Violin/Piano Duets: Make Beautiful Music Together In The Sims 4

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Author: Nicole
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Don’t you just wish your sims could play more than one musical instrument together? Well, with the Violin/Piano Duets mod, they can!

Violin Piano Duets

Time and time again, we have lamented the absence of bands in The Sims 4. Sure, the game has multiple musical instruments: Guitar, Piano, Organ, Violin, DJ Booths, and even a Music Mix station—and that’s not to mention CC instruments you can add to the game—but even with such a range of instruments our sims cannot play them in tandem. Directing your sims to play music together results in a cacophony of random sounds that don’t work together at all. If only there was a mod that could help! Wait, there is: the Violin/Piano Duets mod by JaneSimsten.

The Violin/Piano Duets Mod

This mod is pretty straightforward, and before you know it you’ll have a duo of talented musicians ready to serenade other sims, earning tips and positive moodlets while they do it. In addition to the Violin/Piano Duets mod you’re going to need XML injector for everything to work properly, so grab them both and let’s get started!

How To Play Violin And Piano Together

You will need the following to get the interaction to work:

  • A sim aged Child or older with Piano Skill level of at least 5
  • A sim aged Teen or older with Violin Skill level of at least 5
  • A piano on the lot
  • A full-size violin on the lot (not in your sim’s inventory)

From here, you’ll want the violin player as your Active sim. Click the violin and select Play Violin/Piano Duet…which will then bring up a list of classical musical pieces: Salut D’Amour, Sonatina, Adoration, Chaconne, Liebesfreud, and a “random” option if you can’t decide.

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A picker will open up, allowing you to choose which piano on the lot is to be part of the duet, and then a second picker will ask you to select the sim you want as your pianist. And that’s all! Your sims will begin performing wonderful music together, and the songs have musical tracks for both violin and piano so it will even sound correct!

There are a few tips, tricks, and ticks you should be aware of when using this mod:

  1. The Violin/Piano Duet coding only applies to the adult Violin, so children who want to participate in a Duet will need to take on the pianist role.
  2. If a sim is already seated at the piano when you try to initiate a duet, the duet music will play as normal and the violinist will play their instrument, but the pianist will not join in (even if they’re the one sat at the piano).
  3. While you can select a performer who is under level 5 in the Piano Skill to tickle the ivories, other sims will still get a negative buff from their lack of skill (which includes their duet partner)!
  4. The violinist sim may pick up the violin and walk around a little before playing, making it tricky to set up a screenshot. They like to get close to the piano player.
  5. If you aren’t seeing the option to play duets on the violin, the musical instruments might be too far apart from one another.

Fun Ways To Use The Violin/Piano Duets Mod

You can use this mod anywhere there’s a piano and violin, making it possible to enjoy the mod in a number of scenarios. Sims can play on a community lot to earn tips and entertain others (you can have a lot of fun with placement if you use the T.O.O.L. mod). Add a musician or two to your sim’s household to play for guests at lavish parties, or have them play at a wedding, art show, festival, or any other event where they might be appreciated. Even make a married musician couple who jam out together for practice and pleasure!

With the lovely songs and fairly seamless integration with the vanilla game, you’re going to want to make this a staple of your Mods folder.

More on SNOOTYSIMS: Add some CC instruments and more to your artist lineup with some helpful musical mods!

Band Mods

Closing Thoughts

The Violin/Piano Duets Mod finally brings players closer to having a band in The Sims 4! This is one of several musical mods made by JaneSimsten, and it brings performing to a new level never experienced before in this iteration of the game franchise. Hopefully we’ll see more from her in the future and with any luck, one day we might get a full-fledged band mod. Which two vanilla musical instruments would you want to see a duet of most? Let us know in the comments. We hope you enjoy the mod and happy simming!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole

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I've been playing The Sims since the first game launched way back in 2000 and have been using CC for over 20 years. As a creative person with an interest in design, The Sims games have always been a great outlet for me whether I'm creating a cool sim, trying a new build style, or dabbling in CC making. The Sims really is a wonderful medium for all sorts of creative outlets and I'm happy to share my enthusiasm with other like-minded players!

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