Are your sims ready to wield immense magical powers? It’s time for them to become a sorcerer.

Magic and Sorcery is no stranger to The Sims series, with the ability for sims to cast magic first being introduced way back in 2003. As newer iterations of the series have been released the magic system has grown more and more fleshed out, with Witches being properly introduced in The Sims 2: Apartment Life before their title was changed to Spellcasters in The Sims 4: Realm of Magic.
Spellcasters can brew potions and cast spells to enact a wide range of effects, from something as simple as conjuring lunch to defying death itself and restoring a Ghost sim to their human form! Overall it’s a good Game Pack with enough to keep you entertained for a while.
If you don’t own Realm of Magic or if you’re interested in a significantly more complex magic experience, you’re going to want to check out this incredible Become A Sorcerer mod by Triplis. The mod is quite robust with varying styles of magic, and the range of abilities your sorcerer sims can unlock is well beyond what anybody would reasonably expect for a free mod. It’s been around since 2019 and in that time has had multiple updates and upgrades, which means it’s a mod you must absolutely check out. Let’s go over everything this mod can do!
Become A Sorcerer
There are a few different ways your sim can start their journey down the path of mastering Sorcery, depending on who they are and how much control you want over their abilities.
The Standard Method
The “standard” method involves purchasing an item called Suspicious Lump Of Clay from the Buy/Build catalog and interacting with it in Live mode by clicking it and selecting “Investigate Object.” This interaction grants your sim a hidden Trait that classifies them as a Sorcerer. Although sims of any age can interact with the Clay, full Sorcery abilities won’t be open until a sim is a Teen or older; we’ll talk about younger sims’ experiences later on.
Once your sim has the hidden Trait they will need to perform a Ritual to start on their desired path. Click your sim, and navigate to Spells→Meditate on the Spirit of Llamadeus… and from here you will choose which Ritual to perform, with each one affecting your sim’s needs differently:
- The Ritual of Digestive Control sacrifices your sim’s Hunger and Bladder needs. They will get a new Trait called Ironsides.
- The Ritual of Runner’s Vigor removes the Hygiene and Energy needs from your sim and grants the Trait Never Bedheader.
- The Ritual of Forced Isolation trades the Fun and Social needs in exchange for the Socialite Trait.
Regardless of which Ritual your sim performs, their sacrificed needs will be replaced with two new ones called Alignment and Magical Connection.
The Ritual Of Neutrality
Instead of the above-mentioned options there is a fourth Ritual your sim can choose to perform, with a different cost. Instead of giving up any Needs your sim will keep them all and their Alignment and Magical Connection will be added out-of-view with both bars’ decay being disabled; you won’t have to worry about maintaining either one. This option can be used by regular sims but it’s mainly designed for sims of other life states like Vampires or Plant Sims, and should be performed after the sim joins their new life state as to not break anything.
The Spellcaster Ritual Of Neutrality
If your sim is already a Spellcaster and you want them to dabble in Sorcery as well, there’s a special version of the Ritual of Neutrality (it will have a Tome symbol on it). This will allow your sim to access the additional spells and perks of the Become A Sorcerer mod without needing to maintain Alignment and Magical Connection on top of their Spellcaster Charge (and keep the UI from becoming a complete mess).
Choose An Alignment, Or Don’t
Your sim’s Alignment isn’t something they need to keep filled but instead is a measure of where their positioning currently sits between the White and Black Arts. Where your sim falls on the meter affects how much Magical Connection they’ll need to spend to cast their spells. Sims with a White Alignment will spend less Magical Connection on White spells than on Black spells and vice-versa. If your sim reaches Mastery on one end of the Alignment they can do a special Alignment Locking Ritual that will make further casting of those Alignment spells cost no Magical Connection.
Increase Your Magical Connection
Magical Connection is the “cost” your sim has to spend whenever they use their Sorcery skill. When first starting out the only way to fill this bar is through Practice, but once your sim finds their Specialization they will have the ability to keep it full with specialized spells.
Find Your Specialization
There are 6 different Specializations your sim can choose from with 3 White and 3 Black Alignments. Your sim can practice from any one of them, but each one will only give XP and increase Rank for the Specialization it’s under. Sims will have to regularly perform spells to maintain their Rank so trying to master multiple Specializations will take focus and dedication, and neglected Specializations will start to lose their ranking after 2 game days.
The Specializations are Empowerment, Deification, Creation, Domination, Destruction, and Greed, and each of them has 5 Ranks. We’re not going to go into the details of every spell you can perform, but here’s an outline of what to expect as your Sorcerer climbs their Ranks:
Specialization: Empowerment (White Arts) | All White Arts unlock the following at Rank 1: Practice (raises White Arts Skill over time) Enchanting Introduction (stronger version of a Friendly Introduction) All White Arts unlock the following at Rank 10: Mentor (Sorcerers practicing the White Arts can ask a level 10 Sorcerer to mentor them for faster skill gains) Imbue with Magic (gives the Sorcerer Trait to another sim) |
Rank 1 | Slowly drain your needs to fill another’s; Heal negative moodlets, workout fatigue, or illness. |
Rank 2 | Sacrifice §1000 in exchange for granting a +1 Happy buff to nearby sims which will make them want to hug one another; transfer fat and muscle to or from other sims. |
Rank 3 | Cast Auras on your sim for fire protection, superior Cooking abilities, or a 500% increase in how quickly they gain Gardening skill. |
Rank 4 | Temporarily reduce your sim’s skill gain to give another sim a skill gain boost; clear all negative moodlets from a sim; permanently rid another sim of workout fatigue. |
Rank 5 | Instantly drain your needs to fill another’s; Empower another sim which will grant them several perks when near your Sorcerer. |
Specialization: Deification (White Arts) | All White Arts unlock the following at Rank 1: Practice (raises White Arts Skill over time) Enchanting Introduction (stronger version of a Friendly Introduction) All White Arts unlock the following at Rank 10: Mentor (Sorcerers practicing the White Arts can ask a level 10 Sorcerer to mentor them for faster skill gains) Imbue with Magic (gives the Sorcerer Trait to another sim) |
Rank 1 | Summon Llamadeus and interact with her in a myriad of ways; Meditate for an XP boost; dry puddles. |
Rank 2 | Build Fitness skill faster without workout fatigue; put out fires; put a sim in stasis where their needs won’t decay. |
Rank 3 | Lock Magical Connection to prevent decay; lock relationship decay; put your sim in stasis. |
Rank 4 | Lock any need from decay; cast a spell on your sim to promote or demote them at work. |
Rank 5 | Increase skill gain speed significantly; stop a sim or pet from aging; stop a sim from being susceptible to temperature effects or privacy violations. |
Specialization: Creation (White Arts) | All White Arts unlock the following at Rank 1: Practice (raises White Arts Skill over time) Enchanting Introduction (stronger version of a Friendly Introduction) All White Arts unlock the following at Rank 10: Mentor (Sorcerers practicing the White Arts can ask a level 10 Sorcerer to mentor them for faster skill gains) Imbue with Magic (gives the Sorcerer Trait to another sim) |
Rank 1 | Cast a spell on a Poor or Normal quality meal to improve it; evolve a plant. |
Rank 2 | Refresh a Spoiled meal; reset a sim or pet’s current life stage. |
Rank 3 | Lock food from decaying; water close-by plants; clone oneself. |
Rank 4 | Influence the gender of an as-yet unborn sim; repair objects; clone other sims! |
Rank 5 | Draw out a Ghost from its grave and/or resurrect them; instantly evolve a plant. |
Specialization: Domination (Black Arts) | All Black Arts unlock the following at Rank 1: Practice (raises Black Arts Skill over time) Enchanting Introduction (stronger version of a Rude Introduction) All Black Arts unlock the following at Rank 10: Mentor (Sorcerers practicing the Black Arts can ask a level 10 Sorcerer to mentor them for faster skill gains) Strip Magic (removes the Sorcerer abilities from another sim) |
Rank 1 | Drain another sim’s needs to gradually fill your own; Enchant sims to sit, lie, or kneel. |
Rank 2 | Put one or more sims in a state of Panic with a number of possible sources. |
Rank 3 | Lull sims to sleep. |
Rank 4 | Enchant sims to perform a number of Needs-based actions. |
Rank 5 | Drain another sim’s needs to instantly fill your own; Subjugate a sim for even more power over them. |
Specialization: Destruction (Black Arts) | All Black Arts unlock the following at Rank 1: Practice (raises Black Arts Skill over time) Enchanting Introduction (stronger version of a Rude Introduction) All Black Arts unlock the following at Rank 10: Mentor (Sorcerers practicing the Black Arts can ask a level 10 Sorcerer to mentor them for faster skill gains) Strip Magic (removes the Sorcerer abilities from another sim) |
Rank 1 | Induce negative feelings & moodlets in other sims; Suppress negative moodlets for yourself. |
Rank 2 | Set things on fire, including sims. |
Rank 3 | Destroy objects; block another sim from experiencing positive moodlets. |
Rank 4 | Age sims down as young as Toddlers or as old as Elders. |
Rank 5 | Kill sims in a multitude of ways or erase their existence completely, and even don the guise of the Grim Reaper. |
Specialization: Greed (Black Arts) | All Black Arts unlock the following at Rank 1: Practice (raises Black Arts Skill over time) Enchanting Introduction (stronger version of a Rude Introduction) All Black Arts unlock the following at Rank 10: Mentor (Sorcerers practicing the Black Arts can ask a level 10 Sorcerer to mentor them for faster skill gains) Strip Magic (removes the Sorcerer abilities from another sim) |
Rank 1 | Siphon money away from sims or objects. |
Rank 2 | Completely Erase all traces of a relationship between your sim and another. |
Rank 3 | Cast Auras to help your sim with romance or finances. |
Rank 4 | Enchant other sims and mess with their behavior and relationships. |
Rank 5 | Enchant a sim to steal for your benefit! |
More on SNOOTYSIMS: Can’t get enough magic in your game? Check out even more magic mods here!
The Other Arts
The other Arts work similarly to Specializations in how they Rank up but things like Alignment, Magical Connection, and Rank decay don’t necessarily behave the same way. These Arts also have other elements to them that you don’t see with Specializations.
Reality Arts
The Reality Arts are designed to help your sim mess with reality around them, with the main difference between them and Specializations being that your Rank will not decay from not using them. Even after reaching the max Rank you can still get XP to earn Reality Motes.
Reality Arts Abilities | |
Rank 1 | Target the game Camera on a sim or pet; make another sim change their outfit or leave the area; teleport another sim; access the Minion System. |
Rank 2 | Transmutate Reality Motes; magically introduce your sim to another and instantly become enemies, friends, or lovers; instantly learn certain information about another sim; make multiple other sims leave the area at once. |
Rank 3 | Target the game Camera on a sim or pet if it isn’t already and make them stop what they’re doing; make an Ethereal light follow a sim or change their walk speed; send your sim or another sim briefly to the Ethereal Realm to raise specific needs. |
Rank 4 | Make sims forget other sims completely; make sims forget skills; mess with another sim’s identity; travel to the Ethereal Realm to search for collectibles or resurrect your sim from Ghost form. |
Rank 5 | Reverse-transmutate Reality Motes; teleport multiple sims at once; manipulate a sim’s Needs, physical well being, and ability to die; more capabilities for exploring the Ethereal Realm |
Reality Motes are earned through gaining XP in the Art. They work like a currency that your sim can trade for a variety of other things like Simoleons, Recyclable Bits & Pieces, Galactic Credits, Vampire Points, and Influence Points, along with a variety of different Perk Points. Your sim gains access to them at Rank 2 and can trade in reverse for more Reality Motes once they hit Rank 5.
We mentioned the Ethereal Realm a bit earlier, but it’s a special Rabbithole location your Sorcerer can travel to for various purposes. Going further into the Ethereal Depths opens new layers to the realm and once your sim masters all the layers, there are even more abilities and depths to explore!
Turn sims into Minions and assign them a variety of roles to make your Sorcerer’s life better, and they can be controlled by more than one Sorcerer at the same time. Minions can entertain, perform tasks, and go so far as to have them ignore their work schedule and other obligations to serve you.
Mischief Arts
Mischief Arts works best with the Ritual of Neutrality because it doesn’t affect Alignment or Magical Connection; it can be used with the others but you don’t gain as much because of this. This is the one part of the Become A Sorcerer mod that isn’t fully Base Game friendly because many of its abilities are inspired by characteristics from certain DLC. You can still use the Mischief Arts even without the needed DLC, you just won’t have access to as many abilities.
Mischief Arts Abilities | |
Rank 1 | Can do the following to another sim: give them a random hairdo, make them wet themselves, attack them with a swarm of bees or tiny storm cloud, give them an imaginary friend, change the context of a conversation your sim is having with them to Funny or Awkward, connect with them telepathically and Chat with them to raise Social need. |
Rank 2 | Make food moldy; change the weather forecast; change the context of a conversation your sim is having with them to Friendly, Suggestive, or Boring. |
Rank 3 | Break objects; temporarily change a sim’s walkstyle to the “Pee” walk, “Sleepy” walk, or “Panic” run; change the context of a conversation your sim is having with them to Very Awkward; connect to a sim telepathically and Play together to raise the Fun need. |
Rank 4 | Change the season; change the context of a conversation your sim is having with another sim to Hilarious; cast spells from Rank 1 on multiple sims at once. |
Rank 5 | Change the weather to one of several more extreme weather states; change the context of a conversation your sim is having with another to Distasteful or Tedious; make a sim dangerously Playful for 4 hours; telepathically connect to another sim and Nap together to raise Energy. |
Rank 6 | Stop losing Reputation from performing Mischief Arts in public, temporarily change multiple sims’ walkstyle to the “Pee” walk, “Sleepy” walk, or “Panic” run; change the context of a conversation your sim is having with another to Amorous. |
Rank 7 | Gain access to Residential Lots without an invite; change the context of a conversation your sim is having with another sim to Offensive; make multiple sims dangerously Playful for 4 hours. |
Rank 8 | Lock or unlock doors; change the context of a conversation your sim is having with others to Insufferably Tedious; cast group versions of the spells from Rank 1 and make specific sims immune to them. |
Rank 9 | Mass casting of the walkstyle spells from Ranks 3/6; attribute blame from public casting of Mischief Arts spells to another innocent sim; change the context of a conversation your sim is having with them to Abhorrent. |
Rank 10 | Gain reputation for public casting of Mischief Arts instead of losing it; change the context of a conversation your sim is having with other to Steamy; make all sims in the neighborhood dangerously Playful; Enchant your sim’s boss to promote them at work. |
Reaching Mastery
Once your sim has reached level 10 of the White or Black Arts, maxed the associated Alignment, and reached Rank 5 of one relevant Specialization, they can perform a Ritual to Devote themselves to their chosen Art and gain a special Trait. Each one has 3 different Rituals to choose from. All White Arts masters unlock a feature called Purity’s Aura and all Black Arts masters unlock a feature called Reaper’s Aura. Both Arts’ masters unlock an optional Hover walkstyle.
Alignment | Ritual Name | Effect(s) |
White | Ritual of Transcendence | +50 Fine buff that can be activated/deactivated on demand. |
White | Ritual of Salvation | New ability called Sacrifice Magical Connection which will empty your sim’s Magical Connection to fill another sim’s Needs. |
White | Ritual of Creation | New ability called Create Life to make your or another sim pregnant. |
Black | Ritual of Eternity | Make your sim ageless and immortal. |
Black | Ritual of Might | New ability called Fight for Llamadeus’s Favor which drains another sim’s Needs to fill your sim’s Magical Connection. |
Black | Ritual of Wealth | New ability called Wealth from Death which kills another sim and grants your sim §50000 in exchange. |
Ultimate Mastery
If mastering a Specialization isn’t enough for your Sorcerer sim, there is an additional Ritual that can be accessed if your sim reaches Rank 5 in all Specializations from their chosen Alignment. The Ritual of Radiance (White) and Ritual of Shadows (Black) will grant sims all 3 abilities from the previous Mastery list related to their chosen Alignment.
Beyond that, if your sim is able to master everything and have perfectly centered Alignment there’s yet another Ritual they can perform. The Ritual of Infinite Balance grants ultimate Sorcerers the ability to identify sims from Vampire, Plant Sim, Alien, and Spellcaster Occults along with sims that have the Good or Bad Trait. These sims can also target a Vampire or Alien and force them to reveal their true Dark or Undisguised form, respectively.
Misc Aspects Of The Mod
Here are a few other parts of the mod that you should know about, but that don’t really fit in any of the above categories:
- If you have Get Famous, sims casting magic in public will lose or gain reputation depending on the Art they’re casting for. Certain spells unlocked at specific Ranks can manipulate this system to your Sorcerer’s advantage.
- There are two special Lot Traits that come with the Become A Sorcerer mod but they cannot be used at the same time:
- Dreamland makes the lot a dreamy place, where sims will float around and receive bonus gains for positive, feel-good actions. Needs will decay slower except for Energy, since it’s a dreamy place after all. White magic will perform better here.
- Netherworld is where Black magic thrives, and Evil or Mean sims will excel here. Good sims will have their needs drain faster here and overall just feel icky being in the area.
- With TestingCheats enabled you can Shift+click on a Sorcerer sim and get access to a multitude of different cheats related to the various Arts.
Age-Specific Characteristics
Sims of younger ages won’t have the full capabilities of a Sorcerer, but they are still affected in several ways. Toddlers are incredibly limited. They can play with the Suspicious Lump of Clay to get the Sorcerer trait, but beyond that all they can really do is play with the clay over and over. Other Sorcerers can teleport them, at which point they’ll receive a special buff.
Children are in a somewhat dangerous situation, being imbued with magic powers they can’t understand or harness yet. If they get too Angry, a Child Sorcerer can spontaneously combust! This won’t kill them but it will be extremely unpleasant. These sims can then ask an older Sorcerer to perform a Flame Containment Spell on them which will protect them from combustion-causing moodlets for 2 days.
Child Sorcerers can also ask their elders to Imbue them with Teleportation Powers which will allow the Child to tap into teleportation abilities for 6 hours. There’s a catch, though! Every time your Child teleports they will briefly experience a feeling of queasiness and they can’t teleport again until it passes.
Optional Add-Ons
The Become a Sorcerer mod includes a few optional add-ons for players with most of them designed to work together with Realm of Magic:
- There’s an optional file to prevent Specializations ranking from decaying, making it easier to juggle multiple Specializations at once
- A replacement file will make the mod use Spellcaster animations instead of the Sorcerer animations
- Sims can gain Spellcaster XP when using Sorcerer spells
- Sims can gain Spellcaster Charge when using Sorcerer spells
It’s great that Triplis made these optional so players who don’t own Realm of Magic can still play a magical experience, while giving those with the EP more flexibility with how the mod integrates.
Final Thoughts
If you’re ready to take on one of—if not the–most complex and elaborate magic system for The Sims 4 you’ve got to give the Become A Sorcerer mod a try! Become a beacon of hope and light with the White Arts or a bastion of chaos with the Black Arts, use magic to change reality around you and affect nearby sims with your selflessness or selfishness. The possibilities with this mod are almost limitless, and with enough dedication your sim can become the most powerful, respected, and/or feared Sorcerer in all of Simlandia. What side will your sims be on? Let us know in the comments, and enjoy the mod!
this is always a must have mod for me, glad to see it being covered
We’ll try to cover more of these amazing mods. Thank you, Echo!