Over 100 Of The Best Haunted House Items You Can Get in-Game Without Mods Or “Spooky” Packs

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Author: Nicole
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Want to create your own Haunted House but don’t own the classic “spooky” packs? Don’t despair, here are the best Haunted House items you can find without mods!

Best Haunted House Items

Recently we shared a collection of Spooky Haunted Houses you can download and play with right away, ranging from older builds that only need a few Packs to cultural treasures that need mods to look their best. If you don’t have every piece of The Sims 4 DLC you might have found yourself limited on your options though, but there’s no need to feel discouraged!

While The Sims 4 has several DLCs that are obviously full of spooky-centered content such as Spooky Stuff, Vampires, and the upcoming Life And Death Expansion, you can create unnerving and creepy builds even if you don’t have these packs. Don’t let an incomplete DLC catalog stop you from enjoying the spooky season!

There’s lots of content hidden in the game that is perfect for a haunted build, whether it be a swatch of an item you never noticed before or an object you can only access under certain circumstances. The Base Game and nearly every piece of The Sims 4 DLC has something that fits so everybody can feel included, and with no mods needed even console simmers can get in on the fun!

Before We Get Started – Functionality And Cheats

Before we break into the best haunted house items you can find in the game without mods, there are a few things to know that will make furnishing your haunted builds much easier.

Useful Cheats And Keys

There are a few basic cheat codes that you may already know, but they’re good to go over anyway!

  • bb.moveobjects will allow you to place items outside of their typical constraints such as placing multiple pieces of wall decor closer together than normal, making items available to fit on slotted objects that normally wouldn’t fit, or layering/merging pieces.
  • bb.showhiddenobjects and bb.showliveeditobjects and bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement will give you access to items in the catalog that normally can’t be reached without specific gameplay such as crafting items, career promotion unlocks, and limited-time scenario prizes.
  • F5 and ALT (PC) or LT/L2 (console) allows you to move into quarter-tile and grid-free object placement, for much more organic layouts and fine-tuned aesthetics.
  • SHIFT + C (PC) use this cheat while a roof is selected to enter into a more advanced roof editing mode—this is sadly not an option on console though we’ve read that players have made it work when using a Bluetooth keyboard connected to their console.
  • [ and ] (PC) or L Trigger + R Trigger + ↑ or ↓ on the D pad (console) sizes objects up or down.

Functionality Considerations

When creating your own haunted house build it’s important to decide if it’s meant more for form or function. You don’t have to follow any rules if you’re building a set for storytelling or photos, but keep in mind that object functionality can be affected when you use cheats.

For example, with bb.moveobjects you can place extra items on a computer desk, but doing so might make a computer placed on it inaccessible. Hanging long light fixtures or ceiling decorations in front of an object or door will prevent sims from accessing it. Resizing objects may keep them functional (such as dollhouses), but it’s good to test this with pieces you’ve resized if you want them to remain accessible to your sims.

More on SNOOTYSIMS: Get more in-depth information about the tips and tricks shared here with our list of 11 Build Cheats That Will Completely Change The Sims 4!

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The Best Haunted House Items Outside Of “Spooky” Packs

Now let’s go over the best haunted house items you can find in The Sims 4 without mods! For this list we’re focusing on the kind of haunted houses you commonly see in pop culture, which usually involve older and possibly dilapidated spaces with violent or supernatural elements. Some of the pieces we’re going to share have been chosen with repurposing or environmental storytelling in mind, so the bigger your imagination the more items you’ll enjoy. For items that come in sets such as windows and doors, we may not share every single item from a set to save space.

I will be skipping Realm of Magic, Vampires, Werewolves, Spooky Stuff, and Paranormal Stuff for this post along with any DLCs that I couldn’t find viable options in. A special thank you to gamer PurpleNightOwl who provided item lists for many of the game’s DLCs, which was especially helpful for those I don’t own myself!

Storybook Nursery Kit

Spooky Items You Can Find In Storybook Nursery

This entire Kit is built with the Goths in mind so it’s no surprise that pretty much everything included will work in a haunted house. We want to point out two items in particular, though. The Little Ophelia Villa Dollhouse can be used by sims of all ages and the fact that it has its own miniature cemetery makes it a standout, and the Wagon ‘O Wares is one of our favorites because of the toy scythe detail that will have your new nanny thinking twice about spending the night!

Artist Studio Kit

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The Sketches and Studies of Studies item has a sinister swatch full of artwork depicting anguish, anger, and death-related motifs. This piece is perfect for the den of a tortured artist or a young sim being haunted by something they can’t understand, so they draw it out instead.


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The Gothic Ring Leather Seat is certainly good for some kinky fun, but those rings can also be re-imagined as restraints for a trapped sim. Using environmental storytelling this seat could easily be used as a torture device, or for holding down a wild Occult sim who is too dangerous to be roaming loose. Use the Worn Plaster Wall in places where you want sims to feel a sense of unease, and close off dangerous spaces with the more jail cell-like swatches of the Elegant Single Ironwork Door.

Let’s not forget the Mexican inspiration for this Expansion and that Araceli the Breathtaking and the Artsy Porcelain Veggie Bowl are wonderful items to have out for a Día de Muertos ritual.

Party Essentials

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A few of the Party Starters’ Fog Machines in strategic places will give the area an eerie feeling. Is it the mist of a fog maker, or the wisps of fading spirits haunting the place?

Crystal Creations

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The aesthetics of this entire Pack lend themselves quite well to a spooky build. The Dignified Display Cabinet and Dignified Display Shelf are great places to store cursed collectibles, candles, and other haunting ephemera. The Final Finial is another wonderful display piece for these items or for showing off (decorative) urns, and the Burning The Midnight Oil Lamp lends itself perfectly to any creepy crypt you create. Play with the sizing and placement of the Mystical Moonlight Grid for an otherworldly portal or unique pedestal piece.

Castle Estate Kit

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If you haven’t checked out all the swatches offered in the Castle Estate Kit you might have missed out on these dingy, grimy colorways that are perfect for a decrepit old manor or a nasty hidden prison chamber. Pictured here are the Earl’s Casement Window – Tall, Heraldic Crest Of Yore, and The Earle’s Door along with the matching wall and floor.

For Rent

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The Tranquil Dining Chair, Tranquil Square Dining Table, Tranquil Coffee Table, and Tranquil End Table all have silhouettes that lend themselves well to the world of Tomorang, but also style nicely in an old-fashioned space such as an abandoned house. Placing the Spirit House sculpture adds a degree of reverence to the area as if it’s a shrine to someone lost. The Almost Natural Springs Hot Tub serves as a great option when you want your haunted house to be livable but still look overgrown and unkempt, and adding the Lonely Cluster Mailbox in a dingy swatch helps sell the vibe. And don’t forget all of the decorative wall pieces featuring grime, dirt, and damage!

Home Chef Hustle

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Not much to be afraid of with this pack aside from some burnt food, but placing a Tom Berry Knife Block anywhere that isn’t a kitchen counter will surely get visiting sims’ hair to stand on end!

Modern Luxe Kit

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This Kit is all about luxury, so you’re not going to find much in a state of disrepair here. However, we wanted to mention The Hightower Double Bed because the tufted headboard makes us think of the tufting you might see in a nicer-quality casket, and the dangling blankets have a “death shroud” feeling. Place this in a room with equally creepy accoutrements and this bed goes from a place of restful sleep to a place of permanent slumber!

Horse Ranch

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Horse Ranch is another one of those packs that has a well-worn aesthetic all around, so plenty of items from it are suitable for a spooky or abandoned build. The Covered Parlor Chair is a perfect piece of furniture for suggesting that the residents of the home are long gone, and the more neutral swatches of the Rancher’s Rest Single Bed work for an in-home hospice or fancy hospital bed. Imagine the Rootin’ Fruit’n Nectar Maker as a means to drain & bottle blood from innocent victims, and lock them up behind the Vertical or Wide Stall Window!

Store keepsakes from the deceased or ritual ingredients in the Raised Ranch Curio Cabinet and use the Pottery Bowl with Sacred Medicines or Harmonious Sage Candle Tray to show that a smudging attempt was made by an Indigenous sim to affect the space. A Dead Mesquite Tree or two outside will warn the curious of what’s hiding within.

Basement Treasures Kit

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The whole point of this Kit is to have old, beat-up things to shove down into your sims’ basements. Move those items into a main living space however, and things get eerie! Broken swatches of the Strange Reminiscence Framed Photo will have curious sims wondering what befell those in the pictures, and a shattered swatch for The Graceful Ambition Standing Mirror will leave them curious as to who (or what) damaged it. The Disassembled Heart Bed works for a squatting situation or for a story where sims packed up and left as quickly as they could.

Use the various swatches from Unbeatable Stains and the Weary Wall Decal all over the build to add some age and decay.

Growing Together

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Certain swatches of the Hold Some History Hallway Table have a bit of a dingy look to them, and Not Your Grandma’s Drawers, Your Table is a little beat up and perfect for resizing & stacking to make an old library catalogue or other records. The Framed World Travel Poster can be used in a lived-in home to bring a bit of haunted flavor and the Rescued From the Attic Mirror is also a nice option for a space that’s not abandoned but still creepy. Finally, the Basic and Truly Ornate Keepsake Box objects can be used as a holder for a sacred skull or secrets, or even as a casket for a small pet.

Desert Luxe Kit

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This is a small one, but the Reclaimed Style Privacy Window is another great option for barred windows, such as those you might see in a basement prison.

High School Years

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Spruce up any build and make it look more stately with Mild and Tiled pieces and bring a mysterious spooky feeling to a space with Chiffon Shades and Sheer Beauty curtain panels. Using the white swatch on the Chair of Many Colors makes it look like a piece of furniture with an old drop cloth on it, and the Steadfast Side Table and other furniture pieces from the line embrace the secondhand feeling with swatches that show their age. Lastly the Free Association Collages have a swatch that, in the proper context, could look like creepy photos taken by a stalker.

Decor To The Max Kit

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The maximalist style of this Kit makes it a bit loud for a classic old-fashioned haunted house, but the luxury works well for a more modern, lived-in haunt or as part of the decor in a higher-end funeral home. Furniture like the Sumptuous Throne for Everyday Living and The Maximalist’s Dream Sofa marry older styles like floral prints and plushness to modern silhouettes, inviting mourners to sit and reminisce. The Warmly Chromatic Fireplace adds a touch of elegance to any library or mortuary, and Birds and Flower in Hand wallpaper in deeper tones is a lovely embellishment for a parlor.

If you want a slightly kookier vibe, hang a Circle of Infinity mirror and treat it as a portal to another world or a place where lost souls are doomed to wander forever.

My Wedding Stories

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So many of the pieces in this Expansion can double for funeral objects along with their original wedding goals. An Antiqued Pew – by Winds of Change Inc. is very church-like (where weddings and funerals are both often held) and the Fenwick the V Banquet Table has enough wear-and-tear to fit into an empty, neglected home. We also can’t forget the medieval flare of items like a Lone Candle in the Hall and The Trinity Archway to give your build that ancient ambience.

Cottage Living

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When it comes to spooky buildings you can never go wrong with wrought iron pieces like the Village Pub Table or Spring Sparrow B&B Bed. The G.R. Saker Typesmithy Double Plus Good Edition is going to be your go-to computer for any homes that are still stuck in centuries past, and the Perfect Timing Wall Clock – by TimeZup is a great option for those who don’t want to give up space for a full-fledged grandfather clock. The Quintessential Cottage Door is perfect for a dungeon space, and Old King Kool – by The IceBox Coorperation reminds me of a scene from the movie The Goonies where they discover a corpse stashed in a freezer.

Snowy Escape

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Much of the aesthetic from Snowy Escape is focused on ancient tradition, so many of the pieces that come with it are suitable for a haunted house or any old-world build really. Reinforce & Retreat Cedar Bars are another object that’s well-suited for a barred window/prison situation along with the Mountain Sun Door by Door Picker and Co. and the Shh! Shoji Sliding Double Door. Place a Mountain Shrine in sacred spaces (there are several moss-covered swatches for older/unkempt builds).

Nifty Knitting

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With a high enough Knitting Skill or the right catalog cheat, you can add an adorable Lil’ Grim or 6 to increase the spooky ambience. Plus, gift one to Grim and your sim might get a special surprise!

Discover University

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Honestly, a lot of the pieces I’m sharing for this EP are items that I thought came from Realm of Magic because the aesthetics are such a great match. Furniture items like Mortimer’s Secrets Bookcase, the Oh-So-Fine China Hutch, and the “If it ain’ broke” Table all possess either an old-fashioned and/or broken-in feeling to them. The Clemes F. Stokes Fireplace has a motif that looks like an old cameo carving that has worn away with the years. Add a Bonehilda Port-O-Pal for a little youthful charm in your decor!

Most of the windows that come with this pack are great options for the best haunted house items outside of spookier packs, but we want to specifically point out the Study in Geometry and Piggy Pigeon’s Perch Window as perfect options.

Island Living

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The wear and tear of the ocean winds leave pieces battered and worn, and many of these worn pieces fit nicely into a haunted house. Use pieces like Rocks n’ Stuff (sized down here to fit in the screenshot) and Burried Crates Ashore to amp up the decrepit feelings in any build. A lack of electricity in modern day adds to a sense of unease with Ocean Inspired Paper Lanterns being a stylish option. Cross My Heart and Hope to Bali Ha’i also is a creepy light fixture but it doubles as a dangerous weapon when the light is off.

Add some flavor to the decor with a Mounted Scorpionfish, and the Ornate Steamer Trunk is perfect for hiding secrets.


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StrangerVille is certainly loaded with weird stuff, but not things you would necessarily associate with creepy content. Luckily though there are a small handful of objects in a mix of styles that suit haunted house builds.

If you prefer a more old-fashioned space the Regal Bookcase adds a nice touch to a library or grand hall and windows such as Arched Aperture bring some gothic flavor. If an evil scientist lair is more your jam you’ll get lots of use out of the Plant Containment Cell for displaying specimens. And regardless of the style and type of creepy creation you’re aiming for, pieces like the Grunge Spatcals and Splatrugs and their multiple swatches add the prefect staining whether they be indicative of blood, dirt, mold, or whatever twisted thing comes to your mind.

Jungle Adventure

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I personally like to use Wall Ruins and Wall Cracks in different sizes all over decrepit walls, and you can’t go wrong with an Amazonite Sentry or two that give guests a sense of unease.

City Living

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City Living has a variety of “used” and dirty items that are well-suited to abandoned, unkempt builds, many which are hidden/debug items. The Trash or Treasure seating pieces are suitably dingy and you can decorate smaller spaces with a Haunted Mansion or Reaper Snow Globe. Of course you can’t forget the grody walls and floors that are part of this expansion!

Romantic Garden Stuff

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The overgrown nature of every piece in this Stuff Pack brings us a wealth of ways to show an outdoor space that’s been neglected and abandoned. Another nifty use for certain pieces however is for creating your own unique grave markers, especially when you play with resizing statues. Where The Green Fern Grows is one of the more opulent options that can be used to denote a tomb of particular significance.

Get Together

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So much of Get Together will work in an older house build because the world in which the Pack is focused is based off eastern European countries whose people have lived there for hundreds and hundreds of years. There is no shortage of ancient architecture or ghost stories from this area and that ancient aesthetic spills over into The Sims 4 effortlessly.

Take special notice of the Build mode items from this pack, many of which feature stained glass befitting a multigenerational manor or historical chapel. Check out the King of Diamonds Classical Door, and windows like Sir Stainsworth’s Stained Glass, Winners Window, and Stone Framed Window.

Spa Day

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Spa Day is probably one of the last DLCs you think of when you’re thinking of the best haunted house items in The Sims 4, but there are a few hidden gems in here!

For starters this Game Pack has 2 huge, elaborate lighting fixtures that are befitting any grand estate (and are also perfect for “dropping” on an unsuspecting victim) called Ill-oooominate and The Stellar Spiral which are so large, I had to shrink them to fit into my screenshot! The other useful item from this Pack is the Scent-From-Heaven and Spring Blossom Incense Holders. They’re useful for any situation where a sim might need to burn something for a spell or ritual, but they also act as an instant mood-changer so you can manipulate how your sim feels as they explore your haunted spaces.

Get To Work

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It’s kind of wild to think about the fact that the very first Expansion for The Sims 4 was about going to work, of all things! But, there’s a lot in this Pack to build up atmosphere depending on what you’re going for. Mad Scientist lair? Check. Insane Doctor experimenting on innocent sims? Check. A lot of the best stuff is hidden because they’re career items, but they’re in there!

Pieces like the Double, Triple Check! Cell Door and Holey Door of Holding are perfect for torture chambers and prisons, and there isn’t really any type of haunted build where a Skelly Sim would look out of place.

The star of this DLC though? The alien plants. Originally designed for planet SIXAM these weird gnarled, glowing flora will make your gardens eerie and even menacing. My favorite is Alien Root 1a9k but Alien Mushroom 2a3b and Alien Shrub 1a1z also get a lot of use in my creepy builds.

Outdoor Retreat

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One of the Collectibles from this Pack is the Will-o-the-Wisp, which has supernatural connotations in a number of cultures.

The Sims 4 Base Game

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And of course, the base game. There are plenty of objects in the base game that can be used for a range of builds depending on the swatches and aesthetics you’re after, but there are also some things you might not have considered as viable options for haunted house decor either because you never really use them or because they’re collectibles you usually can’t see in the catalog.

For creepy critters you should take a look at The Boneyard fish bowl and stock it with a Captain Fishbones, Batfish or other creepy fish, and tank/jarred specimens like the Dead Space Porcupine also add a sense of unease to a space. Embrace the Mexican view of death with the Catrina Doll and don’t forget the Sugar Skulls hidden in the catalog from the old Day Of The Dead Challenge. Use Grandmother’s Urn as a filler for mausoleums and The Ornate Beauty as a treasure chest or fancy casket (play with sizing up or down).

If your spooky build has younger sims living in it, there are multiple MySims Collectibles that they can put in their spaces to keep up the creepy crawly vibes. And don’t sleep on The Ghastly Ghostly Gnome—that red swatch is pretty unnerving!


Even if you don’t have the DLC packs that include the typical “scary” pieces, you can still embrace the autumn season by making your own creepy builds! With this list we’ve shared over 100 of the best Haunted House items outside those stereotypical spooky packs, so no matter what DLCs you have there’s likely things you can use to add the right horror ambience.

What do you think of this list? Are there any items that surprised you, or objects you think should have been mentioned here? Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and spooky simming!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole

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I've been playing The Sims since the first game launched way back in 2000 and have been using CC for over 20 years. As a creative person with an interest in design, The Sims games have always been a great outlet for me whether I'm creating a cool sim, trying a new build style, or dabbling in CC making. The Sims really is a wonderful medium for all sorts of creative outlets and I'm happy to share my enthusiasm with other like-minded players!

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