Another day, another piece of The Sims 4 DLC. This Expansion Pack brings a lot of new content to the game—new lots, a new world, new animals, and of course new cheats! So, let’s dive in and learn all about the Sims 4 Horse Ranch cheats!

If you’re a horse girl/guy/person you were probably chomping at the bit to get your hands on the most recent expansion for The Sims 4 when it was announced. The Sims 4 Horse Ranch adds long-desired critter(s) to the world, along with new experiences for your sims. Let’s dive right in!
All Sims 4 Horse Ranch Cheats for vanilla gameplay
There are actually quite a few new cheats that came with the latest Sims 4 Expansion ranging from traits, careers, wants & fears, skills, and more.
Traits Cheats
If you want to give your sim one of the new traits without replacing any of their current traits, give these Horse Ranch cheats a try. The following cheats are listed to add a trait to your sim(s) but if you want to remove a trait instead, replace the word “equip” with the word “remove” in the cheat code:
Trait Cheat | Effect |
traits.equip_trait HorseLover | Gives your sim the Horse Lover trait |
traits.equip_trait MasterTrainerSim | Gives your sim the Master Trainer trait |
traits.equip_trait Trait_Rancher | Gives your sim the Rancher trait |
If you want to give your preexisting sims one of the new traits in CAS, try the cas.fulledit cheat.
NPC Career Cheats
Although there aren’t any new rabbit hole careers in the Horse Ranch expansion, several new roles for NPCs were introduced. The following cheats are listed to add a carer to your sim but if you want to remove them from that career instead, replace the phrase “add_career” with the word “retire” in the cheat code.
Sources have found multiple cheats for these careers so you may have to try more than one to get the desired result:
NPC Career Cheat | Effect |
careers.add_career HorseTrainerSim -or- careers.add_career career_Adult_EP14World_NPC_HorseTrainer | Makes your sim a Horse Trainer |
careers.add_career MysteriousRancherSim -or- careers.add_career career_Adult_EP14World_NPC_MysteriousRancher | Makes your sim a “Mysterious Rancher” |
careers.add_career RanchHandSim -or- careers.add_career career_Adult_NPC_RanchHand | Makes your sim a Ranch Hand |
Once you add an NPC career to a sim you have to make them an Unplayed household for the career trait to stick. You can do this through the “Manage Households” menu.
Wants & Fears Cheats
Fortunately we didn’t get a lot of new Fears for this Expansion Pack, but there are a slew of new Wants for your sims to experience:
Want/Fear Cheat | Effect |
fear_ConfrontationGoal_Horses | Sim is afraid of horses |
fear_ConfrontationGoal_Horses_Confident | Sim is afraid of horses but willing to try again |
want_HorseLover_BeFriendlytoHorse | Wants to be friendly to a Horse |
want_Rancher_BeFriendlytoLivestock | Wants to be friendly to Livestock |
want_Rancher_BreedHorses | Wants to breed Horses |
want_HorseLover_CareForHorse | Wants to care for a Horse |
want_Rancher_DrinkAgedNectar | Wants to drink Aged Nectar |
want_EnterHorseCompetition | Wants to enter a Horse Competition |
want_EnterMasterHorseCompetition | Wants to enter a Master Horse Competition |
want_GoForEnduranceRide | Wants to go for an Endurance Horse ride |
want_GoForEnergeticRide | Wants to go for an Energetic Horse ride |
want_GoForLeisureRide | Wants to go for a Leisurely Horse Ride |
want_HorseLover_HorsebackRiding | Wants to go riding |
want_Rancher_HarvestPlant_ExcellentQuality | Wants to harvest Excellent quality plants |
want_Rancher_HarvestWildGrass | Wants to harvest Prairie Grass |
want_LikedMusic_Listen_Ranch | Wants to listen to Ranch radio station |
want_Nectar_Skill_LevelUp | Wants to level up Nectar Making skill |
want_HorseLover_MakeFriendsWithHorse | Wants to befriend a Horse |
want_Nectar_Make_Money_Low | Wants to make a small amount of simoleons from selling Nectar |
want_Nectar_Make_Money_Medium | Wants to make a decent amount of simoleons from selling Nectar |
want_Nectar_Make_Money_High | Wants to make a large amount of simoleons from selling Nectar |
want_Nectar_Make_Single | Wants to make a bottle of Nectar |
want_Nectar_Make_Multiple | Wants to make several bottles of Nectar |
want_Nectar_Make_Quality | Wants to make a high quality bottle of Nectar |
want_PetHorse | Wants to pet a Horse |
want_Rancher_RefillFeeder | Wants to refill a feeder |
want_RideHorse | Wants to ride a Horse |
want_HorseLover_SkillUpEquestrian | Wants to increase Equestrian Skill |
want_SkillUp_Equestrian | Wants to increase Equestrian Skill |
want_HorseLover_TellJokeAboutHorses | Wants to tell a Horse joke |
want_TrainHorse | Wants to train a Horse |
want_WinHorseCompetition | Wants to win a Horse competition |
want_WinMasterHorseCompetition | Wants to win a Master Horse competition |
More on SNOOTYSIMS: The Absolute Best Variety of Sims 4 Horse Ranch CC!
Skills Cheats for Sims & Horses
Sims and Horses both got new skills in this pack, and with cheats you can set them to whatever level you desire!
The following cheats are for maxing out a sim’s skills, but you can change the last number in the cheat to whatever level you want (from 1-10 for Equestrian and from 1-5 for Nectar Making):
Sim Skill Cheat | Effect |
stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_EquestrianSkill 10 | Maxes out a sim’s Equestrian skill |
stats.set_skill_level AdultMinor_RanchNectar 5 | Maxes out a sim’s Nectar Making skill |
Horse skill cheats will work a little differently because like other animals, horses are not selectable by the player. Since we cannot have them as the Active “sim” we need to tell the game to apply the cheat to them directly. To do that we must first get the Horse’s Sim ID, which is a unique ID number assigned to that creature. Every sim, dog, cat, and horse will have a their own Sim ID.
To get the Sim ID for your Horse (or any other sim or critter you want), open the cheat console and enter
sims.get_sim_id_by_name [First Name] [Last Name]
In the [First Name] [Last Name] area you would put your Horse’s first and last name. Make sure there’s a space between sims.get_sim_id_by_name and the first name, and another space between the first and last name.
So for example, if we wanted to get Bella Goth’s Sim ID we would enter:
sims.get_sim_id_by_name Bella Goth
If your sim or animal has only a first name, just enter their first name. So for Luna the Horse:
sims.get_sim_id_by_name Luna
The game will then give you the Sim ID in the cheat console which is a string of ≥18 numbers. Once you have that Sim ID number you can use it for Horse skill cheats:
Horse Skill Cheat | Effect |
stats.set_skill_level Horse_Temperament 10 [SimID] | Maxes out a Horse’s Temperament |
stats.set_skill_level Horse_Agility 10 [SimID] | Maxes out a Horse’s Agility |
Jumping: stats.set_skill_level Horse_Jumping 10 [SimID] | Maxes out a Horse’s Jumping Skill |
Endurance: stats.set_skill_level Horse_Endurance 10 [SimID] | Maxes out a Horse’s Endurance |
Like the sim skills we shared earlier, the above cheats will max out your Horse’s skill for whatever cheat you enter. If you don’t want to reach the max level, change the number before the Sim ID to whatever you want (between 1-10).
As an example, if we want to set Luna the Horse’s Jumping skill to level 5 we would enter:
stats.set_skill_level Horse_Jumping 5 [Luna’s SimID]
If entered correctly, Luna should see her Jumping skill jump up to level 5!
Milestone Cheats
Milestones are a fairly new addition to The Sims 4 and the recent expansion has a few new ones you can give to your sims. These Horse Ranch cheats have been disabled by default, so in order to use them you will need to download AllCheats by TwistedMexi. Without this mod the cheats will have no effect.
Milestone Cheat | Effect |
developmental_milestones.unlock_milestone lifeMilestone_Life_TooMuchNectar | Sim had a bit too much Nectar to drink! |
developmental_milestones.unlock_milestone lifeMilestone_UltimateChampion_HorseCompetition | Sim and Horse placed in the Ultimate Horse Championship! |
developmental_milestones.unlock_milestone lifeMilestone_FirstVictory_HorseCompetition | Sim and Horse won their first competition! |
There are a few other new milestones from the Horse Ranch pack that have not had their cheats discovered yet.
Closing Thoughts
The latest Horse Ranch Expansion Pack has a lot of new content for you and your sims to experience, and if you can’t wait to unlock everything there is to offer then Horse Ranch cheats will surely help you out. Use them to give your characters a little skill boost, a bigger personality, a new Want (or Fear), or whatever else you can think of. Have fun giving these new cheats a try!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole
SnootySims @ Patreon
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