Life is not just a walk in the park for our spellcaster Sims. Yes, they can easily demonstrate their magical prowess through the wave of their wands, yet they can also be inflicted with terrible curses! Know all about these below.

Get to Know The Curses in The Sims 4
The Sims 4: Realm of Magic introduced us to the interesting life of Spellcasters. These are mystical Sims who can become a master of witchcraft, participate in magical duels, create potions, and also cast spells. However, the downside is that they can also become cursed! Curses alter a spellcaster’s ability to do magic successfully, win their duels, and progress in different magic ranks. The scary thing about curses is that they are not easy to undo. So, continue reading and prepare your spellbook and potions, as we teach you more about curses.
More on SNOOTYSIMS: In this awesome guide that we prepared for you, we’re including all the Sims 4 spells your Sims need to learn to become the ultimate Spellcaster in town.
How Do Sims Get Cursed?
If your Sims are just beginning to learn magic, you must be prepared for them to become inflicted with curses along the way. Curses will make them lose control over their behavior, looks, tempers, or magic skills. As a result, spellcasting Sims can become less successful in social interactions, in making potions, or in casting spells. There are a few ways to become affected by curses in The Sims 4.

- Losing Magic Duels – These can trigger the Hex of the Duelist, the Curse of Awkward Embraces, and the Curse of Unwaranted Hostility.
- Failures in Spellcasting – These can trigger the Curse of Scrambled Spells and Curse of Uncontrollable Charge.
- Reaching Maximum Charges – These can trigger the Curse of Infectious Laughter and the Curse of Uncontrollable Charge
- Overcharge Failures – These can trigger the Curse of the Night Wrath, the Curse of Scrambled Spells, and the Curse of Uncontrollable Charge
- Curse Removal Potion Failures – These can trigger any curse.
- Potion-Making Failures – These can trigger the Curse of Repulsiveness, the Curse of Uncleansable Stench, and the Curse of Unwaranted Hostility.
- Potion Drinking Failure – These can trigger the Curse of Awkward Embraces and the Curse of Uncleansable Stench
Be aware that curses can be inflicted only upon the Sims you are playing. This means that they won’t be able to curse others, but only receive the curse themselves.
Can Sims 4 Curses be Removed?
Fortunately, if your Sims happen to become cursed, not everything is doomed for them. Curses are terrifying, yes! However, they are not completely irreversible. The good news is that you can revert your Sims back to normal, with a few magic tricks. There are two ways to do this, using the Decursify spell and a specific potion.
1. Using the Decursify Spell.

You can choose the option ”Decursify” if your Sims have learned it. You will find it under ”Untamed Magic” in your Sims’ book of spells. However, this can be done only by Sims who have reached the Spellcaster Master rank, which is Level 5 in casting spells skill. If your Sims have reached this level, they can then easily diversify themselves. The said spell can also be performed by any of your Sims’ household members who possess this rank. Having minimum Magic Charge will be helpful and will raise the chances of casting a successful ”Decursify” spell.
2. Using a Potion.

No matter which one of the curses your Sims currently have, the second thing they can do is to make a Potion of Curse Cleansing. This potion is available at their local potion shop. It is usually in high demand, so they will need some luck finding it available in the shop stock. Or, they can choose to make it themselves! Learning this one will require them to have at least Level 3 skills in Potion Making. Here are the ingredients they will need:
- One Citrine crystal
- Mandrake
- One Apple
- One Angelfish
Can Sims 4 Curses be Avoided?

Removing curses is a real life-saver, but how about avoiding them in the future altogether? Some Sims will have higher immunity to curses than others. Sims with the Magical Bloodline Traits will have natural talents for Magic, and as a result, they can be naturally better at avoiding curses. During gameplay, Sims will also be able to minimize the possibility of becoming cursed, through perks. In the panel named ”Spellcaster Perks,” you will see an option to buy a Hexproof perk. This perk will be available to your Sims only after they reach Level 5 of spellcasting. So, as they get better at casting spells and making magic potions, they can get this perk and be less likely to curse themselves.
All The Curses in the Sims 4
9 different curses can be triggered during gameplay. Sims can be cursed with up to three different curses at one time *gulp*. Some curses seem more lighthearted and fun, like the first two in the list below. Yet, other curses can haunt them at night and even doom their social life forever. Thus, it is quite important to be informed about each of these curses so you know what to expect when your Sims get them!
1. Curse of Infectious Laughter

Prepare yourself for a lot of laughter with this curse. Like, A LOT. The Curse of Infectious Laughter seems like a fun one until it isn’t anymore. Think of your Sims accidentally inhaling some laughing gas. This is what this curse is like. Your Sims will now laugh at anything, with anyone and anywhere, even in inappropriate moments. Ther laughter will also become infectious, making others laugh when they shouldn’t. However, while it doesn’t seem as bad as other curses, nobody will like a Sims who’s laughing at a funeral.
2. Curse of Awkward Embraces
With this curse, you can turn even the most charming Sims to be socially awkward. The Curse of Awkward Embraces creates an urge for them to go around and hug everyone. Yup! Your Sims will start a random chain of hugs. They will be hugging their friends, acquaintances, and even total strangers! This can have a drastic impact on their social life, making them socially less desirable to others. Above all, no one wants an unwarranted hug, especially from someone foreign. Even their closest friends and family will start to think of them as a bit too extra to handle.
3. Curse of Scrambled Spells
The Curse of Scrambled Spells will turn your Sims’ spellwork into a gamble, by letting them lose control over their magic. With this curse, your Sims never know what spells they will suddenly use. Their spells may sometimes become too powerful to handle, plus, any magic done will have a lot of side effects. Your Sims’ spells will also be more likely to backfire while cursed, especially if they have a lower rank in Spellcasting.
4. The Sims 4 Curse of Repulsiveness

The Curse of Repulsivenes will turn your Sims into green creatures, as green as a Wizard of Oz witch. This will make them scary for passers-by to look at. The curse makes them physically unrecognizable, giving them a real witchy, grotesque appearance. Their skin will turn weird, become all patchy and wrinkled, and their lips will turn purple. Other Sims will be scared or find them unbearably hideous. Having this curse will let them become social outcasts for a while.
5. Curse of Uncleansable Stench
It is definitely annoying for Sims to have a cloud of green stink around them. But with this curse, that is exactly what they would get. They will now be unfortunate enough to have a terrible odor 24/7. Unlike the after-gym smell, this curse makes them smelly even after a shower or a dip in the pool. Your Sims will always stay sweaty, smelly, and undesirable around other Sims. So, be careful with your Spellcaster Sims, as they may quickly become the smelliest Sim in the town!
6. Curse of Uncontrollable Charge
The Curse of Uncontrollable Charge gives your Sims extra magical energy, creating an overload that’s hard to tame. Their spells will instantaneously become super powerful, and may even rebound on them! The charge meter will often skyrocket, and the effects of any magic they do will be magnified. They will find it difficult to tame their spells.
7. Curse of the Night Wraith

Now, this is a scary curse every Sims who does magic wants to avoid at all costs. This one is not about making them socially awkward but triggering terror and fear. The Curse of the Night Wraith summons a ghost who will haunt your Sims at night. Your Sims will have no peace in their own home, as the lurking shadow ghost will follow every step they take. The Wraith is summoned with the Overcharge failure, and once they appear, your Sims will wish they never tried doing magic at all. If ghosts frighten them, the Night Wraith will take that fear to a whole new level.
8. Curse of Unwaranted Hostility
This is one of the Sims 4 curses that will make others pick fights with your Sims without any obvious provocation. The Curse of Unwarranted Hostility will make them unleash their fury on your Sims who did them no wrong just because they dislike them! Your poor Sims will encounter arguments and dusty wrestles, making them targets for temper tantrums and the fists of others. As a result, they are likely to feel like the whole world is against them until the curse is broken.
9. Hex of the Duelist
Hex of the Duelist is one of the curses that will make practicing magic increasingly difficult. This curse will make duels more challenging, and they will also be more likely to lose. Other witches and wizards will find them a perfect target for practicing their magic. Unfortunately for your Sims, getting rewards from dueling would no longer be as easy. In rare cases when they do win, the results won’t be as satisfying as dueling without this curse can be.
Cheats for Giving Curses To Your Sims

If you want to inflict the curses directly on your Sims just because you’re purely evil or you want to conduct some social experiment with them, you can do so with the following cheats. We totally recommend that they have already learned the Decursify spell or have some Curse Cleansing Potions around before you input these cheats!
- traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_InfectiousLaughter – Curse of Infectious Laughter: your Sim won’t stop laughing.
- traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_NightStalker – Curse of the Night Wraith: your Sim will be haunted by Stalker.
- traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_PunchableFace – Curse of Unwarranted Hostility: everyone will be mean to your Sim.
- traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_Repulsiveness – Curse of Repulsiveness: everyone will be disgusted by your Sim’s look.
- traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_SweatyStench – Curse of Uncleansable Stench: your Sim will smell horrible.
- traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_TouchyFeely – Curse of Awkward Embraces: your Sim will want to hug everyone.
- traits.equip_trait trait_Curses_WildMagic – Curse of Scrambled Spells: your Sim will become a messy Spellcaster.
Curses are something you should know about in the Sims 4, especially if you love playing with your Spellcaster Sims. Knowing about how these will affect your Sims can help you deal with these better when you encounter them in the game! Thus, we hope that this article had been helpful for you. If you’re looking for more great content, keep visiting SNOOTYSIMS! We often share tips, tricks, and ideas for all things The Sims. Please follow us on our social media profiles that we linked below and don’t forget to leave us your thoughts in the comments. Happy simming, Simmers!
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