The Sims 4 has a vast catalogue of content for use in Build/Buy Mode, but there’s even more than meets the eye. Try out these hidden object cheats to unlock even more content for use in your builds!

When exploring the worlds of The Sims 4, you’ve probably noticed lots of stuff that can’t be found in the catalog. Decorative objects, plants, and even whole buildings are just a few examples of the things that are out there but not accessible to regular players. Luckily, there are ways to get access to this secret content, by way of a few hidden object cheats.
Hidden Object Cheats – Get Access To Even More Stuff!
There are lots of advantages to having access to hidden/locked content in your game. Sometimes an item is career or goal-locked, but it would be perfect in your build. Sometimes you want to spruce up a build without making it more expensive. Sometimes, you just want a bigger variety of things to play with or set dressing for your creations. No matter the reason, these cheats will make it happen.
There are three cheats you should know to get access to the widest variety of objects:

- bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement – this cheat code will make career and goal-locked objects in Buy/Build accessible without needing to complete their associated requirements. It’s the perfect cheat to get ahold of decor items that are career-specific or otherwise normally not available.

- bb.showhiddenobjects – using this cheat will open up access to items that your sims typically only get after performing specific actions or goals. Some examples include different crystals that you normally have to have your sim dig up or the posters that could be unlocked by completing the Positivity Challenge.

- bb.showliveeditobjects – a cheat that will grant access to some other miscellaneous items that you normally can’t buy on your own, such as school projects. It’s best used in combination with other cheats to give you the full range of objects.
More on SNOOTYSIMS: Find secret items, rare fish species, elusive collectibles, obscure gems, and plenty of other secrets that will spice up your Sims’ lives with this Hidden Objects list!
Speedrun Hidden Object Cheats with a Mod!
If you can’t be bothered memorizing those cheat codes or want an easier way to access content, try the BetterBuildBuy mod by TwistedMexi. With this mod, you can access the entire catalog of secret objects without a hidden object cheat, including debug items the aforementioned cheats don’t unlock. It also allows you to search for hidden items by their name, as normally when using the cheats instead every item will come up as “DEBUG” which makes it difficult to find what you’re looking for.
Closing Thoughts
If a game comes with a whole bunch of content, it would make sense that you could access it all, right? Of course! And while the developers of The Sims 4 chose to lock some items for a reason, such as loading times on older gaming rigs, that doesn’t mean we can’t get to it on our own. Using hidden object cheats, your sims will have their choice of an even greater variety of things to decorate their builds with, allowing them to better show their personalities, spruce up their homes, and maybe even save some money in the process. Have fun enhancing your builds with these secret gems, and happy simming!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole
SnootySims @ Patreon
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