We’ve already seen a teaser for the upcoming Motherlode Season, which is full of hints for the future. What exactly can we expect?

There’s an interesting teaser currently hanging out on The Sims’ various social media pages, with the caption “that’s gonna leave a mark…😉”
Luckily we’ll have the full context soon as the reveal trailer for the next The Sims 4 Expansion Pack, Businesses & Hobbies, is only hours away from premiering. This next EP is just a small part of the upcoming Motherlode Season which is focused on your sims making (and potentially losing) money.
As exciting as this trailer will be, it’s only a small portion of what we can expect for the upcoming season. If you’re like us and can’t wait for more details, there are plenty of hints already out there to discover!
A Rich Motherlode Season Is Coming
Take a look at everything hinted at so far in the Motherlode Season teaser!

I’m personally not fully fluent in Simlish, but there’s enough here to make out a whole lot of information!
New Hobbies and Skills to Monetize: Your sims are going to have more Skills to learn that they can keep for themselves or monetize for some extra simoleons. We can see ads for learning pottery, a repair workshop, a clothing tailor, candy making, and an ad for tattoos!
Market Your Skills and Yourself: There are images relating to small businesses, with an ad to “start your business now” as well as calls to get rich and a picture of a storefront with an “Open For Business” sign in the window. One of the Kits coming out is titled Restoration Workshop which suggests that sims will be able to open their own repair businesses.
Kitchen Clutter: There will be a dedicated Kitchen Clutter Kit and there’s an article about Kitchen Remodels shown in the teaser.
More Fun As They Age: The final Kit is titled Golden Years (fun fact, the ad for tailoring is for a business called “Golden Years Tailor”) so it looks like Elder sims are getting some overdue love.
Don’t Get Burgled! We’ve had multiple hints thus far that Burglars were finally coming to The Sims 4 and there’s a poster for a Neighborhood Crime Watch hanging on the side of the teaser. Perhaps this is what the 👀 emoji is alluding to?
It looks like all of the upcoming content really embraces the idea of Motherlode Season with elements from each DLC incorporating well with one another. Although we can’t help but wonder what will separate this Expansion from the Get To Work EP, which already has a game mechanic for opening & running a retail business.
Get Your First Look Today!
The reveal trailer for Businesses & Hobbies is coming out later today and we’ll get a much better idea of what’s coming in the next Expansion. This kicks off the newest Sims season which will carry us through early May, and there’s so much to look forward to.
What are you most excited about for Motherlode Season? Do you have any theories we missed? Sound off in the comments, and make sure to tune into the Business & Hobbies reveal trailer later today!
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