The Best Sims 4 Lip Presets to Download

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Author: Lina
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Have you tried using custom presets? If not, give them a try! Presets are the premade options that you can select in create-a-sim (CAS) before using sliders. The game gives you default choices, but you can also download additional custom presets created by talented custom content creators! This list will have the best Sims 4 lip presets that you can download and add to your game for free! Here you can find the perfect lips and the perfect look for creating a new sim and skip the hassle of adjusting the default EA lip presets.

sims 4 lip presets

Lip Presets Custom Content and Mods for Sims 4

The Sims 4 can be tweaked and customized with mods, which are created by players. These mods add features to the game, such as unique facial features or clothes.

Lip presets provide diverse options in terms of facial features and colors that players can choose from but also can help them design their characters according to their preferences. The coolest part is, with the huge variety of custom content, we get to create a range of different looks from bold and beautiful to soft and feminine.

There are a lot of other customizable features that you could use with Lip Presets on your characters. You could be customizing your sim’s skin tone and hairstyle, changing your sim’s hair color, defining what parts of your sim you would like them to have tattoos or piercings on, and changing how much blush your sim should have, adding the makeup and so on.

Sometimes, however, it’s hard to find what you’re looking for in the vast array of choices. And that’s the reason why we put together this list. You’ll find our best picks of Sims 4 lip preset suggestions. These perfect lip types come in unique shapes, different shades with natural tones, realistic tones, and more, adding the right amount of confidence to your Sims appearance. And now without any further ado, let’s dive right in!

1. Simple Lip Preset – Lutessa Sims

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This is the first collection by Lutessa Sims. Add this Sims 4 lip preset pack to your game for more realistic lips and a defined look for your Sims. You can use these three presets for female sims, ages teen to elder. Download here from Lutessa Sims on their website.

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2. Lip Presets 04-06 – Lutessa Sims

sims 4 lip presets

This is the second in Lutessa Sims’s collection of Sims 4 lip presets. These have some more fuller options, just as realistic looking as the last set! Like the last set, you can use this preset pack included three different options for female sims, but ages toddler to elder. Download here from Lutessa Sims on their website.

3. Female Lip Presets 07-010 – Lutessa Sims

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This is the last set of Lutessa Sims’s Sims 4 lip presets, with four different lip presets for your game. It will add depth to your character’s mouth, especially with those defined mouth corners. You can use this preset pack for female sims, from toddlers to elders. The whole set is a nice collection of lip presets to start with, but keep reading to find even more presets you will want to add to your game! Download here from Lutessa Sims on their website.

4. Lip Presets -All Ages – Redhead Sims

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This is a great pack if you want to add more full lips to your collection of Sims 4 lip presets for your female sims! There are 10 presets and they can be used for all ages. These presets are also compatible with the HQ mod. Whether your sim has thick or thin cheeks, these lips would compliment your character’s look. Download here from Redhead Sims on their website.

5. Female Lip Presets #2-9 – magic-bot

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This Sims 4 lip preset pack has 8 different choices you can add to your game! These lip presets have many pouty lips you can pick from. You can use these presets for female sims, aged teen to elder. Download here from magic-bot on Tumblr.

6. five Doll Mouth Presets – LadyHayny

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This set of Sims 4 lip presets has 5 cute presets you can add to your create-a-sim closet! These are more full, pouty looks that you can use for your female sims. Download here from LadyHayny on Tumblr.

7. Butterfly Lips maxis mouth-presets – Kiitysimin

sims 4 lip presets

This lip preset is super cute and works if you like to use Maxis match custom content! The thickness of the upper lips is perfect, exactly like that of the bottom lips. You can use this preset for your female sims, teen-elder. Download here from Kittysimin on Tumblr.

8. Lip Preset 06 V2 – stretchskeleton

sims 4 lip presets

This is a Sims 4 lip preset for all genders, ages teen to elder, and you can also use it for occult sims. It also has download links for a lipstick that you can also use for all genders! Download here from Strechskeleton on Tumblr.

9. Asymetrical Lips – vibrantpixels

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This Sims 4 lip preset pack comes with three mouth presets, all asymmetrical! Another added touch of realism here, not everyone has perfectly symmetrical lips. Add these quirky and cute lips presets to your game and you can create sims with even more personality and uniqueness! Download here from Vibrantpixels on their Tumblr.

10. Female Pair of Lips Presets N 13-15

sims 4 lip presets

This is a set of Sims 4 lip presets that you can use for female sims of all ages. Three lip presets are included. There are also other downloads included that you can download separately. For lips, there is a lip mask or lipstick that you can pick from 45 colors, and you can use them on all ages and both frames.

Not only is there one lip color pack, but another with 60 colors and 10 translucent glosses that are also all genders and all ages compatible. Other makeup includes moles, face powder, and blush! Download here from Northern Siberia Winds on Tumblr.

11. Lip Preset Pack – squeamishsims

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This is a great Sims 4 lip preset pack for Maxis match! There are three lip presets you can use for your sims if you’re searching for a relatively bigger mouth preset. The first in the pack is plumper and a bigger preset with a rounded cupids bow. Number 2 is rounder-shaped lips. Number 3 is hexagonal-shaped lips. You can use these lip presets for female sims, ages teen and up. Download here from Squeamishsims on Tumblr.

12. Jamie Lip Presets – sammmi-xox

sims 4 lip presets

This set has a huge amount of Sims 4 lip presets – 17 in total! All are unique and can be used for so many different types of Sims, as you can use them for all ages and all genders. Download here from sammmi-xox on Tumblr.

13. Lush Lip Presets – Famsimsss

sims 4 lip presets

If you are looking for more of a full and plump lip look, give this set of four Sims 4 lip presets a try! It’s also perfect if you want to draw your sims in a bold look that goes well with almost any face shape. You can use this set for females, teens to elders. There are also additional links to lip sliders, one for all ages and one for pouty lips. Download here from Famsimsss on their website.

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14. Toddler Presets – thelpethondiel

sims 4 lip presets

So far there have been a lot of female Sims 4 lip presets, but most of the ages are for teens through the elder. We didn’t forget about the babies, though! They need cute faces, too! This lip preset set is for toddlers specifically.

Not only are there 5 mouth presets, but a body preset is included, too! The best part is, you can use it for baby boys and baby girls both! Download here from Thelpethondiel on the love4sims4 Tumblr.

15. Male Lip Presets N 1-6 – thinner lips

sims 4 lip presets

This Sims 4 lip preset pack includes 6 lip presets for male sims. If you’re a fan of thin lips, you’re going to appreciate this pack. In the link, you will also find some nose presets and lip masks to add a bit of color for even more realism for your characters. Download here from Northern Sibera Winds on Tumblr.

16. Natural Lips CC – obscurus-sims

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Here is another great download for male Sims 4 lip presets! There are three different natural lip options you can download and use for all ages and genders. You can also choose 32 different colors to match any sim skin tone you decide to make! Download here for free from Obscurus Sims on their Patreon.

This was our list of the best Sims 4 lip presets that we could find on the internet! We hope that you found this list helpful and that you are now able to create the perfect lips for your Sims using one of these presets. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below and we will do our best to help. Happy simming!

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