Sims 4 Aspiration Cheats: Complete Milestones And Unlock Aspiration Traits

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Author: Jovanna
5 based on 1 reviews

How cool would it be if you could just complete an aspiration, or a few, in the blink of an eye? You certainly can do so with aspiration cheats! Jump in to learn how to make these work for you and your Sims!

Aspiration Cheats Featured Image

What Are Aspirations In Sims 4?

Completing aspirations in Sims 4 is so rewarding – in the most literal sense! These are like major life goals your Sim wishes to achieve in their lifetime, and the closer they are to achieving their aspiration, the more satisfaction points they accumulate. These points can then be used to purchase cool rewards from the reward store. On top of that, aspirations have special bonus traits and reward traits that grant Sims special abilities or make their lives easier.

Because every aspiration has milestones for Sims to complete, it takes time to complete them. Luckily, there are some handy aspiration cheats that can help you complete all milestones, earn satisfaction points, and even get reward traits and bonus traits. So, if this piques your interest, read on!

More on SNOOTYSIMS: With this Sims 4 aspirations guide we prepared for you, you’ll surely learn which perfect aspiration to pick for each and every Sim!

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How To Enable Cheats In Sims 4?

Enabling cheats is the first step to using any cheat in Sims 4. To do that, launch your game and start playing a household. Then, open the cheat bar in the upper left corner of your screen by simultaneously pressing the following buttons:

  • PC: Ctrl + Shift +C
  • Mac: Command + Shift + C
  • PlayStation: L1 + L2 + R1+ R2
  • Xbox: LB + RB + LT +RT

Type testingcheats true or testing cheats on, hit Enter, and your cheats are now successfully enabled. You can now use any cheat you want!

1. Complete Milestones With Aspiration Cheats

Aspiration Cheats

If you’d like to complete an aspiration fast, you can always use the aspiration milestone cheat. This is a universal cheat for all aspirations, and you can use it for any milestone. Just type aspirations.complete_current_milestone in the cheat bar, and the cheat will complete your Sim’s current aspiration milestone.

Bear in mind that this cheat will only complete one milestone at a time. For instance, if your Sim is at milestone number 2, this cheat will help them complete milestone number 2, and launch them to milestone number 3. You can totally use it a few times in a row! While adult aspirations typically have four milestones, child and teen aspirations have three. You can always check where you’re at with milestones in the Aspiration panel.

This aspiration cheat will automatically grant your Sim satisfaction points and the reward trait associated with the aspiration. You can then choose a new aspiration for your Sim, and use the cheat for that one, too!

2. Unlock Aspiration Reward Traits With Cheats

Once an aspiration is complete, your Sim can get a special reward trait. There are special aspiration cheats that can give them any of those traits instantly, even if they don’t have the related aspiration. These are cheats:

Animal WhispererFriend of the Animals traits.equip_trait Whisperer
Long LivedBodybuildertraits.equip_trait Longevity
Survival InstinctExtreme Sports Enthusiasttraits.equip_trait trait_survivalinstinct
Grand Champ TrainerChampionship Ridertraits.equip_trait MasterTrainer
Kindness AmbassadorThe Positivity Challengetraits.equip_trait Kindness_Ambassador
ExpressionisticPainter Extraordinairetraits.equip_trait Expressionistic
PoeticBestselling Authortraits.equip_trait EpicPoet
PiperMusical Geniustraits.equip_trait Piper
World-Renowned ActorMaster Actor/Master Actresstraits.equip_trait WorldRenownedActor
Muse of the MakerMaster Makertraits.equip_trait trait_MasterMaker
Sacred Knitting KnowledgeLord/Lady of the Knitstraits.equip_trait SacredKnittingKnowledge
MastermindPublic Enemytraits.equip_trait Mastermind
TormentorChief of Mischieftraits.equip_trait Bane
Twisted HeartVillainous Valentinetraits.equip_trait ColdHearted
VicariousSuccessful Lineagetraits.equip_trait LivingVicariously
Matriarch/PatriarchBig Happy Familytraits.equip_trait PaMatriarch
I am the MasterVampire Familytraits.equip_trait TheMaster
Role ModelSuper Parenttrait_SuperParent_RoleModel
Fresh ChefMaster Cheftraits.equip_trait FreshChef
Potion MasterMaster Mixologisttraits.equip_trait PotionMaster
Melt MasterGrilled Cheese (hidden)traits.equip_trait MeltMaster
ShrewdFabulously Wealthytraits.equip_trait Invested
ThriftyMansion Barontraits.equip_trait ValuedCustomer
A True MasterMaster Vampiretraits.equip_trait TrueMaster
HandyNerd Braintraits.equip_trait TheKnack
Higher EducationAcademictraits.equip_trait trait_University_HigherEducation
Museum PatronArchaeology Scholar traits.equip_trait Trait_Archaeology
ProfessorialRenaissance Simtraits.equip_trait Chronicler
Slinger of SpellsSpellcraft & Sorcerytraits.equip_trait Knowledge_SlingerOfSpells
WebmasterComputer Whiztraits.equip_trait Webmaster
In the KnowCity Nativetraits.equip_trait InTheKnow
Hero of StrangerVilleStrangerVille Mysterytraits.equip_trait HeroOfStrangerville
Laid-BackBeach Lifetraits.equip_trait trait_BeachBum_LaidBack
Worldly KnowledgeMt. Komorebi Sightseertraits.equip_trait trait_WorldlyKnowledge
Fast & FastidiousPerfectly Pristinetraits.equip_trait trait_FastFastidious
Filth DwellerFabulously Filthytraits.equip_trait trait_FilthDweller
PlayerSerial Romantictraits.equip_trait trait_Player
CompanionSoulmatetraits.equip_trait EternalBond
SurvivalistOutdoor Enthusiasttraits.equip_trait Survivalist
NaturalistFreelance Botanisttraits.equip_trait OneWithNature
Angler’s TranquilityAngling Acetraits.equip_trait trait_AnglersTranquility
AppraiserThe Curatortraits.equip_trait Appraiser
Treasure HunterJungle Explorertraits.equip_trait Trait_JungleExplorer
Master MixerPurveyor of Potionstraits.equip_trait Trait_Nature_MasterMixer
Influential IndividualEco Innovatortraits.equip_trait trait_InfluentialIndividual
Nature ConversationalistCountry Caretakertraits.equip_trait trait_Nature_Country
HilariousJoke Startraits.equip_trait Hilarious
BelovedFriend of the Worldtraits.equip_trait Legendary
Perfect HostParty Animaltraits.equip_trait PerfectHost
The Neighborhood ConfidantePopularitytraits.equip_trait NosyNeighbor
Natural LeaderLeader of the Packtraits.equip_trait ClubPresident
Regained HumanityGood Vampiretrait_RegainedHumanity
Unstoppable FameWorld-Famous Celebritytraits.equip_trait UnstoppableFame
Heroic PresenceParagon of Hopetraits.equip_trait HeroicPresence
Sleight of HandGalactic Privateertraits.equip_trait SleightOfHand
Supreme AuthorityEnforcer of Ordertraits.equip_trait SupremeAuthority
UntroubledDrama Llamatraits.equip_trait trait_Untroubled
HighflierGoal Orientedtraits.equip_trait trait_Highflier
DauntlessLive Fasttraits.equip_trait trait_Dauntless
IconicAdmired Icontraits.equip_trait trait_Iconic
Over-AchieverTrend-Setter, Painter, Athlete, Chef
(tutorial aspirations) 
traits.equip_trait Over_Achiever
Calming AuraZen Gurutraits.equip_trait wellness_CalmingAura
Clear PerspectiveInner Peacetraits.equip_trait wellness_ClearPerspective
Self-Care ExpertiseSelf-Care Specialisttraits.equip_trait wellness_SelfCareExpertise
Fanged FriendWerewolf Initiatetraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FriendlyWolf
Refined LupineEmissary of the Collectivetraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterFuryControl
Chomp ChampionWildfang Renegadtraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterTurning
Threatening PresenceLone Wolftraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_MoreFear
  • Cheats for aspiration traits from For Rent, Home Chef Hustle, Horse Ranch, as well as Lunar Link Trait for the Cure Seeker werewolf aspiration are unknown at the moment. Stay tuned, we’ll make sure these are updated as soon as those become known!

3. Unlock Aspiration Bonus Traits

Once you choose an aspiration for your Sim, they will acquire a special bonus trait associated with that aspiration type. For instance, all Sims who have Love aspirations will have the Alluring bonus trait. At least that’s what happens in-game! However, with cheats, you can bless your Sims with these traits regardless if they have the aspiration or not. These aspiration cheats unlock bonus traits:

AlluringLovetraits.equip_trait Alluring
Animal AffectionAnimaltraits.equip_trait Attraction
Business SavvyFortunetraits.equip_trait Business_Savvy
Career-MindedTutorialtraits.equip_trait CareerMinded
CollectorNaturetraits.equip_trait Collector
DastardlyDeviancetraits.equip_trait Dastardly
DomesticFamilytraits.equip_trait FamilySim
Eco MasterNaturetraits.equip_trait trait_Eco_Master
Essence of FlavorFoodtraits.equip_trait EssenceOfFlavor
GregariousPopularitytraits.equip_trait Gregarious
High MetabolismAthletictraits.equip_trait High_Metabolism
Home TurfLocationtraits.equip_trait HomeTurf
Lunar ConfidantWerewolftrait_OccultWerewolf_InitiationBonusTrait
MuserCreativitytraits.equip_trait Muser
Prepared VoyagerStar Warstraits.equip_trait trait_PreparedVoyager
Quick LearnerKnowledgetraits.equip_trait Quick_Learner
RelatableTeentraits.equip_trait trait_relatable
Spa MembershipWellnesstraits.equip_trait wellness_SpaMembership

4. Unlock Child Aspiration Traits With Cheats!

Aspiration Cheats

Kids from Sims 4 also get reward traits when they complete aspirations. However, there are also cheats that will get you these without much hustle:

Creatively GiftedArtistic Prodigytraits.equip_trait CreativelyGifted
Physically GiftedRambunctious Scamptraits.equip_trait PhysicallyGifted
Socially GiftedSocial Butterflytraits.equip_trait SociallyGifted
Mentally GiftedWhiz Kidtraits.equip_trait MentallyGifted
Practiced HostSlumber Party Animaltraits.equip_trait trait_ChildSkillReward_PraticedHost
HeadstrongMind And Bodytraits.equip_trait headstrong
Pack AnimalPlaytime Captaintraits.equip_trait packanimal
Idea PersonCreative Geniustraits.equip_trait ideaperson

5. Get Teen Aspiration Traits

Aspiration Cheats

At the moment, there are 4 teen aspirations and 4 matching aspiration traits. These are the cheats that will help you unlock them:

UntroubledDrama Llamatraits.equip_trait trait_Untroubled
HighflierGoal Orientedtraits.equip_trait trait_Highflier
DauntlessLive Fasttraits.equip_trait trait_Dauntless
IconicAdmired Icontraits.equip_trait trait_Iconic

6. Removing Aspiration Traits With Cheats

If, for any reason, you decide you don’t want your Sim to have a reward trait, you can remove it with a cheat. Simply replace traits.equip_trait with traits.remove_trait in any cheat, and this will eliminate the reward trait and the effects it has. For example, to remove the Animal Whisperer trait, just type traits.remove_trait Whisperer, and your Sim will lose this trait!


These were all handy cheats you need to unlock aspirations, and access reward or bonus traits for adults, kids, and teens in Sims 4. If cheats are not working for you, you can check why that may be, in our useful guide here. Enjoy your gameplay and happy simming!

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