All the Details on the Better BuildBuy Mod by TwistedMexi

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Author: Lina
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The Better BuildBuy Mod by TwistedMexi is one of the coolest all-around mods I have had the chance to use with this game! It opens a whole new world of possibilities. It greatly increases what you can do with your builds and their “Curb Appeal.”

 Better BuildBuy Mod by TwistedMexi

Everything You Need To Know About TwistedMexi’s Better BuildBuy Mod

Better BuildBuy helps all Sims 4 Creators with sprucing up their creations in-game. It gives new ways to decorate the house or property and broadens the selection to use. You can add more items to your decorating like a mixing bowl on the counter, or a truck in the driveway.

5 Reasons why you need to Download the Mod

With the Better Build Buy Mod you can enable Ignore Unlocks, Deletion Protection, Move Objects On, and Organized Debug. Here are five reasons why should download the mod:

  1. Ignore Unlocks: This portion of the Mod unlocks any item that requires a specific skill that your Sim normally has to obtain at a certain level. With this on, you can buy that item and place it when with an active Sim. You no longer need the cheat on for this like before!
  2. Deletion Protection: With this, your objects are now protected when building. Say you have a table with books on it and the wall you are putting in goes over that table. Normally it would delete the table and items, right? Not anymore! If that wall goes over the item when this is enabled, the item stays right where it was. No more deletion!
  3. Move Objects On: This part replaces the Cheat that was normally used!
  4. Organized Debug: This one is the core of it all! This one names the debug items (most items will have debug in the name or description), it also categorized them! When you toggle this on or off you will need to restart the game for changes to take effect!
  5. Another perk with BBB is if you hit the Tab button on your keyboard you can enable FreeCam while in BuildBuy Mode and if you press the number 1 on your numbers row you can increase the number of items on the page.
Screenshot 14 1

What are the Features?

Make sure after everything is enabled to restart your game and go back into Live Mode. Now you will go to Filters and Select Content, make sure to check Hide Maxis, Debug, and Live Edit (You can also select Custom Content if you want!).

I hit show all for my items (shown in the picture above) and towards the top where all the new additions! If you go into Build and click on Outdoor plants, you can now see tons of new plants and rocks. Some of the stuff will have the “New Item” Stars, some won’t. But all of the items shown are new items.

This Mod shows items that are from the packs you have, like for instance Island Living. I was able to see coral pieces and new palm trees, as well as shaped Topiary from Get Together. If you click on Wall Sculptures (Item under the windows in Build) there are some cool specialty fences like GuardRails or Beach Fencing.

Screenshot 15 1
Fences under Wall Sculptures

what about The Buy Mode?

The coolest part about Better BuildBuy is Buy Mode. This is where you can bring your house to life! With this mod, you add two more tabs for items: Debug and Live Edit. These are the two tabs that will give you these endless possibilities!

  • DEBUG: This tab shows all of the more interior-type decorations like Mixing Bowls, Single Fruit pieces, food, stuff you can buy from vendors (Like Wands in Realm of Magic) and so much more!
Screenshot 17 1
  • LIVE EDIT: With this tab, you can add items like trees, buildings, vehicles, fences, and much more! There are billboards, street signs, boats, planes, cars, houses, and tons of other cool things to enhance your builds!
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The cool thing about this mod as well is that you can select any tab in Buy Mode and see the different items. If you go to appliances and select refrigerator it will show all the food items (Like the single fruits) or if you go to Transportation you can see the cars and planes!

How to Install the Mod

So once you download Better BuildBuy and add it into your mods folder, launch the game and go to your game options. You will need to make sure to enable Script Mods (Game Options, Other, Enable Script Mods) for this to work. Make sure to restart your game after this (you will do this a lot in the setup of this mod).

Screenshot 19

After the Restart, go into the live mode with a Sim and open up your BuildBuy, and then go into filters (like as if you are filtering your packs… ) and you will notice a new tab has appeared. The Better BuildBuy houses four items to enable: Ignore Unlocks, Deletion Protection, Move Objects On, and Organized Debug.

Read on SNOOTYSIMS: A collection of clutter (custom content objects) for the Sims 4!

Alright, I’m sold! Where do I go?

You can visit TwistedMexi’s Patreon for the link to download Better BuildBuy! Scroll down to the bottom of the post and you will see the download link!

Final Words

It goes without saying, modders’ main goal is to improve gameplay. Instead of doing everything manually, TwistedMexi’s Better BuildBuy mod has got us covered as described in detail above. Therefore, if you really want to cut yourself some slack while in build mode, we’d more than recommend installing this mod. You could then unleash your creativity without any restrictions or limitations. Enjoy!

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