeleton for life.
  • sims.add_buff Buff_Skeleton – For 12 hours straight, you’re a skelly.
  • sims.remove_buff Buff_Skeleton – Cleanses the Skeleton buff.

Things You Need to Remember

Any Sim who’s not really suited for jungles and the lush forest will definitely have a hard time in the vast and dangerous area. It can be quite a trouble! If they aren’t properly-equipped, they may end up losing some points, items, or worse, they may end up dead. Here are some things to keep in mind to keep your Sims well all throughout their journey:

  • Take Care of Sims’ Needs – You’ll really want to bring some comfort for your Sims’ overall well-being. Items like the tent will provide you some kind of temporary shelter while you’re out. You might also consider having fresh fruits and sack lunches for your food supplies. It’s also necessary to bring some water to prevent dehydration and negative debuffs from poor hygiene.
  • Bring the Right Items – It’s recommended to bring Fire Bat Bait, Waterfall in a Bottle, and Fire Foam. You might also consider getting another sharp melee weapon to get your Sims through those pesky vines.
  • Disable the Weather – In your game settings, you can opt to disable the following options: Rain and Thunderstorms, Snow and Blizzard, and Temperature Effects. This will allow them to have better weather conditions while staying in the jungle.

Other Skills Your Sims Need

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credits: elleneedscoffee

To be able to survive the entire adventure, your Sims would need to build up their other skills. These skills will definitely be beneficial in gathering food, figuring out their way in the jungle, and protecting themselves from possible dangers. You can use cheats to max out skills in the following:

  • Fishing
  • Logic
  • Handiness
  • Charisma

How To Cure Curses and Illnesses

Once your Sims enter the jungle, they will be facing some real perils ahead, like acquiring curses, getting poisoned, or becoming ill. Some of these can actually kill them, thus, it is vital to know how to prevent these matters from becoming life-threatening.

  • Antidote – Some curses can be cured by purchasing the antidote from the computer.
  • Locals – If your Sims have bone dust, they can ask around locals for the antidote.
  • Bone Dust Remedy – The bone dust can also be used to cook a remedy for the Curse of the Ancients.
  • Selvadorada Statue – Your Sims can place offerings on the statue in Selvadorada Market, which can provide cure

More on SNOOTYSIMS: The Selvadorada jungle is the perfect choice for starting the next adventure. Read this article to find out what makes this destination world so interesting.

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What to Watch For During The Trip

Since your Sims are going to encounter a lot of other things during their adventure, make sure they know what to do in each of the situations they will face. There are several things you need to remember in order to let your Sims have the most optimal experience in the game.

  • Bramble Covered Gateways – Bramble-covered gateways are literally your reminder that there’s always something your Sims might’ve missed during their travels. Make sure they visit one of these Gateways, since it leads to several locations like the Omiscan Royal Baths.
  • Dig Sites – Your Sims’ Archaeology skills will be useful in this sites, especially when they are extracting items.
  • Locked Gates – Hidden areas that requires certain items and requirements to proceed.
  • Omiscan Royal Baths – A pool that restores your Sims to the maximum.
  • Treasure Chests – Chests that are always hidden from your Sims’ views. Make sure you fiddle around with your camera to find them.
  • Tree of Emotion – Bears fruits that can help your Sims get over the tests of the Hidden Omiscan Temple.


So yeah, that’s it for now! We hope that we were able to help you with our cheat sheet and guide. Do let us know how your Sims’ jungle adventures go! We are on Google, Facebook, TwitterYouTubeInstagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and Tumblr where you can follow and message us! Or, you can leave us a comment on this post! Happy simming, Simmers!

Let us know if you ever encounter any issues while using these cheats, because we want to make sure that cheats in The Sims 4 work seamlessly for our Simmers. If you find any issues, like cheats not working, you can check out this article about cheats (which includes a fix) to help you. If everything is still the same, please let us know in the comments below, because your feedback can help us fix problems and improve your gaming experience in The Sims 4. Thank you! 😉

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Dyan

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Sul sul! I'm your fellow Simmer, Dyan. I've been a passionate player of all Sims games since 2004. I prefer spending time in Live Mode because I enjoy conducting various social experiments with my Sims *evil laugh*. Kidding aside, here on SNOOTYSIMS, you can count on me to provide you with only the most excellent guides, tips, and lists about all things The Sims. 😉

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