Simmers, are you sick of taking care of your needy toddlers in The Sims 4? Maybe your Sim children are even driving you crazy… Well, then the Sims 4 Nanny might be just what you need! By hiring a Nanny you get a much-deserved break from the crazy family life in the Sims 4. Need to send your adult Sims to work? No problem, the Nanny will come to look after your little ones. Now, let us take a closer look at the Sims 4 Nanny service!

The Sims 4 Nanny: Cooking, Homework Help & More!
The Sims 4 nannies were actually not a thing until a base game update was released in July 2016. This added randomized young adult, adult, or elder townies as nannies. They will come to take care of your baby, toddler, and/or child when your adult Sim calls for their service.
Before this update, babies and toddlers would automatically be sent to daycare when left alone. Now, we can either hire a nanny or send our sims to daycare when this happens. Though daycare is the easiest and cheapest – as it is free, it is not the best option…
When attending daycare, your toddlers will not be participating in any skill-building – which is unfortunate, as the service is otherwise quite beneficial. This is where the nanny sims service comes in handy. As you get the chance to actually control your sims while the nanny looks after them – you can build some skills! Now, let us have a look at this Nanny service.
1. How To Hire The Sims 4 Nanny

Before you can enjoy the service of the Sims 4 Nanny, you actually have to hire one. But do not worry, because it could not get much simpler! Just follow the steps below to hire yourself one:

- Click on your adult Sim’s phone
- Press the house icon on the bottom right corner
- Choose the “hire a service” option
- Click on the “nanny” service to hire one
- A nanny will appear shortly
2. The Nanny Will Cook & Clean For You

Having children, toddlers, and babies under your Sim 4 roof can be quite busy and messy. But luckily, the Sims 4 nanny takes care of all of that. When your children, toddlers, and babies are hungry, the babysitter will cook them some food. And, when your house looks like a trashcan, the nanny will clean it all up. Though, they will not be doing your laundry – you will need a butler for that… Despite that, having a nanny around is pretty nice as you do not have to cook or clean!
3. The Nanny Will Help With Homework

If your Sim children are struggling with their homework the nanny will help them out! All you have to do is click on the nanny and choose the option “ask to help with homework”. And boom, you have a wholesome interaction of your nanny helping your child Sim with their homework! Sometimes the nanny will just automatically help them too, which means you won’t have to do a thing. Pretty cool, right?
4. The Nanny Will Take Care of Your Little Ones

Whether you have a household full of babies or toddlers, your nanny will take care of them all! So, do not be scared to send your adult Sims off to work, on a date, or on vacation for that matter. The nanny will be there to feed them, change their diapers, bathe them, read them to sleep, help them build their skills, and everything in-between. No need to worry, your little sims will be taken good care of!
5. How Long Do They Stay & What Do They Charge?

At this point, you are probably wondering how long the nanny will stay, and what they will charge. So, let us have a look at this, shall we?
How Long Does The Sims 4 Nanny Stay?
Your adult Sims can choose to hire a nanny on a one-time basis. In this instance, the nanny will stay for 24 hours before they leave, unless you fire or dismiss them. If you choose to hire a nanny again, a new one will replace the one you fired.
What Does The Sims 4 Nanny Charge?
The Sims 4 Nannies charge a base fee of §10 and §60 respectively, in addition to an hourly rate of §15 and §10 respectively. What they charge will vary from time to time, so make sure you have enough to pay them. But, if you want a charge example, see the photo above to find out what the Nanny charged us for a 24-hour shift.
To sum it up, the Sims 4 nanny is very useful if you have the Simoleons to spend. But, if you don´t the best option will be sending your babies and toddlers to daycare, since that is free. However, the daycare does not allow you to control your toddlers and build their skills… So there is that.
We find that you can’t really get the best of both worlds in the Sims 4. Either you have to spend a lot of money on a nanny, to get that full-on gameplay experience. Or you have to send off your little Sims or daycare and just fast forward to get them back.
Anyway, we love the Sims 4 nanny and are very curious about what you all think about this service. Do you like the Sims 4 nanny, or do you dislike it? Let us know in the comments down below. Happy Simming!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Lina
SnootySims @ Patreon
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