SimsOnTheRope: 20 of Their Absolute Best Downloads

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Author: Nicole
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If you’re not familiar with the fabulous custom content created by SimsOnTheRope, allow us to introduce them to you!

sims 4 simsontherope
Clothing and lots? Oh my!

Discover the best Sims 4 CC by SimsOnTheRope

SimsOnTheRope has been making custom content for the Sims 4 since way back in 2014, with their primary focus being on lot builds and men’s CAS content (which honestly, there never seems to be enough of anyway). Rope’s blog is also full of other CC, as well as shots from their own gameplay, tips for better pictures, and the occasional game tip too. Today we’re going to focus on Rope’s main areas of expertise, and share with you some of the best pieces they’ve created!

Lot Builds

Residential and community lots get lots of love from Rope, and here are some of our favorites.

1. Secret Enfoui

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Simsontherope CC – Secret Enfoui

Starting off we’ve got an abandoned barn. Or at least, that’s what it looks like from the outside! There’s an entrance that leads to a large two story science vault below, with room for multiple sims to advance their scientific explorations. This is what happens when you have two very different build ideas in mind and you combine them in one place! Download here.

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2. Académie Des Arts Obscurs

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This grand estate is actually a magic school, and was originally build to replace the main lot of the Magic Realm but can also be used in Glimmerbrook. It perfectly encapsulates the Realm of Magic vibe while being leagues better than any of the vanilla builds that came with the EP. Download this truly magical upgrade and give your sims a place to really flex their magic chops!

3. Étoile Montante

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This lot is actually a reno of the Flutter Cinema build by Jools which released for the base game. Rope’s version of the cinema & bar has upgrading theming thanks to the release of relevant DLC and now it almost feels like a novelty theatre that every cinephile sim should visit at least once! See more interior shots and download the build here!

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4. Phare Rénové

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This build has a small quirky cottage and a lighthouse with an accessible top, should your sim ever need to change the lightbulbs! It’s a cool little build for a single sim with an appreciation for amazing views. You can get it here.

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Sims 4 Simsontherope CC – Phare Renove

Tip: If you have Get Famous, you could use the T.O.O.L. Mod to place a few spotlights sideways on the top of the lighthouse to give it a more realistic lighting effect!

5. Habitat Luxuriant

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If the title didn’t give it away, this house was built with a focus on luxury. Multiple spacious bedrooms, plenty of living space and cool decor, and a fancy patio with pool await your sims in this modern but eclectic build.

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6. Fabrique De Musique


A sleekly styled multi-story nightclub built for weirdos and werewolves alike, this joint is a great place for sims to go if they want to party! There are multiple activities for those who love the nightlife whether you want to relax with a bubble hookah or show your moves off on the dance floor. Join the party and download the lot here.

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7. Maximalisme Minimaliste


A charming home full of personality for 3 or more sims, the build has realistic clutter and style and looks like a place that an average family would happily live. There’s lots of room for growth or renovation if you want more or fewer bedrooms, to truly make this space your own! Download it here.

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8. Archives De Sylvalune

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Rope took the library that came with Werewolves and upgraded it with more detail and clutter, plus he closed off the roof. Just because you’re a werewolf doesn’t mean you have to live like an animal, does it? Now this lot is far more welcoming for the residents of Moonwood Mill, regardless of their occult status.

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9. Lycée De Copperdale


Vanilla game builds tend to be somewhat bare so they can run on all sorts of computers, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t often suck. Copperdale High is one of those vanilla builds that was just so ugly it was begging to be renovated, and many answered the call. Rope’s version puts functionality on par with form, keeping all the necessary rooms downstairs in close proximity so sims don’t waste half their school day walking from place to place.

The top floor has many relevant but less necessary spaces such as a library and art studio, so sims have plenty to do after school hours too. If you have High School Years, this reno is an absolute must for your game!

Simsontherope – Lycée De Copperdale

10. Conteneurs Champêtres

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Rope’s riff on the container home has a household spread over several units, designed to work for those sims both science and nature-minded. It’s a cozy, eco-friendly lot for sims who like spending their time outdoors as much as they do inside!

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11. Grange En Ruine & Départ En Campagne

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There are actually two versions of the build at this link, which are both starter homes but in varying degrees of development. The one pictured above is the more nicely decorated of the two, but if you want a real challenge there’s also a much more sparsely-furnished barn version available as well. Pick your favorite, or download them both!

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12. Les Marches

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This sprawling build is inspired by the IRL Meteora Monasteries of Greece and the Sims 4 version looks like a Mediterranean palace. It’s got loads of detail inside, and just look at that landscaping! Many of us are just so used to the flat ground from the beginning of TS4’s days, it’s always welcome to see someone using terrain tools to add more dimension to their builds. Check out the link to see more incredible details and add the lot to your game!

13. Prairie Des Lanternes

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A quaint park that comes to life at night thanks to the ethereal lighting throughout the build. There is something for everyone here and includes a bar, playground, chess & art space, plus many beautiful pathways and views to explore. It looks like the perfect place to propose! See for yourself and download here.

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CAS Content

A collection of sims and clothing for those who can’t get enough of SimsOnTheRope and their great creations.

14. Families – Pack I

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Simsontherope downloads – Families Pack!

If you’re looking for more families to add to your game, this set of 13 new households (44 sims total) is what you need! Every sim has been fully fleshed out with skills, wants, likes & dislikes, careers, traits, sexual orientations, and more to make them feel truly alive and ready to move into your worlds. Rope even went so far as to suggest which lot builds would make the best homes for every family, so the work is basically all done for you. All you have to do is download them and move them in!

15. Patricia Jeans

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A nice collection of wider-leg jeans in a range of colors, with a belt detail so they’ll work with shirts of any length. There are 15 colors total for femme frames teen & up, and you can get them here.

16. MoschiNO Jacket (And Boots)

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A much-needed replacement for the jacket that came with Moschino Stuff which removes the logos and out-of-place English writing, replacing them with solid colors as well as adding 11 more swatches. Rope also provided more color options for the boots, which for some reason only came in 3 colors initially (with only 1 of the 3 being practical for everyday use). Snag both at the link here.

17. Escale Shirt

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Sims 4 Simsontherope CC – Escale Shirt

This simple button down shirt with rolled sleeves is elevated greatly with the use of patterns (although there are some plain swatches, too). With a slew of unique patterns as well as some borrowed from EA, dress your masc framed sims to impress with this funky top.

18. Henley Sweater

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A simple shirt and sweater combo suitable for all sorts of masc-framed sims, from farmers to teachers to writers to stay-at-home parents. It’s got a wide range of colors which is great because this piece will definitely become a wardrobe staple if you download it. Which you definitely should.

19. Warm Cardigan

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It’s a nice day for a light sweater, it’s a nice day for a cardigan! This piece is a slimmer version of the vanilla cardigan making it way more wearable and flattering on all types of sims. There are 20 swatches featuring solid, striped, and patterned shirts beneath so you can find the perfect one for your sim’s personality.

20. Rope’s Lookbooks

I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a CC creator put so much effort into making their content usable! This page hosts an assortment of lookbooks made entirely of clothing created by SimsOnTheRope. Regardless if you’re searching for new outfit ideas or just how to style a piece of Rope’s CC, you definitely want to check this list out!

Closing Thoughts

If you’re looking for a talented Maxis-match CC creator who does it all, SimsOnTheRope should absolutely be on your list. From clothing and hair to full-on lot builds, they’ve got a little bit of everything but it’s all fantastic quality. We hope you’ve found a new favorite creator thanks to this list!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole

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I've been playing The Sims since the first game launched way back in 2000 and have been using CC for over 20 years. As a creative person with an interest in design, The Sims games have always been a great outlet for me whether I'm creating a cool sim, trying a new build style, or dabbling in CC making. The Sims really is a wonderful medium for all sorts of creative outlets and I'm happy to share my enthusiasm with other like-minded players!

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