Are the members of your Sims household drifting apart? They might need a little help through counseling! The Family Therapy mod can provide healing sessions, plus more.

The Family Therapy Mod For The Sims 4
Just like humans, our Sims can experience a myriad of challenges and issues in their lives. Even though The Sims 4 is a make-believe reality, we can think of our Sims having unresolved emotions, unspoken thoughts, and other personal struggles, which can affect how they treat themselves and the fellow members of their household. Sometimes, things can get rough and frictions may form between familial bonds, so it’s important to address such issues. Luckily, there is a mod to help Sims, called the Family Therapy mod.
More on SNOOTYSIMS: Create lots of household fun in The Sims 4 with these family mods that we gathered for you!
What Are The Features Of This Mod?
Adeepindigo released the Family Therapy mod for free in 2022 and has been constantly updating it for the latest version of The Sims 4. The focus of the said mod is Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), yet, the creator fully recognizes that the mod is not meant to have a full accuracy of mental illness representations. Here are the following awesome features of the said mod.
1. Sims Can Go For Family Therapy.

When the family dynamics of your Sims’ household gets rocky, you can help them turn to Family Therapy. These healing sessions, available between 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM, can be a safe space for them to address complex issues together. Your Sims will usually get in touch with a therapist, pay an amount of money, and go forward from there. These are the following matters that can be explored in therapy:
- Addiction in the family
- Behavioral Issues
- Death in the family
- Familial Issues
- Couple Issues
- Diagnosis/Illness
2. Home Therapies Are Also Available.
Sims who cannot and do not want to leave the house can opt for Home-Based Therapy Sessions instead. These are available on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The therapist will visit the house for 2 hours and conduct the session there. The next sessions can then be booked after 5 days.
3. There Are A Lot of New Family Interactions.

One of the best things about the Family Therapy mod is that it adds so many new interactions in the game that can affect familial relationships among Sims. These interactions can be negative or positive. Here are just some examples:
- Discuss Reasons for Poor Relationship
- Discuss Diagnosis
- Criticize For Addiction
- Ask to Seek Help
- Argue About Relationship
4. Bereaved Sims Can Go FOr Grief Counseling.
The Family Therapy Mod also provides your Sims with the right tools that can help them cope with grief over the loss of other Sims. They can take these sessions to help them express their feelings of sadness, anger, and loneliness. Overall, the therapeutic process can assist them in finding ways to move forward.
5. Sims Can Also Join Support Groups!

Through this mod, your Sims who are facing mental health challenges can be able to find comfort and support in the available group sessions. These groups can offer a safe space to share the difficult experiences your Sims went through, cultivate mutual understanding, and provide coping mechanisms for others who have faced the same struggles. By participating in these support groups, your Sims can feel less alone and improve their emotional well-being. So far, here are the available groups to join:
- More than Addiction Support Group
- Caring for Caregivers Support Group
- Good Grief Support Group
- The Village Mental Health Support Group
- Youth Support Group
6. Sims Can Also Go For Couples’ Counseling.
Your Sims can also hit rough patches, like in real life. To help them through these issues and rekindle that spark, you can let Sims attend Couple Counseling with their partners. These are available for 250 simoleons per session. The therapist will guide them to have effective communication techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and healthy relationship habits. This is recommended for married Sims who get into a lot of misunderstandings.
How To Install the Family Therapy Mod?

Adeepindigo has been creating popular mods that tackle realistic gameplay when it comes to The Sims 4. The Family Therapy Mod is just one of the many amazing family-themed mods crafted by the said creator. To install the Family Therapy mod, just follow these simple steps:
- Head over to this post and download the zipped file.
- Download the General Pie Menu Package and the Mood Pack Mod.
- Extract the zipped files to your mods folder in The Sims 4.
- You must enable the use of mods in your game settings. Enjoy!
Wrapping It Up

Our Sims can face different kinds of problems and challenges, pretty much like us in real life. The Family Therapy mod is a valuable tool that can help them with those issues. With this mod, your Sims can go through counseling that can assist them in processing their thoughts and being considerate with their actions with other Sims, thus, this mod is something you might want to try in-game.
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