Hip Hip Hooray, It’s New Kit Day!

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Author: Nicole
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Welcome to the first new Kit day of 2025! 3 Kits launched today including the first Creator Kit of the year, so let’s dive into the details.

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New Kit Day – Showing Love To The Classics

The DLC coming out on this new Kit day all shows love to aspects of The Sims that go well beyond the current mainline entry. While the content is new, they celebrate parts of the franchise that go all the way back to the beginning, on par with the upcoming Nostalgia-focused Events to celebrate The Sims‘ 25th birthday.

Secret Sanctuary Kit

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Players are referring to Secret Sanctuary as the Bella Goth Kit and it’s easy to see why. Bella Goth is one of the best-known sims in the entire franchise, premiering back in 2000 in the original The Sims. She has always been seen as a source of mysterious beauty and youth, with The Sims 2 going so far as to create an entire mystery surrounding her disappearance and reemergence in a totally different town with no memory of her past. In fact, if you look at the image above you’ll notice a telescope in the window; looking through a telescope was what she was doing when she was last seen before her abduction.

The Secret Sanctuary Kit comes with 26 new pieces.

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Buy/Build content for this set focuses on building an opulent space for relaxing and refreshing oneself. Sneak away through the secret bookcase door and into your own private den when you can dress up, glam up, or simply relax with a cup of tea while listening to your favorite music. The pieces are styled for a sim of class, one who has seen and done so much in their life and carried incredible stories of it along with them.

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CAS pieces for this Kit include several pieces that look like they came straight off the runway of Izzy Fabulous’ most recent fashion show, carrying a sense of class and sophistication worthy of a sim like Bella Goth. Of note is the new necklace included in the Kit which is reminiscent of one she wore in The Sims 2.

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You can buy the Secret Sanctuary Kit here.

Casanova Cave Kit

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Much like how Secret Sanctuary is a Kit clearly designed for Bella Goth, the Casanova Cave Kit looks to have been created with Don Lothario in mind. First premiering in The Sims 2, Don juggled multiple romances with the women of Pleasantview which included a failed pass at Bella. In fact, it was upon the deck of Don’s condo where Bella’s telescopic abduction took place. Don himself suffered a similar fate in The Sims 3 where his womanizing ways finally caught up to him, and he found himself pushed through a portal that sent him back in time!

This Kit also includes 26 new items.

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The items in Build/Buy are what you would expect to see in the home of a bachelor who’s been around long enough that they can afford more than flat-pack furniture, with an obvious lean towards a more “man cave” aesthetic. A huge TV, bar, sports jerseys and “juice” ads on the wall give the vibe of bachelor-chic, while certain more decrepit swatches suggest that not every single sim out there cares that much about making the space inviting. Different standards for a date versus watching football with the buddies, you know?

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You’ll find the CAS items sort of have a “gigolo meets divorced dad” aesthetic, trying to look hip and young but old and classy at the same time. It’s the type of wardrobe you have when you’re on the verge of a mid-life crisis but not entirely there yet.

Get the Casanova Cave Kit here.

Interestingly enough, clothing from both of these Kits include pieces that fit a “mob aesthetic,” reminiscent of the Alto Family who we first meet in The Sims 3.

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Comfy Gamer Kit

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Finally we have the Comfy Gamer Kit which is a Creator Kit made in collaboration with lilsimsie and it’s absolutely chock-full of references to all sorts of properties under The Sims franchise umbrella.

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While this Kit is focused on gaming, the real charm lies in all the clutter items included in the 30 piece set. The alien abduction lamp has swatches with everything from an unlucky llama to Bella Goth herself; you’ll recognize the faces of Freezer Bunny, gnomes, Yamachan, and more on the adorable footed planter; stacked game cases and posters for The Sims, The Sims Medieval, MySims Kingdom, The Sims 2: Seasons, and more; a hanging planter with a tiny Cowplant nestled between the leaves; and so many other cool little references on books, artwork, stickers, etc. It’s a nostalgia junkie’s dream!

Find the Comfy Gamer Kit here.

More on SNOOTYSIMS: With so much DLC out there for The Sims 4 these days, it’s hard to keep track of it all. We’ve got a full chronological list of every Expansion Pack, Game Pack, Stuff Pack, and Kit!

Chronological Timeline of Sims 4 DLC


New Kit day starts strong in 2025 with 33% more Kit than what’s usually released, all 3 of which show love to the history of The Sims in their own way. Celebrating long-standing characters, referencing old events, and spotlighting content that you might not have thought about for years. The Sims is kicking off its 25th birthday with a bang, and we can’t wait to see what else is coming!

Which Kit is your new fave? Is there an older sim or game element you’d like to see make a comeback during this birthday celebration? Who’s your favorite recurring sim or family over the different game entries? Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and enjoy this new trip down an old memory lane. Happy new Kit day and happy simming!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole

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I've been playing The Sims since the first game launched way back in 2000 and have been using CC for over 20 years. As a creative person with an interest in design, The Sims games have always been a great outlet for me whether I'm creating a cool sim, trying a new build style, or dabbling in CC making. The Sims really is a wonderful medium for all sorts of creative outlets and I'm happy to share my enthusiasm with other like-minded players!

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