If you have Island Living EP, buckle up! Here come some mighty cheats that will help you achieve some key goals, from advancing in the Coversationist career to turning your Sim into a mermaid. Read on!

Island Living Cheats: Transform Into A Mermaid, Try Out New Traits, And More!
Welcome to your Sims 4 tropical paradise! Island Living was the 7th expansion pack for Sims 4 and brought with it sandy beaches, palms, rich marine life, water sports and so much more for us to explore. It features the beautiful world of Sulani, new traits, fun careers, and a new life state that can only truly thrive in tropical climates, mermaids! There is a lot to play with, and there are also pack-specific cheats that can make your gameplay easier. Let’s dive into it and learn more about these cheats and how to use them
How To Enable Cheats In Sims 4?
Before we explore Island Living cheats, we need to enable cheats in the game first. To do that, launch and start playing the Sims 4. Then, open the cheat bar by simultaneously pressing these buttons:
- PC: Ctrl + Shift + C
- Mac: Command + Shift + C
- PlayStation: L1 + L2 + R1 + R2
- Xbox: LT + RT + LB + RB
Once the cheat bar pops up, type testingcheats true, hit Enter, and the game will notify you that cheats are enabled. You are now free to use any Sims 4 cheat you like!
1. Career Cheats: Conservationist Career And Part-Time Jobs

Nature enthusiasts and ocean lovers in Sims 4 can turn their enthusiasm into a calling, and join the Conservationist Career. And, you can help them get promoted fast with cheats! To get them promoted just use the Careers.Promote Conservationist cheat. This will rank them up to the next level, and you can use it as many times as you need, depending on how high up you want them to be on the career ladder. If you ever choose to demote them, just type Careers.demote Conservationist, which will demote them to the previous career level.
Island Living also brings three new part-time jobs. These are Diver, Fisherman, and Lifeguard jobs. All are pretty simple and have only three levels, but you can always use cheats to speed things up!
- To promote Sims who work as Divers: Careers.Promote PartTime_Diver
- To promote Sims who work as Fishermen: Careers.Promote PartTime_Fisherman
- To promote Sims who work as Lifeguards: Careers.Promote PartTime_Lifeguard
To demote Sims, in any of the mentioned careers, just replace the word promote with demote.
More on SNOOTYSIMS: Wondering how to let your Sims grow some tails and swim endlessly into the depths of the ocean? Let them become a mermaid! In this guide, we’ll teach you how.
2. Trait Cheats
Island Living features two new CAS personality traits, one inherited trait reserved for Elementals, and one aspiration reward trait for those who complete the Beach Life aspiration. There are also two cool career-reward traits for Sims who end up in the Conservationist career, and, you guessed it, you can give your Sim any of these traits using cheats!
Child Of The Islands (Personality Trait) | traits.equip_trait trait_IslandAncestors | These Sims can connect with and summon Elementals, and simply adore Sulani culture. |
Child Of The Ocean (Personality Trait) | traits.equip_trait trait_ChildoftheOcean | These Sims enjoy water activities and find it easy to befriend mermaids. |
Master Of The Sea (Career Reward Trait, Marine Biologist) | traits.equip_trait FriendOfTheSea | These Sims will find it easy to befriend dolphins and mermaids. |
Natural Speaker (Career Reward Trait, Environmental Manager) | traits.equip_trait NaturalSpeaker | These Sims can spread awareness about their cause, and have a high chance that their grants will be accepted. |
Laid-Back (Beach Life Aspiration Reward Trait) | traits.equip_trait trait_BeachBum_LaidBack | These Sims can keep their cool and never become tense. |
Sulani Mana (inherited trait) | traits.equip_trait trait_Hidden_IslandAncestor_Elemental | These Sims can improve plan quality and summon volcanic bombs. This hidden trait is typical for Elementals and their offspring. |
3. Turn Your Sim into a Mermaid With Cheats

The Island Living features new mesmerizing occult species, mermaids! There are two ways you can turn your Sim into a mermaid with cheats. One way is to use Traits.Equip_Trait Trait_OccultMermaid cheat. Another way to do this is to give them a special Mermadic Kelp, which can be purchased from the build/buy menu if you have bb.showhiddenobjects cheat activated. Kelp can also be purchased from the reward store for 500, so you can also use Sims.Give_Satisfaction_Points 500 cheat to get 500 satisfaction points and unlock Mermadic Kelp this way.
Your Sim doesn’t have to be in the water for either of these to work. Both of these cheats should give your Sim mermaid powers instantly. In case you ever want to revert your Sim back to normal, just use Traits.Remove_Trait Trait_OccultMermaid, and this will remove their mermaid powers.
If you want, you can also spawn a mermaid tail while your Sim is on land by using traits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaid_MermaidForm cheat.
4. Control You Sim’s Sun Tan With Cheats

Tropical climate also brings some painful sunburns. Luckily, there is a way to heal your Sim’s skin and give them any tan you want with cheats. Once you have cheats enabled with testingcheats true, to change their tan just Shift+click on your Sim, choose Pack Cheats>Expansion Packs>EP07 Island Living>Sunbathing Options. From there, you can choose to give them no tan, or burnt skin, give them a nice tan, or lock the existing tan.
So, this was your guide on Island Living cheats, and we hope you found it helpful! Use them as you see fit, be it to assist your Sims in their careers, turn them into a mermaid, or just help them get that sun-kissed glow. Happy simming!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Jovanna
SnootySims @ Patreon
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