You have likely noticed that the Sims 4 has a gameplay mechanic called sentiments. But, how much do you actually know about them? If the answer is little to nothing, you have come to the right place. There are currently 70 sentiments in the Sims 4, and we will use this post to explain every single one of them! So, let us get on with it… Here are all of Sim’s 4 sentiments listed!

The Sims 4 Sentiments: Positive & Negative!
The Sims 4 sentiments were first introduced in a Base Game update titled patch 103. They are a gameplay mechanic that allows Sims to have underlying feelings towards each other. These are gained by interacting with other Sims in positive or negative ways. After a Sim has achieved a sentiment towards another Sim, they will feel a certain way once the two are in the same space.
These sentiments come in both short and long-term effects. Which will ultimately affect how strong the emotions are when the two Sims are in the same space. A Sim can have up to 4 sentiments for another Sim, but once they gain a new sentiment after that, the weakest of the 4 will be replaced. There are currently 70 sentiments in the Sims 4. Approximately half of which are negative, whilst the other is positive. Now, let us have a look at them, shall we?
Positive Sims 4 Sentiments
1. Adoring

Wow, those are some really cute puppy eyes. Like for real, how adorable! Sim #1 thinks the world of Sim #2, and wants them to experience nothing but happiness! Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
2. A True Hero

I need a hero, I’m holding out for a hero ’til the end of the night! And Sim #2 is definitely nothing short of one. Sim #1 is forever grateful and amazed by Sim #2 ever since they saved their life! Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
3. Close After Close Call

Oh, that was too close for comfort… I sure hope Grim did not notice, or they would have come for them both… Sim #2 has become really close to Sim #1 after they almost faced death together! Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
4. Close After Party

A little party never killed nobody, so we gon’ dance until we drop… After spending some time at a fun party together, Sim #1 feels a close connection whenever they are around Sim #2. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
5. Happy Memories

I’ve had the time of my life. No, I never felt this way before! Yes, indeed… Due to some recent happy and good memories, Sim #1 feels so much closer to Sim #2. There is certainly a loving bond here. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
6. Deep Connection

You got a friend in me… Boy, you’ve got a friend in me. Yeah, you’ve got a friend in me. Whenever Sim #1 needs a source of strength and comfort, all they have to do is seek out their deep connection with Sim #2. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
7. Deeply in Love

The whispers in the morning… Of lovers sleeping tight…Are rolling by like thunder now…
As I look in your eyes…Love is a wonderful thing. And, Sim #1 will forever treasure how they feel deeply in love with their sweetheart, Sim #2. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
8. Growing Closer

You’re a true friend (Ooh-oh). You’re here ’till the end… You pull me aside when something ain’t right…Talk with me now and into the night…’Til it’s alright again…You’re a true friend. The more time Sim #1 spends with Sim #2, the closer their bond becomes. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
9. Impressed

Well, well, well. What do we have here? Someone is impressed huh? We do not know what has caused Sim #1 to be this impressed….But it certainly must be something epic… It seems like Sim #2 knows their stuff. And whatever it is, it leaves Sim #1 greatly impressed. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
10. Smitten

Wise men say…Only fools rush in…But I can’t help falling in love with you… If I can’t help falling in love with you? Oh la la, love is in the air! It seems Sim #1 is fully enamored with Sim #2, just the sight of them makes their heart skip a beat. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
11. Open-Hearted

We are family – I got all my sisters with me – We are family – Get up everybody and sing! How precious… There has been a new addition to the household, and Sim #1 welcomes this new family member with open arms and an open heart! Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
12. Cooking Together

What happens in the kitchen, stays in the kitchen. And, for good or bad, Sims that cook together knows the truth of the matter… Cooking together creates trust, and good food creates strong bonds. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
13. Bonded From Climb

Keep smiling, keep shining… Knowing you can always count on me, for sure… That’s what friends are for! Adrenaline junkies, Sim #1 and Sim #2 forged a powerful bond when they climbed an epic mountain together! Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
14. Hot Pot Meal Friends

Yeah, Hot Pot Meal friends are for life. There is nothing better than sharing a warm meal with good company! Sim #1 feels they were brought closer together with Sim #2 during this meal. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
15. Celebrated Together

The Festival of Snow was such a blast! Sim #1 had so much fun partying it out in the snow with Sim #2. They will surely hold on to those fun memories for a while! Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
16. Close to a Confidant

It is always nice to have a Sim friend to confide in. Sim #1 certainly feels much closer to Sim #2 after opening up about what is going on in their life currently. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
17. Compatible Lives

After discovering that they share a lot of the same interests, Sim #1 has found that they feel even more attracted to Sim #2. Their lifestyles just fit, so that must mean they do too! Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
18. Deeply Enamored

When I see your face… There’s not a thing that I would change… ‘Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are… After being enchanted by the magical Winter Wonderland, Sim #1 has fallen even more deeply in love with Sim #2. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
19. Mountain Moment

I’m crazy for you – Crazy for you! After a romantic moment on top of the mountains, Sim #1 realized that they are head over snow boots in love with Sim #2. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
20. First Kiss

I kissed a girl and I liked it – the taste of her cherry chapstick! Sparks are flying high after Sim #1 and Sim #2 shared their first kiss at the Festival of Light. May their wholesome romance keep on burning bright! Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
21. Fun at Youth Festival

You can’t take my youth away… This soul of mine will never break…After celebrating the festival of Youth with Sim #2, Sim #1 will treasure that memory for a long time. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
22. Fun In The Snow

Let it snow – let it snow – let it snow… Snow time! A little fun snow play has reminded Sim #1 of the simple joys in life, and they certainly would be happy to play in the snow with Sim #2 again. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
23. Made a Wish

When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true. Sim #1 shared their dreams and hopes for the future with Sim #2 while making a wish together at the Festival of Light. And, in true Tangled fashion, there were lanterns too! Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
24. Mountain Mastery

My my, that is inspiring! Sim #1 truly admires the perseverance and skill Sim #2 has showcased while on the mountain. Sim #2 is really a mentor to them, perhaps they can help Sim #1 learn skills faster? Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
25. Mountain Love

Cause baby, there ain’t no mountain high enough – for this love! Sim #1 and Sim #2 have fallen deeply in love. Meaning, wherever one goes, the other follows. There is no mountain high enough to keep these lovebirds away from one another – oh, no. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
26. Played Together

Sim #1 cannot stop thinking about their amazing time at the Festival of Snow with Sim #2. Those wonderful moments will keep Sim #1 feeling warmly towards Sim #2 for a long time. Sim #1 is not Elsa, so they can’t simply let it go… Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
27. Snowy Vacation

This sentiment is a Sims 4 Hallmark movie waiting to happen! Sim #1 has magical memories of playing in the snow with Sim #2 during their vacation. Thanks to their snowy trip, they have become much closer. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
28. Unity in Hiking

These boots are made for walking – and that’s just what they’ll do. And, one of these days these boots helped Sim #1 and Sim #2 walk through a difficult hike! Earning them new memories together, and a strong bond! Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
29. Opposite Attracted

It seems the movies weren’t wrong after all… Opposites do attract! Sim #1 has certainly grown some romantic feelings for Sim #2, and all that despite their very opposite interests and lifestyles. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
30. Relaxing Together

Oh, la la! It seems like the Hot Springs are warming up more than just the water… After a real heart-heart, Sim #1 is feeling very warmhearted toward Sim #2. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
31. Happy With Decor

Well, well, well… It seems Sim #1 surely knows their interior design! Sim #2 cannot shut up about how happy they are about the remodeling job… So, they will certainly spread the word! Requires the Sims 4: Dream-Home Decorator.
32. A Jamtastic Gift

That’s my jam! How sweet of them… Sim #2 has given Sim #1 a gift of home-canned jam. This wholesome gesture will certainly not be forgotten by Sim #1, who is now very fond of Sim #2. Requires the Sims 4: Cottage Living.
33. Heart-to-Heart

Townies living in Henford-on-Bagley seem to become very close after sharing a heart-to-heart. That is specifically the case for Sim #1 who now feels very close to Sim #2 after they shared a special Henford heart-to-heart. What do they share? That is a secret. Requires the Sims 4: Cottage Living.
34. Picnic Bonding

Is there anything more wholesome than a picnic? We think not, and neither does Sim #1, who recently shared a wonderful picnic with Sim #2. They told us it really brought them together. Requires the Sims 4: Cottage Living.
35. Partner in Crime

Sim #1 does not have to bet their chances on one lucky dime, because they know they can always count on their partner in crime, Sim #2. They became quite the duo after they conspired together the first time, since then they have been unstoppable. Requires the Sims 4: Cottage Living.
36. Helping Out

Helping a friend in need is always such a wonderful thing to do. It really forges strong friendships like no other. Which explains why Sim #1 feels so much closer to Sim #2 after lending them a helping hand! Requires the Sims 4: Cottage Living.
37. Helping Out

Oh my gosh! Is romance in the air, or the ruins? The kiss Sim #1 shared with Sim #2 was just incredible! Butterflies everywhere, is this a movie? It may have been the Volpe ruins that set the fire off… But now Sim #1 has ignited a burning passion for Sim #2. Requires the Sims 4: Cottage Living.
38. Helping Out

You are, my fire, my one, desire – you are my jam! Sim #1 has put all their feelings in a jar and given it to Sim #2. Now, their heart is full of music, and their stomach full of butterflies! Requires the Sims 4: Cottage Living
Negative Sims 4 Sentiments
39. Ashamed of Party

Oh no, that party went pretty badly… Sim #1 is unbelievably ashamed of throwing such a lame party. They are going to have to deal with this shame for a while. But the worst part is, Sim #2 will probably never wanna come to hang out ever again. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
40. Awkward Bad Date

Yeah, that date was catastrophically bad… There is no point in denying it. And now everything is just awkward between Sim #1 and Sim #2. Like, really, really awkward! Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
41. Betrayed By Cheater

Love hurts… Yeah, Sim #2 is going to have to keep their distance… After they cheated on Sim #1, they ruined everything. Now Sim #1 is reminded of their betrayal every time they see Sim #2. Not good Sim #2, not good… Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
42. Bitter Breakup

There is a bitter taste in Sim #1’s mouth that they just cannot get rid of. But after dwelling a bit on it, they realized it is the taste of a bitter breakup. Sim #1 resents Sim #2 for the way their relationship ended. So, whenever the two run into each other things are just unpleasant. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
43. Deeply Wounded

Certain wounds take a long time to heal. But the deep wounds take even longer… After Sim #2 hurt Sim #1 very deeply, it caused a deep wound within Sim #1, which is gonna take some time to heal. Therefore it is better Sim #2 keeps their distance – they just bring up too many painful memories for Sim #1 right now. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
44. Rejection Sadness

Never mind, I’ll find someone like you… After being rejected by Sim #2, Sim #1 is very dejected and sad. They really do not blame Sim #2 for turning them down, but they still feel uneasy whenever they are around Sim #2. It is just not an ideal situation for anyone… Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
45. Festering Grudge

We are sensing some very negative feelings in the air here… Sim #1 will not forget the past and the actions of Sim #2. Which has resulted in Sim #1 carrying a deep-seated grudge against Sim #2. Not really healthy, or ideal for anyone… Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
46. Furious

Wow, there is some serious anger going on here! Did a volcano of fury just erupt? It might soon… Just the mention of Sim #2 gets Sim #1’s blood boiling these days. Whatever Sim #2 has done or said, it cannot be good. If the two ever meet face to face, you better run for the hills! Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
47. They Cheated

Oh no, they did not! Indeed, they did… Sim #1 cannot believe that Sim #2 would ruin their relationship like this! They have used all this time to build a loving and trusting bond, and for what? So Sim #2 could go cheat it away?! Yeah well, no wonder Sim #1 is furious about what Sim #2 did… They were sure not on a break! Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
48. Grudge After Fight

Sim #1 said some things they did not mean. And, Sim #2 said some things they did not mean. In the heat of an argument, things were said, but nothing was resolved. Leaving Sim #1 and Sim #2 with some real unfinished business. Yeah, the conflict is definitely not resolved yet. Tensions are high, and Sim #1 is building a grudge… Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
49. Guilty Sim

Sometimes Sims do stuff that they later regret, and that is normal. But in this case, Sim #1 feels really, really, really bad about something that happened with Sim #2. And, they do not know how to apologize and make this right again… So, for now, Sim #1 is stuck with feeling guilty. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
50. heartbroken

Love hurts, love scars, love wounds, love is hard… Love hurts, and Sim #1 is reminded of their heartbreak every time they think about Sim #2. Their heart is just split in two, and it might take some time to heal…Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
51. Just Hurt

Nobody likes to feel hurt. But thanks to the actions of Sim #1, Sim #2 is stuck feeling incredibly hurt. But the worst part is that Sim #1 doesn’t even know what they did wrong… So now, every time the two are in the same place, Sim #2 is reminded of that pain. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
52. Left At The Altar

You change your mind… like a girl changes clothes…Did someone get cold feet? Why could Sim #2 just not call the wedding off an hour before? How dare they humiliate Sim #1 in front of all their family and friends?! No, after Sim #2 left Sim #1 at the altar Sim #1 is infuriated! Whether the relationship shall continue or not, Sim #1 is gonna need some space for a while… Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
53. Divorce Anger

Sometimes, two Sims can be meant to be together for a while, but not forever. This was certainly the case for Sim #1 and Sim #2. But, despite their mutual divorce agreement, Sim #1 has some leftover resentment toward Sim #2 concerning how they ended things… Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
54. Saddened

Cause I will love you unconditionally… Now, this is just sad. After they spent so much time building a strong foundation, a rift has caused their relationship to crumble into pieces. So, Sim #1 is just saddened, they really wish things were different. And, they wonder if Sim #2 feels the same way. Requires the Sims 4: Basegame.
55. Yoga Bitterness

Why does every single Sim at yoga practice have to show off their skills?! Just because Sim #2 knows how to do a handstand does not mean they have to show it off every 2 seconds. And it also does not mean that they are better than everyone else in the class… Sim #1 is just bitter towards yoga and Sim #2 right now… Requires the Sims 4: Spa Day.
56. Terrible Climb 1

It’s the climb… Well, that did not go as Sim #1 had hoped. Sim #1 brought Sim #2 to climb a mountain, but the whole thing was a fiasco… Sim #1 may have overestimated their climbing skills, and also their leadership skills… They were close to the top though, kind of, but not really… Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
57. Terrible Climb 2

Are you kidding me? Sim #1 could not stop talking about how good they were at climbing, and how nice it would be to climb the mountain. They convinced Sim #2 to join them on this climb, and the whole thing was a total failure! Sim #2 feels like Sim #1 lied to them and wasted their time… They had to turn back! So, now Sim #2 is just bitter toward Sim #1. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
58. Terrible Hike

Oh my gosh, that was a terrible hike! Sim #2 is certainly never going to trust Sim #1 to take them on a hike ever again. They feel like their time and efforts were wasted for nothing… So, now Sim #2 is just bitter. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
59. No Blessing

This is just terrible… Sim #2 did not receive a blessing during the Festival of Youth. That totally stings, because all the other kids got blessed, did they not?! Ugh, now Sim #2 just feels left out. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
60. Disrespected

No that did not just happen, did it? Sim #2 is enraged that their date Sim #2 went flirting with someone else! They were attending the Festival of Light together… This was their Tangled moment! How dare they! Sim #1 feels totally disrespected, not cool Sim #2, not cool. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
61. Failed Friendship

That is such a bummer… Sim #1 really valued their friendship with Sim #2. They were such good friends too, but now it has all unraveled… Ugh, Sim #1 feels like they fully failed at friendship. Does this mean they are a horrible friend? Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
62. Neglected

Working 9 to 5, what a way to make a living… barely getting by… Oh, come on! Sim #1 always chooses to work instead of hanging out with Sim #2. When will this stop?! Seriously, by this point, Sim #2 is starting to feel neglected by their workaholic friend… Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
63. Failed Climb

That mountain climb was a total fail, and it is all of Sim #2’s fault. Sim #1 had really high expectations for this climb, and they were definitely not met… So now, they are just very resentful toward Sim #2 for dragging them along on such a stupid, waste of time, climb. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
64. Personal Rift

Oh no, this totally stings! Sim #1 is a real social butterfly, so the decline of Sim #2’s friendship is just really, really painful. And here Sim #1 thought they might have found a really cool friend… It is really difficult not to take this rejection personally. Requires the Sims 4: Snowy Escape.
65. Bad Decor

Well, it looks like this gig went south really quick. Though Sim #1 tried their best to deliver a wonderful room, Sim #2 thought it all looked hideous! Yes, Sim #2 is actually furious over this bad interior design… Let’s just hope they do not resort to suing Sim #1… They better keep their distance for a while. Requires the Sims 4: Dream-Home Decorator.
66. Scolding

That was so not cool Sim #2… You do not go around and scold people, that is so childish! Now, Sim #1 is just left really bitter after Sim #2 scolded them the other day. It might take a bit to get over this… Requires the Sims 4: Cottage Living.
67. You Are The Animal

This is so infuriating! Sim #2 traded away Sim #1’s beloved animal. How could they?! What could possibly make Sim #2 believe that trading away a family member was okay? No, Sim #1 is really mad at Sim #2, and they are gonna remain mad for quite some time… Requires the Sims 4: Cottage Living.
68. Failed Bribe 1

Money, money, money… Why would Sim #2 not accept Sim #1’s bribe? Really, it was such a good bribe too! Well, now Sim #1 is just bitter toward Sim #2. They really should have accepted that bribe… Requires the Sims 4: Cottage Living.
69. Failed Bribe 2

Okay, enough with the bitterness. Sim #1 has realized that they were wrong for trying to bribe Sim #2. So, now Sim #1 is just left feeling incredibly guilty. They sure hope Sim #2 will forget about this incident real quick… Requires the Sims 4: Cottage Living.
70. Animal Friend

How heartbreaking… After Sim #2 traded away Sim #1’s beloved animal, they have still not been able to get it back. So, now Sim #1 is really just heartbroken… They really miss their animal family member. Why did Sim #2 have to trade it away… Requires the Sims 4: Cottage Living.
So, this was all Sims 4 sentiments listed! Which sentiment is your favorite? Do you have a least favorite? Which sentiment have you gained? Which sentiment do you wanna gain? Let us know your thoughts on all this in the comments! We would love to hear it…
Anyway, thank you so much for stopping by to read about all the Sims 4 sentiments listed. We certainly hope this post brought you some clarity. And, perhaps even some inspiration to play the Sims 4!
Now, have a wonderful day, but most importantly… Happy Simming!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Lina
SnootySims @ Patreon
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