Everything About The Baby Drama Mod For The Sims 4

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Author: Dyan
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If you would like to introduce some spicy drama to the co-parenting lives of your Sims, the Baby Drama Mod is all you need!

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What Is The Baby Drama Mod For The Sims 4?

In The Sims 4, we all know that having a child is a big responsibility for our Sims. Raising children in itself can be a very difficult feat for parent Sims, but what happens when they and their partner break up? That’s where Baby Drama 2.0 comes in! This mod for The Sims 4 introduces some complex decisions and setups when it comes to shared parenting. In this article, we’ll let you in on all its exciting features!

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What Are The Features of The Baby Drama Mod?

Plumlace, known as a creator of gameplay mods for The Sims 4, has incorporated interesting, real-life aspects of parenting into the Baby Drama 2.0 mod. Here are some of what the mod offers for us Simmers.

1. Sims Can Arrange (Or Argue) For Custody.

The Baby Drama 2.0 mod has an engaging approach when it comes to child custody arrangements in The Sims 4. Your Sims can now negotiate custody agreements with their former partners. They can determine who will have primary custody of the child and even fight for their rights for the children involved. To do this, click on “Argue About Custody Arrangement” in the Baby Drama menu.

2. They Can Discuss The Child’s Education.

The Baby Drama 2.0 mod also expands on the educational aspects of parenting in The Sims 4. It allows essential discussions about the future schooling of your Sims’ children. Although difficult, they can now have conversations with their former partner, especially about school choices, such as public school, private school, homeschooling, and the like.

3. They Can Have Other Co-Parenting Talks.

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The Baby Drama 2.0 mod allows your Sims to have co-parenting talks about other matters, such as child care, or the health of children. These talks will let your Sims discuss their child’s needs and how to best raise them together. In this way, there can be open communication and collaboration between the parents, which can help improve the overall well-being of little Sims.

4. There Will Be Financial Stress.

Raising little Sims can be expensive, and can take a toll on all parent Sims. Your Sims who have children will definitely experience some sort of financial stress along the way. Through the Baby Drama 2.0 Mod, they can discuss this with their co-parent.

5. Visitation Schedules Can Also be Arranged.

What about arranging visitation schedules for the children? Well, the Baby Drama 2.0 mod also allows Sims to discuss visitation schedules for their children. This will ensure that the young Sims will have regular contact with both parents, even if they don’t live together.

6. Parents Can Apply For Child Support.

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In the event of a separation or divorce, Sims who have primary custody of young Sims can also apply for child support through the Baby Drama 2.0 mod. This will help ensure that both parents share the financial responsibility of raising their child. To easily do this, click on the Baby Drama menu and select the following:

  • Ask For Child Support (1,500)
  • Ask for Child Support (500)

Alternatively, your Sims can also apply for Weekly Child Support using the computer.

7. Parents Can Fight!

Co-parents can sometimes have misunderstandings with one another, and this is genuinely reflected in this mod. Yep. The Baby Drama 2.0 mod allows Sims to physically fight with the parent of their children.

How To Install The Baby Drama Mod?

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credits: u/avakbrown

The Baby Drama 2.0 was released by Plumlace as early access Patreon content in 2023, and it has been free to download for everyone since December. To install the said mod, simply follow these steps:

  1. Visit this Patreon post and download the zipped file.
  2. Download the XML Injector by Scumbobo.
  3. Extract the zipped files to your mods folder in The Sims 4.
  4. Then, make sure to enable the use of mods in your game settings. Enjoy!

More on SNOOTYSIMS: If you are looking for creative ways to bring more meaning to how you play an active family, try the Family Dynamics Challenge!

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Wrapping It Up: Introduce Baby Drama To Your Game

The Baby Drama 2.0 is an impressive mod by Plumlace, what with its dynamic custody battles, in-depth education options, realistic co-parenting, financial challenges, detailed visitation schedules, and child support system. It allows our Sims to delve into the nuances of shared parenthood in a realistic manner. Thus, we totally recommend that you try this in-game.

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Dyan

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Sul sul! I'm your fellow Simmer, Dyan. I've been a passionate player of all Sims games since 2004. I prefer spending time in Live Mode because I enjoy conducting various social experiments with my Sims *evil laugh*. Kidding aside, here on SNOOTYSIMS, you can count on me to provide you with only the most excellent guides, tips, and lists about all things The Sims. 😉

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