Check out these fantastic venue mods to give your sims more stuff to do in the world around them!

Not counting the various Residential versions, there are over 40 different Lot Types available in The Sims 4 for your characters to explore. If that seems like a lot to you you’re not alone; between hidden and Secret Lots along with lots specific to DLC, your sims probably don’t feel like they have all that much to do in their worlds. And if we’re being honest many of the lots they can visit can get repetitive—how many different gyms does a sim really need to visit?
It makes sense that every town would have its own spaces like libraries and gyms if not for the fact that the game doesn’t actually care where a sim is from, and you can spot townies from Sulani drinking coffee in Windenburg for example. Realistically, you could get away with a single location for each community lot type in the game and your sims wouldn’t be the wiser. So let’s make use of all these available lots and fill them with things your sim will actually enjoy using!
More on SNOOTYSIMS: Learn about the different types of lots in The Sims 4!

Venue Mods and Lot Traits for More Stuff to Do
Here we have a list of 10+ different mods that will open up your options as a player for the type of community spaces you want your sims to spend time in. Some take the form of an entirely new venue type, while others exist as Lot Traits which can be added to new or existing builds. You may even have the perfect creation already sitting in your game, waiting for excited visitors!
Universal Venue List by BasementalMods

Before you get started with venue mods, the game needs to know how to handle those new venues. Certain information is tied to Lot Types, such as what kind of NPCs might spawn there, any special weather permissions, that kind of thing. Unfortunately the way The Sims 4 is coded prevents modders from simply creating a script file for their new venue types so instead, they’ve created a modded venue list for the entirety of the game.
There are a few venue list mods out there but as you can only have one in your game, this Universal Venue List from Basemental is the way to go. They’ve compiled custom venue info from other creators and rolled it all into one convenient package, so you only need the one venue list for whatever custom mods you want to use. You can even contact them on Discord if there’s a venue that needs to be added to the list, and the mod is designed to work even if you’re missing certain venue mods that the list covers.
Basically, if you want to use or create any type of custom venue, you want to have this list.
Click here to download!Mod Venue Changes by Zerbu

Zerbu has their own Venue List available to download if you’d like to do a little more with the in-game offerings without adding a bunch of new Venue types. The main draws of this mod are that it unlocks special Lot Types (like Chalet Gardens, for example) and world-specific Lot Types, like Beaches. You can also unlock types like Hospitals, Auditoriums, and the like, but there are some caveats that you should read up on at the download page.
Choose this venue mod if you want things more simplified, however, Zerbu’s list is implemented in the Basemental Venue List from our previous entry so if you have that mod already you can skip this one.
Click here to download!Separated ThrifTea Lots by Avocadoloki

The inspiration for this entire list, avocadoloki took the ThrifTea Lot from High School Years and split it up into 2 separate venue mods so you can thrift without bubble tea and get boba without that funky secondhand smell. The idea of a combination thrift and tea shop is cool, but it really limits what you can do with your build style and overall vibes of the place. By splitting them up, you have more options on what to do within those spaces and you also get 2 venue types instead of 1 which means more variety to your neighborhoods and worlds!
There are 2 versions of this venue mod; choose your preference here.
You can learn more about ThrifTea here!
Click here to download!More Buyable Venues and Venue Types by LittleMissSam

Can you have a list of script mods without including LittleMissSam? I don’t think so! This mod collection adds a variety of new venues to The Sims 4 that your characters can visit and even own! There are ownable versions of Lounges, Bars, Karaoke Bars, Clubs, Cafés, and Relaxation Centers. Get access to NPC-staffed versions of the Active Career lots from Get To Work for use in roleplaying or storytelling. Your sims can even visit new locations like a Gaming Center, Cinema, and more.
There’s so much going on with this mod and we’ve barely scratched the surface. It’s definitely one worth looking into if you want more content for your game by a trusted mod creator!
Click here to download!Graveyard Lot (and More) by Simularity

It’s sort of strange how The Sims 4 makes ghosts kind of a big deal but then doesn’t differentiate them much from living sims other than their needs being locked and the whole being-transparent-and-floating thing. We don’t even have a proper cemetery in the game! The Graveyard Lot Trait by Simularity now makes death feel a bit more like a separate “life” state thanks to all the little quirks that come with it.
If you visit a Graveyard lot by day you will encounter NPC mourners visiting their passed loved ones. Visit at night, and you’ll find no shortage of Ghosts hanging around. Grim even makes a weekly appearance! There are a range of buffs your sim can experience during their visit with special moodlets for sims with certain traits or occult status.
This mod really covers it all! If you’re impressed, be sure to check out other Lot Trait mods by Simularity.
Click here to download!Arcade Lot Trait (and More) by Kiara

This is another one that really should have been included in the vanilla game, IMHO. Sims who visit an Arcade with this venue mod will get a Playful buff along with a handful of whims relating to playing and winning games. It encourages use of those ridiculously huge gaming rigs that nobody ever has any room in their house for so you’re not stuck waiting for GeekCon to get your practice in!
The Arcade Lot Type is just one of Kiara’s many creations with the final count being over 50 different venue mods! Be sure to check out the collection!
Click here to download!Amusement Park Lot Trait by Caradriel

High School Years brought some fun new amusement activities to Copperdale’s Plumbite Pier, with the Ferris Wheel, Haunted House, and Tunnel of Love. These items can be found in the Debug section of Buy/Build so you can add them to your lots too, but what lot would they belong in? An Amusement Park, of course!
The Amusement Park Lot Trait was created to work with another non-venue mod, Fair Stuff by necrodog, but neither this fan stuff pack nor High School Years are required to take advantage of the Lot Trait. Sims will gain a Happy buff when they visit a lot with the trait, will have new socialization options based on different amusements, and can get moodlets related to those interactions. Caradriel even provided links to some other fun CC that would tie in with the venue mod, making it even more appealing.
Click here to download!Office Lot Trait by HissyMissy

Not every venue has to be an exciting one, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth making. The Office Lot Trait by HissyMissy was conceived with future career mods in mind, but it’s useful as a standalone venue mod as well. It can be used in residential and commercial lots so your sims can reap the benefits no matter where they are, with an automatic Focused Buff and other buffs available when your sim performs Office Lot specific socializations.
Click here to download!Celebrity Hideout by Triplis

If you’re tired of celebrities showing up at random locations and putting everybody in a tizzy or you just want a place for the famous to go without being harassed, the Celebrity Hideout Lot Trait is just the ticket. Non-played celeb sims who show up on lots with this trait will be disguised, allowing them to live like a “normal” sim without being pestered by fans and press. This mod provides a sweet escape for the notorious along with peace for average sims who just want to go out and have a good time without a lot of ruckus.
Click here to download!Lot Preferences by LittleMissSam

Rounding out the list we have one more creation by LittleMissSam, this time a more open-ended selection of traits for any type of lot you wish to create! These Preference traits will cause sims visiting the lot to have desires tailored to the preference type, and they can be applied to any lot if you want to encourage your sims to behave in certain ways while there.
For example, the Entertainment Preference will cause sims to gravitate towards playing games, singing karaoke, or performing Comedy interactions. You could use this preference for bowling alleys, arcades, or other entertainment centers you decide to create. And because it’s a Lot Trait that you can use on generic lots as well, you can build pretty much whatever you want and still have ways to encourage your sims to feel happy there!
Click here to download!In Summary
If you’ve been playing The Sims 4 for any length of time you have likely visited a majority of the lot types available to your sims. Although there are many out there to discover, once you’ve visited them enough times the charm starts to wear off and you’ll be after something more interesting. Venue mods allow you to create new experiences for your sims and enhance the content that’s already available, adding a breath of fresh air and some new goals to your gameplay. If you were a sim, which new lot type would you want to visit? Have fun with your characters and happy simming!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole
SnootySims @ Patreon
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