What we love about the Sims 4 community is the endless sharing of brilliant ideas among simmers! Whether it comes to gameplay, building, or create-a-sim, we have enough ideas between us to last us a whole lifetime! Or, actually maybe several lifetimes… This is especially great when we feel that we run empty of ideas, and keep creating the same sims families. Yes, we know you have done that too. Do not lie to us…So, in this post, we will therefore highlight 10 different Sims 4 family ideas you can create or download!

The Sims 4 Family Ideas: Big Families, Small Families, Chosen Families, Fur Family & More!
Though the Sims 4 community does not lack any ideas when it comes to creating builds, storylines, and even families. As individual simmers, we tend to get stuck in specific patterns. And, what we mean by that is that we tend to keep creating the same style of houses, and the same types of families.
Whether that is because we prefer that type of Sims family, or it is because we literally cannot come up with anything else, does not matter. The only thing that matters at this point, is that we all need some change. If we keep playing with the same types of families all the time, we might end up getting bored of the game. And, we would not want that, would we?

So, here we present a quick little solution! We have gathered a bunch of Sims 4 families from the gallery. With all different, and unique family structures. But before we get into this article, we want to highlight that there really is no perfect definition of “family”. To us, “family” means whatever you want it to mean. Big, small, chosen, fury, vibrant, special… It does not matter. The only thing that matters is how you define “family” for yourself.
To find all of the sims 4 families we highlight below, search the name of their creators in the gallery.
1. The White-Picked-Fence Family – MYSIMGARDEN

To start off, let us present the white-picket-fence family. These types of Sims 4 families usually consist of a mom, a dad, and a few kids. Think in the direction of “Desperate Housewives”…That is the vibe this family is giving off. Anyway, the white-picket-fence family refers to the typical American family in the 50s. Where the parents expect the kids to come home and talk about their day, but the oldest son is dealing with some shady business no one knows about. Furthermore, the dad is having an affair, and the mom is pregnant with the gardener’s kid…
So, if you want to portray that perfect-on-the-outside, but dysfunctional behind-closed-doors family… This certainly is the pick for you! To find this on the Sims 4 gallery, search the creator ID, MYSIMGARDEN.
2. The Hardworking Single Parent – sims 4 family ideas

If you are tired of playing in big happy Sim families, it might be time to try playing with a single-parent household. One kid, one parent, and perhaps even a tiny house? There is certainly a lot of room for a nice little backstory there.
And, if you would like to challenge yourself a little more, you might even expand your family a little by having more kids. Do you think you can handle that? You might surprise yourself. No, but in all honesty, there are a lot of superhero single parents out there, in the real world… And, they really do deserve a shoutout and some exposure in the Sims 4.
So, let’s gain these hardworking single parents some exposure in the Sims 4! They deserve it. Now, if you want to download this specific single-parent family, head on over to the gallery, and search for the creator ID, MOONISIMS.
3. The Other family Members As Parents – LICYCLE09

Another fun idea is having other Sim family members in the role of parents! Having your sims grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, sister, brother, or even great-grandparent raise them would be iconic. And, it would certainly put a little twist on our normal gameplay! If an elder sim were to look after their grandkids, for example, they would get a lot more tired than a young adult… Not to mention that their lifespan is shorter, so you will really need to keep an eye on that. Unless you want your sim kids to end up parentless.
We really love the idea of having other family members step into the role of parents. And, we know a lot of you will as well. So, if you like this family in particular, you should head to the gallery and download them by searching for the creator ID: LICYCLE09.
4. The Not-related, but Chosen Family – VANNYB99

The chosen family type is perhaps one of our favorites. Chosen families are not stuck with each other as biological families are. Day after day, they choose to be a family, to love each other unconditionally. To be there for each other no matter what. And to us, that is so beautiful we might just cry.
Anyway, this is one of our favorite chosen families from the Sims 4 gallery. Created by VANNYB99, this household consists of four friends. Who all belong to the LGBTQ+ community, and have created a family with each other.
Now, if you want to create your own chosen family, go ahead! But, if you want to add this beautiful masterpiece to your game, just search the creator ID: VANNYB99 in the gallery. And just like that, they will be right by your side.
Read on SNOOTYSIMS: Sims 4 Goth House CC for your Goth family!
5. The Two Moms or dads Family – sims 4 family ideas

What would a Sims 4 family ideas post be without including the magic that is a 2x moms or 2x dads family? Love is love, and family is family! And this loving family completely just melts our simmer hearts. We know how important it is to keep up the representation of LGBTQ+ households in Sims 4. Not only to make the LGBTQ+ simmers feel accepted, included, comfortable, and loved. But to keep showcasing that LOVE IS LOVE, and that is how it is meant to be!
Simmer and creator HTYLI have done an excellent job with this family. So, if you want to download them just search their creator ID in the gallery.
6. The Everyone Is Adopted Family – SKYROSE2

If you are anything like us, you live for adopting in the Sims 4. When we go to adopt a child in our game, we cannot help but adopt them all. They are all just so stinking cute! And, just like the chosen family, this family is also special because they chose each other. With a Sims 4 family where everyone is adopted, you get to play around with a bunch of different backstories, storylines, and family dynamics. All of which makes the game 10 times more interesting in our humble opinion.
To download this family from the Sims 4 gallery, search for the creator ID: SKYROSE2.
7. The Parental Age Gap Family – AMYGRACEM

Having parents who are years apart in age is a reality for many people in the world. As we said earlier, love is love! And, that should also be reflected in the Sims 4 families. Therefore, we wanted to include a family like this one. Showcasing that age is no factor when it comes to love. In the photo above, we have a cute little family of three with an elder dad, a young adult mom, and a toddler girl.
We certainly love them. And if you do too, we suggest you give them a download. You can do so by searching for the creator ID: AMYGRACEM on the Sims 4 gallery.
This is a collection of the best interior furniture for a modern look of your future families.
8. The Vibrant Culture Family – 1XLIESJUHX1

If you want some more culture in your game, we suggest creating or downloading a family such as the one above. Having your game filled with Sims 4 families from different cultures is so much fun, in our opinion anyway. Not only do they have specific cultural differences, names, and beliefs. They also just look very unique and cool! Just look at this Arabic family, we love them so much!
So, if you want to add some more culture to your save file… Go to the Sims 4 gallery, and search for the creator ID: 1XLIESJUHX1!
9. The No labels, Non-binary Family – PATRICKWART

Moving on, let us take a look at a family with no labels. Where each family member identifies as themselves! In this family, there are no daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, or whatnot. No, instead this Sims 4 family consists of a wonderful bunch of humans! Simply put, there are two parents and two children. And beyond that, nothing really matters. Here, gender-identify, sexuality, and everything in-between are fluent. And, we love it!
So, if you want a family that goes with the flow, lets people be people, and life be life, this is the family idea for you! To get this specific family, search the creator ID: PATRICKWART, on the Sims 4 gallery.
Learn all about the rags to riches challenge in the Sims 4.
10. The Only Fur kids Family – sims 4 family ideas

Are you tired of the Sims 4 kids and toddlers, but you still desire a large Sims family? Well, some fur kids might be the way to go! Have your sims adopt a bunch of cats or dogs to complete their family! This way you will not have to deal with needy toddlers and cranky kids. Instead, you get to live with your best friends!
A family does not have to include kids, animals are also family! So, if you want a loving household full of furry friends… Search the creator ID: MRSMARS883, on the gallery in the Sims 4. Believe us, you will not regret it!
To sum it up, there are an endless amount of Sims 4 family ideas out there. In our heads, your heads, and in-between us all, there might be enough to last a whole lifetime or several… This is great because we never grow tired of hearing new ideas!
The 10 Sims 4 family ideas we mentioned here were just a few we could think of. But, that does not mean they are the best Sims 4 family ideas to exist…only because, well, there is no such thing. Both in real life and The Sims 4, every family is special. None better, more valid, real, or complete than the other. “Family” is whatever you define it to be. Whether that be biological, chosen, fury, big, small, or everything in-between, it does not matter.
What matters is that the Sims 4 family you make or download fits your definition of “family”, and no one else´s. Lastly, if you choose to download any of these 10 families, let us know!
And, if you have any other Sims 4 family ideas, comment them down below. We would certainly love to hear them! Anyways, thanks for stopping by! Wishing you and your family (whatever that means to you) a great day! All the best from our family here at SnootySims!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Lina
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