Sims 4 Scenarios: Friendship, Love, Career & More!

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Author: Lina
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Are you getting bored of your normal Sims 4 gameplay? Maybe you are looking for a new Sims 4 challenge to try out, but nothing seems to spark your interest. Well then, it might be time you check out the Sims 4 scenarios! The Sims 4 has a bunch of live and ongoing scenarios you can partake in to spice up your gameplay! So, let us check them out.

Sims 4 scenarios

Sims 4 Scenarios – Live & Ongoing!

The feature of scenarios was added to The Sims 4 in a recent update titled patch 120. These scenarios consist of themed challenges that Simmers can select from the main menu. There, the description, requirements, and potential outcomes will be showcased. Here, Simmers have the option to play the scenario in a new or existing save file.

In patch 125, the Sims 4 updated the scenarios to show difficulty tags (easy, intermediate, and hard). Which is supposed to help Simmers choose a scenario that best suits their preference. So, what are these scenarios? Well, they are similar to challenge events, which were sometimes showcased in the game up until 2018. But, scenarios have a longer life span and provide Simmers with more choices.

Anyway, the Sims 4 currently runs a wide range of both live and ongoing scenarios. So, let us have a look at them, shall we?

1. Into The Moodlet – Live Scenario

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The “Into the Moodlet” scenario is all about leaving the stress behind and unwinding! This scenario focuses on emotions and friendship – and holds an easy difficulty level. Working in retail can be very stressful, and some Sims are unlucky when it comes to customers. Dealing with rude people day in and day out can be super draining.

This scenario is all about leaving problems at work and having your Sim unwind at home! The requirements for this scenario are as follows:

  • 1 Young Adult or Older Sim

The outcome of this challenge is completely up to you! It is all about controlling your Sim’s emotions and completing one mission after another!

2. Power Couple – Ongoing Scenario

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Ready for a friendly bet to see which half of your Sim couple can reach the ranks of CEO first? Well, then this easy difficulty level scenario is right up your alley! The focus of this scenario is obviously career, and romance – in that specific order… Here, you will have your married Sim couple working in the business career, whilst they have an ongoing bet on “who will become CEO first?”. You get to decide if their ambitions will be a good or a bad thing. Will this bet make or break their relationship? That is up to you.

The requirements of this scenario are as follows:

  • 2 unrelated young adult or older Sims
  • Have the 2 Sims be a married couple

The potential outcomes of this scenario are as follows:

  • Both Sims become CEOs, and they are still married.
  • One Sim becomes CEO, the other becomes an Angel investigator, and they get a divorce
  • Or you can put your own twist on it?

3. Honeymooners – Ongoing Scenario

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The Honeymooners scenario has an intermediate difficulty level and focuses on romance, weddings, and vacations. Here, you will have two newly engaged Sims working as freelance artists. The couple has recently moved to a new home far away from friends and family. Now, they are planning a small wedding and honeymoon. So, the questions are… Will the couple make some new friends to invite to their wedding? Will they elope? And where will they go on their honeymoon?

The requirements for this challenge are:

  • Have 2 young adult or older Sims
  • The two Sims cannot be related to each other
  • Your couple must be engaged

Lastly, the possible outcomes of this challenge are:

  • The married couple woohoo while on vacation
  • Or whatever your imagination can come up with

4. Engaged In Conflict – Ongoing Scenario

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Love is a wonderful thing, right? Well, it can still be a complicated thing – even in The Sims 4. This scenario is all about things not going as planned… This scenario is of intermediate difficulty level and focuses on romance and weddings. Here, you will have an engaged couple rethink their relationship after a huge fight about how to make grilled cheese – yeah… Grilled cheese. Anyway, a total meltdown over something so stupid might indicate some deeper problems – so what are they? Can your Sim couple come out of it stronger, or will they have to break up?

Here are the requirements for this scenario:

  • Have 2 young adult or older Sims
  • The 2 Sims cannot be related to each other
  • Your 2 Sims must be engaged

So, let us take a look at the potential outcomes of this scenario, shall we?

  • Your Sim couple gets married and there are no bad sentiments between them
  • The Sim couple gets married but they have some unresolved bad sentiments
  • Your Sim couple decides to break up before the wedding and avoid a big mistake
  • The Sim couple does the most dramatic thing – they break up during the wedding

5. Too Many Toddlers – Ongoing Scenario

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This scenario is of intermediate difficulty level and focuses on family and skills. Here, your Sim will have to master the art of parenting to score “the happy toddler” reward trait. But, you won’t just have 1 toddler, you’ll have 3… And we all know the Sims 4 toddlers are a handful to look after, so this scenario is truly a challenge! In order to complete this scenario successfully, your 3 little ones will have to reach level 3 in 4 skills. Yeah, it’s a lot, but we believe in you!

Here are the requirements:

  • Have 3 toddler Sims
  • Create 1 young adult or older Sim

And the potential outcomes are:

  • All 3 toddlers reach level 3 in 4 skills
  • Or you just fail the challenge…

6. Super Rich Supervillain – Ongoing Scenario

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Ever dreamed of being a super-rich supervillain in the Sims 4? Well, here is your chance! Become a self-interested baddie by working as a secret agent! This luxurious lifestyle will turn your Sim a bit money and power-hungry … So why not turn into a supervillain to maintain this lifestyle? This scenario is of intermediate difficulty level and focuses on fortune and careers.

The requirements are as follows:

  • Have 1 young adult or older Sim

And the potential outcomes are:

  • Have §500,000 while in the Villain branch of the Secret Agent career

7. Unlucky Chef – Ongoing Scenario

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Are you ready for a scenario with a hard difficulty level? Well then, you better grab your apron and get ready for some mayhem with this career-focused scenario! Here, your Sim dreams of becoming a world-famous chef, cool right? Yeah, it would be if they could cook more meals than they start fires… They just have some really bad luck in the kitchen… It will be up to you if they survive this journey to fame, or end their dream a little early…

The requirements for this scenario are:

  • Have 1 young adult or older Sim

And, the potential outcomes are:

  • Your Sim survives and becomes a celebrity chef
  • The Sim changes paths and becomes a celebrity mixologist

8. Troublemaker – Ongoing Scenario

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Do you want to stick to your old habits or find a fresh start at your new high school? Do you want to play with a teenage Sim who acts like a pain? Or a teenage Sim who is trying to put their troublemaking grin behind them? This scenario has an easy difficulty level and focuses on family, school, and friendship. The point is to decide if your teenage Sim will try to improve their grades and their behavior or cause a bunch of mayhem…

The requirements are:

  • Have 2 adult or older Sims
  • Create 1 teen Sim
  • The 2 adult Sims are married
  • Your 2 adult Sims are the guardians of the teen Sim

And, the potential outcomes are:

  • The Sim teen is at least a B- student and has 5 friends.
  • Your Sim teen is an A- student.
  • The Sim teen is a partner in crime with another Sim teen and has done at least 1 school prank successfully.

9. Extraterrestrial Researcher – Ongoing Scenario

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Are aliens real? Let’s try to find out! Your Sim has heard rumors around the town of UFO sightings… Who can blame them for thinking there might be more life out there? This scenario is of intermediate difficulty level and has a focus on collections and skills. Here, you must help your Sim to build a rocket, fly out to space, and figure out if there is life out there… But building a rocket takes a lot of time and money…So, good luck!

The requirements for this scenario are:

  • Have 1 young adult or older Sim

And, the potential outcomes are:

  • Bring back 5 unique alien critters from voyages into space

10. Rom-Com – Ongoing Scenario

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Laughter is one of the best ingredients for a happy and healthy relationship. Which is perfect for your aspiring comedian Sim and their fiance, right? Well, it would be if their relationship was not so complicated, and the romance had not gone and died… This scenario has a focus on careers and romance and is of easy difficulty level. But despite that, you might have a hard time bringing back the humor, making it in showbiz, and keeping your relationship together…

The requirements for this scenario are:

  • Have 2 young adult or older Sims
  • The 2 Sims must not be related to each other
  • Your couple must be engaged

The possible outcomes are:

  • The Sim makes it as a big-time comedian and improved their romantic relationship.
  • Your Sim makes it as a big-time comedian but breaks up with their partner.
  • The Sim makes it as a big-time comedian and is now soulmates with their partner.
  • Your Sim makes it as a big-time comedian, but their partner has moved out.
  • The Sim makes it as a big-time comedian, but their partner is deceased.

11. No Skills No Problem – Ongoing Scenario

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This scenario is of intermediate difficulty level and has a focus on fortune. Here, your Sim will have to build some skills to thrive and survive! But, there is only one little problem… Your Sim is just not good at anything. And no matter how hard they try, they do not become more skilled in anything. So, can you figure out how to earn some money without skills? You kind of need to, since your household funds will be set at §0.

The requirements for this scenario are:

  • Have 1 young adult or older Sim

And, the possible outcomes are:

  • Earn §400,000

12. Making Money – Ongoing Scenario

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Ready to make some sweet money in the Sims 4? Well then, this is an easy scenario for you. Simply move whatever Sim you like into a new place and start off with 0§ in your bank account. Then, you will have to figure out how to meet your Sim’s basic needs, while you desperately try to earn your way up to become a millionaire! Yeah, good luck!

There are no requirements for this scenario. However, the potential outcomes are:

  • Earn 1,000,000 Simoleons.

13. Finding Love after A Breakup – Ongoing Scenario

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Now, this scenario is not for the faint of heart. Despite its intermediate difficulty level, it can be quite a tricky one! Here, you will have 2 Sims who are newly broken up, but plot twist – they still live together. Yes, they are stuck together… So, you are gonna have to work this out for them. Is it worth trying to salvage their relationship? Will they stay friends? Will they find new partners? All of that is up to you!

The requirements are:

  • Have to unrelated young adult or older Sims

And, the potential outcomes are:

  • Your Sim is soulmates with the Sim they broke up with.
  • The Sim is best friends with the Sim they broke up with.
  • Your Sim is soulmates with a new Sim.

Watch the scenario in action in this video by Lilsimsie:

14. Plant A Sim – Ongoing Scenario

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This is your time to bloom Simmers! Your Sim has recently discovered the mysterious forbidden fruit of the PlantSim. And surprise, surprise – they took a bite of it! Now, it is up to you to help your Sim reach their full PlantSim potential before their green life runs out. This scenario has a focus on skills and collections and is of an easy difficulty level. It is really the perfect scenario for Simmers who love gardening!

Anyway, the requirements are:

  • Have 1 young adult or older Sim.

And, the possible outcomes are:

  • Complete all goals while living that PlantSim life!
  • Or fail miserably…


So, as you can tell, the Sims 4 scenarios reach far and wide in form and style. So, there is a good chance every single Simmer will find one that suits their gaming style! We really love the Sims 4 scenarios, and cannot wait to see what types of scenarios will be released next! Which of the scenarios is your favorite? And, which scenarios have you played out before? Let us know in the comments.

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