Is business, investing, and finance something you’d like your Sims to be involved with? Becoming a Sims version of Wolf of the Wall Street is more than possible. Just like real agents, your character will need to climb the ladder and work hard to reach the very top. If you’d like to discover how to become an Angel Investor or a Manager in Sims, this is the place to be. Keep reading to discover how to excel in the Sims 4 business career.

Confused about which career path to take? Read this in-depth Sims 4 Career Guide.
How to get into a business career in sims 4
To start your business career journey, simply use your Sims phone or computer’s Career menu to search for jobs. Select Find a Job and choose Business Career. If your Sims have a Sims 4 business career degree in Economy, they will already have more predispositions and more skills developed needed for success. However, while this gives them some advantage, even if they don’t have a degree, they will still be able to excel and level up.

Ideal personality traits for a career in business
In the business career, there is a glaring absence of beneficial traits that will help with the business career. However, your Sims can still have an advantage in the business world thanks to natural talents and traits. For example, the self-assured trait will get you through the often overwhelming demands of this career, giving you the chance to deliver top-notch work performance. Likewise, the genius trait is nice to have for maintaining focus and helping with Logic as you climb up the corporate ladder. Having an outgoing trait will make your Sims more sociable, and more likely to make the right connections and learn Charisma skills faster.
are there any matching aspirations?
There are a few helpful aspirations you can work with to pave your way through as you climb up the corporate ladder. One of these is the ”Fabulously Wealthy”aspiration where your Sim has a desire to gain wealth in vast quantities. Seeing this aspiration become reality with the Business Career is viable.
This is thanks to the stable and high salary that the path has for Sims. In addition to that, there’s also a “Friend to the World” aspiration that can be fulfilled due to the high Charisma gains you’ll get from a business career. You can successfully build up your relationships in the corporate world and increase your charisma consistently. Although it won’t make your Sims more successful directly, ”Popularity aspiration” can help you nail the essential social skills. These are crucial to leveling up in a business career.
What to expect from a business career in sims 4?
With a consistent schedule, this carer, just like many others in the game, might be considered tedious and unrewarding at the start. Given time, however, you’ll quickly realize that a business career is quite beneficial if you’re aiming for long-term success. Logic and Charisma will go a long way in helping you achieve the top milestones with this career, so be ready to let out your inner genius as you display how to make real money.
In the first segment of career advancement, expect sims 4 business career fill out reports as daily tasks. You’ll fill them in by going to your Sims Computer > Web > Fill out reports. Once you reach level 6, you’ll be presented with a choice: to strive towards becoming a Business Tycoon (Management Career Branch) or, an Angel Investor (Investor Career Branch).
business career branch levels
Level 1: Mailroom Technician
- Hourly pay: $16/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Fri, from 9 AM to 5 PM
- Promotion requirements: Fill out Reports
- Rewards: Gossip about Office Romances Interactions
Level 2: Office Assistant
- Hourly Pay: $20/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Fri, from 9 AM to 5 PM
- Promotion requirements: Fill out Reports, Reach Level 2 Charisma
- Rewards: Desk Nameplate (Stolen), Make Fun of Corporate Goons Interaction, New CAS Parts and $130
Level 3: Assistant to the Manager
- Hourly pay: $23/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Fri, from 9 AM to 5 PM
- Promotion requirements: Fill out Reports, reach Level 2 Logic
- Rewards: S.A.L.E.S. Award, Imitate Boss Interaction, and $156
Level 4: Assistant Manager
- Hourly pay: $35/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Fri, from 9 AM to 5 PM
- Promotion requirements: Fill out Reports, Reach Level 3 Charisma
- Rewards: Brag About Job Title Interaction and $187
Level 5: Regional Manager
- Hourly pay: $53/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Fri, from 9 AM to 5 PM
- Promotion requirements: Fill out Reports, reach Level 4 Charisma
- Rewards: Pie Chart Presentation, Offer Career Advice Interaction, New CAS Parts, and $281
Level 6: Senior Manager
- Hourly pay: $75/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Fri, from 9 AM to 5 PM
- Promotion requirements: Fill out Reports and reach Level 4 Logic
- Rewards: Tiny Tranquility Zen Garden and $527
management career branch
In The Sims 4, going through the management career branch is quite exceptional if you’re the type of player looking to build a confident personality out of your Sims. Keep in mind that getting a promotion in this branch is much harder than in previous tiers of business. This time, your Logic and Charisma will need to be at their best, giving you a level of performance that is inspiring for your co-workers and beneficial for your organization. Also, expect a bunch of phone calls, which will be your Sims 4 business career daily task.
Management career branch ranks
Level 7: Vice-President
- Hourly pay: $90/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Fri 10 AM to 6 PM
- Promotion requirements: Make Business Calls, reach Level 6 Charisma, reach Level 5 Logic
- Rewards: Executron Executive Desk Throne and $746
Level 8: President
- Hourly pay: $134/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Fri 10 AM to 6 PM
- Promotion requirements: Make Business Calls, reach Level 8 Charisma, reach Level 6 Logic
- Rewards: Executron Bookshelf, New CAS Parts, and $1074
Level 9: CEO
- Hourly pay: $201/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Fri 10 AM-6 PM
- Promotion requirements: Make Business Calls, reach Level 10 Charisma, reach Level 8 Logic
- Rewards: Executive Guest Chair and $1612
Level 10: Business Tycoon
- Hourly pay: $375/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Tu, Thu-Fri from 10 AM to 6 PM
- Promotion requirements: Make Business Calls, Go to Work!
- Rewards: Executron Executive Desk and $2417
Investor career branch
On the Investor branch, the focus is more on logic and analytical skills for your Sims. Some interactions are highly dependent on your logic to progress, and doing acts like “Research Stocks” will take hours to perform every day. Doing the activities in this branch is more likely to result in boredom but the rewards are mouth-watering. At the final level, you’ll only need to work 4 days a week while making more per hour than the management branch.
Want to run a business from your Sims’ home? Well, now you can do that with this Mod!
Investor career branch ranks
Level 7: Futures Trader
- Hourly pay: $112/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Fri, from 8 AM to 4 PM
- Promotion requirements: Research Stocks, reach Level 5 Charisma, reach Level 6 Logic
- Rewards: Executron Personal Stock Ticker and $746
Level 8: Hedge Fund Manager
- Hourly Pay: $145/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Fri, from 8 AM to 4 PM
- Promotion requirements: Research Stocks, reach Level 6 Charisma, reach Level 8 Logic
- Rewards: Executron Desk Pen Set, Give Fake Investment Tips Interaction, New CAS Parts, and $1343
Level 9: Corporate Raider
- Hourly pay: $218/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Fri, from 8 AM to 4 PM
- Promotion requirements: Research Stocks, reach Level 8 Charisma, reach Level 10 Logic
- Rewards: Chronos Magazine (Framed Collector’s Edition Issue) and $1746
Level 10: Angel Investor
- Hourly pay: $406/hour
- Working days and hours: Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri, from 8 AM to 4 PM
- Promotion requirements: Research Stocks, Go to Work!
- Rewards: Executron Executive Desk and $2619
To get more alternative job options for your gameplay, check out these Sims 4 Jobs and Career Mods!
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