Becoming a Secret Agent in The Sims 4 is an awesome path to take for those who want to deal with highly confidential data and work undercover. Yup! If you want your Sims to become Hollywood-style FBI agents, then this guide is for you!
What Is The Secret Agent Career Like?
Being one of the full-time available careers in The Sims 4, the Secret Agent path unlocks many interesting activities for your Sims. They will get to investigate other Sims and must learn sleuth-related traits early on to progress in their career. They will also have the opportunity to learn others’ secrets and receive some high-tech rewards such as a Tactical Map or the Hidden Bookcase Door. Overall, it is an intriguing career that is also highly rewarding!
How To Become A Proper Secret Agent
Being one of the highest-paid careers to choose from, these perks and the riches will require a decent effort. To get all the information they need, your Sims will have to be a skillful conversationalist and great at making tactics. To advance, they will have to start learning new skills. They should especially master the following:
- Logic Skill
- Charisma Skill
- Mischief Skill (if they are taking the evil path)
Such a confidential career will require maximum focus, and this applies to all ranks. You’ll be able to drink fine, pitch-black tea to get in the right (Focused) mood, or Browse Simpedia. Browsing the Intelligence Database once will give them a two-day focus.
More on SNOOTYSIMS: Does your Sim wish to become a lawyer? Pick up the phone and make them join the Law Career!
Is My Sims Fit For A Secret Agent?
Just like with other jobs, your Sims can excel at any career you assign them to, and the Secret Agent career is no different. However, there are a few other things that can certainly help them maximize the experience and let them level up the career ladder faster. These are traits that might make them natural-born agents:
- Genius – All ranks in the Sims 4 Secret Agent career will require advancing in Logic skill. Being a genius will make them learn it much faster. This will also help them stay focused, which is required for continuous career advancement.
- Outgoing – Being Charismatic is an important part of the job. Leveling up Charisma skill is essential for the 1-7 career rank, and also crucial for the Diamond Agent branch later on.
- Self-Assured – Of course, being a Secret Agent requires confidence. This will also help improve social interactions and let them learn the Charisma skill faster.
Being Romantic will help bring success to those who choose the Diamond Agent branch. Similarly, having a Mean trait will make Sims more successful at mischief, which is essential for the Villain branch.
What Are The Secret Agent Career Ranks?
Rank 1
- Job: Agency Clerk
- Schedule: M T W T F, from 7AM – 3PM
- Wages: 17/hour
- Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Browse intelligence
- Rewards: None.
Rank 2
- Job: Intelligence Researcher
- Schedule: M T W T F, from 7 AM – 3 PM
- Wages: 19/hour
- Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Browse Intelligence, Level 2 Logic skill
- Rewards: $349, ”Intelligence Research” interaction on a computer, The Swiveler
Rank 3
- Job: Agent Handler
- Schedule: M T W T F, from 8 AM – 4 PM
- Wages: 21/hour
- Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Friendly interactions, Level 2 Charisma skill
- Rewards: $384, ”Tranquilizing Handshake” interaction, Reconnaissance Workstation
Rank 4
- Job: Field Agent
- Schedule: M T W T, from 10 AM – 6 PM
- Wages: §37/hour
- Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Browse Intelligence, Level 3 Logic skill, Level 3 Charisma skill
- Rewards: §422
Rank 5
- Job: Lead Detective
- Schedule: M T W T F, from 10 AM – 7 PM
Wages: §47/hour
Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Friendly interactions, Level 5 Logic skill, Level 5 Charisma skill
Rewards: §599, ”Investigate” interaction on a computer, ”Nerves of Steel” desk lamp
Rank 6
- Job: Government Agent
- Schedule: M T W T F, from 10 AM – 7 PM
- Wages: §52/hour
- Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Browse Intelligence
- Rewards: §851, Tactical map
Rank 7
- Job: Secret Agent
- Schedule: Sun, Tue from 2 PM – 10 PM
- Wages: §87/hour
- Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Browse Intelligence, Level 6 Logic skill, Level 6 Charisma skill
- Rewards: §936, New CAS Parts, Unlock Hidden Bookcase Door
After that, once your Sims reach Rank 7 and officially become the Secret Agent, they will have a big choice to make. There are two routes or two branches to opt for: the Diamond Agent branch, or the Villain branch.
What Is The Diamond Agent Branch?
This is where things become juicy. A Diamond Agent is all about uncovering secret love affairs. Sims will get the chance to spy on forbidden lovers and discover all the controversial secrets of other Sims’ love lives. They will have to up their Charisma and learn how to suavely flirt and strategically engage in romantic interactions.
Part of the job is to become a pro at seduction to get the important information they need to advance in their career. However, if your Sim puts loyalty first and doesn’t want to compromise their love life, worry not. They can always practice Romantic Interactions with their significant other. To reiterate, they can also make advancements by learning Logic and Charisma skills. If you choose to follow this path, expect to work three to four days in total. However, also expect decent work hours.
Diamond Agent Ranks
Rank 8
- Job: Spy Captain
- Schedule: Sun, Wed, Thu from 2 PM – 10 PM
- Wages: §173/hour
- Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Romantic Interactions, Level 8 Logic skill, Level 7 Charisma skill
- Rewards: §1039, Spy Satelite
Rank 9
- Job: Shadow Agent
- Schedule: Sun, Tue, Wed, Fri from 2 PM – 11 PM
- Wages: §208/hour
- Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Romantic Interactions, Level 10 Logic skill, Level 8 Charisma skill
- Rewards: §2078, Information Database
Rank 10
- Job: Double Diamond Agent
- Schedule: Sun, Tue, Thu from 9 AM – 12 AM
- Wages: §284/hour
- Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Romantic Interactions
- Rewards: §3741, New CAS Parts
Should Sims Become a Villain Instead?
If you want your Sims to be insanely rich, feared, and infamous for their mischief and brains, this is the branch for them. It is an ideal choice for assertive Sims who are Genius, Mean, and loves making trouble. The Villain is the only career branch in the Sims 4 where they can reach Rank 11. They will get to earn a decent amount of money, especially by practicing Logic and Mischief skills. In other words, they can do a lot for career progress in the comfort of their villain cave. Social interactions will definitely help, too, albeit in a different light. While Diamond Agent will have to engage in flirtation, the Villain will have to replace seduction with trickery and daily mischief.
More on SNOOTYSIMS: If your Sim loves pranks and doesn’t mind breaking the law, they should definitely consider joining the criminal career branch!
Villain Ranks
Rank 8
- Job: Double Agent
- Schedule: Sun, Tue, Fri from 2 PM – 10 PM
- Wages: 191/hour
- Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Mischief Interactions, Level 8 Logic skill, Level 2 Mischief skill
- Rewards: $1039, Evil Am Eye Swiveler
Rank 9
- Job: (Redacted)
- Schedule: Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri from 6 AM – 1 PM
- Wages: 278/hour
- Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Mischief Interactions, Level 10 Logic skill, Level 4 Mischief skill
- Rewards: $2086
Rank 10
- Job: Supreme Villain
- Schedule: Sun, Tue, Wed, Fri from 2 PM – 8 PM
- Wages: 479/hour
- Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Mischief Interactions, Level 6 Mischief skill
- Rewards: $3886, Commemorative Freeze Ray
Rank 11
- Job: Triple Agent
- Schedule: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri from 2 PM – 7 PM
- Wages: 515/hour
- Daily tasks and promotion requirements: Mischief Interactions
- Rewards: $5743, New CAS Parts, Our Founder Statue
Becoming a pro in the Secret Agent career is not easy, since it will require the pure dedication of your Sims in their daily tasks, as well as their commitment to maximizing plenty of skills. Choosing between the Diamond Agent and Villain career paths is also something to carefully consider later down into this profession, thus, make sure that your Sims are well-prepared! With this guide that we have shared with you, we hope you can help your Sims become the best secret agent out there. Happy simming, Simmers, and don’t forget to leave us your comments below!
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