Sims 4 Black Hair CC to Wear All Year

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Author: Lina
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It is possible to play the Sims 4 with a variety of different hair colors and textures, but there may be a few hairstyles and colors that seem off. It is not easy to find the best black hairstyle as most of the hairstyles available in the Sims 4 don’t come in black. This post will offer recommendations and suggestions for Sims 4 black hair cc.

Sims 4 Black Hair CC

Stunning Black Hair CC for the Sims 4

In The Sims 4, hair is customizable and you can choose the color, style, and length. This means that you need a variety of styles to choose from to match your aesthetic. Black hair has been seen as a symbol of power and strength for centuries. In ancient Egypt, Cleopatra was famous for her black locks. The popularity of this color has increased in recent years as more people have embraced their natural beauty.

So, it is only natural that black hair is one of the most popular hairstyles in both real life and games such as the Sims 4 because it’s versatile, easy to style, and can be worn any way you want. You can also use black hair custom content for any skin tone in order to make them look more realistic. And you can also use the hairstyles in order to create a variety of different looks for your characters.

You are here because you want to know what is the best black hair custom content for your Sims 4 game. Well, there are many options available for you to choose from. So, explore and enjoy these black creations for your dark-haired Sims and create as many hairstyles that are out there to suit your taste!

1. Black Hair by clumsyalienn

black hair custom content

First of all, this is such a breathtaking sim. All credits go to Rilla for creating her. This hairstyle is available in a number of colors, including black which stands out in our opinion. And it is more flattering than other colors.

We all love the Sims, and we would all love a cute short black hair for our Sims. But what about your sims? Will they be able to resist the temptation of this cute hair? Will they be able to resist the urge to pull it out and play with it? For easy download, follow this page.

2. gloria Hair

Sims 4 Black Hair CC

This is yet another black hairstyle for the Sims 4. It features a thick, wavy hair that is in black. The hair is compatible with all ages and races. We are honestly in love with this CC hair because it makes our sims look like they are from a different era. We also love that it can make our sims look like celebrities or just normal people with the right outfit. What are you waiting for? Grab it from this page.

3. Nero Hair by Belluternum

Sims 4 Black Hair CC

Black colored hair is the perfect color for your female sims because it goes with everything and can be styled in any way. It’s also considered to be very fashionable and trendy. This hair style by Belluternum. On the plus side, it is maxis match so you don’t have to worry about it glitching in-game. It also comes in 17 others swatches, just in case black wasn’t enough. To download, click here.

4. No more blue hair

black hair cc sims4 1

The Sims 4 has a lot of custom content for different hairstyles, but black hair has been one of the most popular choices. This is because it’s easy to style and matches with many different skin tones. If you’re looking to use the hairs in the Jungle Adventure game pack in black, this is CC pack to get. It an updated recolor for the new patch of hairstyles. It also includes a few head accessories. Head over to this page to download.

5. Kyra Curry

Sims 4 Black Hair CC

The wavy hairstyle in black is a great option for those who want to experiment with their Sims’ hair but still want to keep it looking natural. This style looks great on almost all ages, so it’s an easy choice for those who are unsure about what kind of style they should choose. Head over to their post to install.

6. kewai dragqueen hair adult

Sims 4 Black Hair CC

Redheadsims never disappoint. We have seen so many of their works and have tried them ourselves, they are always on point. This silky black haircut for your male sims is available in a total of 30 swatches. But again, the black one is one to live for. Your sims can wear it any day with any outfit because it’s so easy to style. Have a closer look at it here.

7. leah lillith nicki hair dread version

black hair cc sims4 7

We love braids – they’re so fun and different than anything else we can do with hair. But what’s even better is when they’re unique like these black braids Leah Lilith has put together for our Sims 4 custom content. These are perfect for Sims who want to stand out from the crowd, or who just have a flair for fashion! Check it out by going to this page.

8. Crowe Raccoonium

black hair cc sims4 8

While anime hairstyles have been popular for years, it seems that their popularity is at an all time high in the Sims 4 community. This black anime hairstyle that was only recently released will surely make your Sims characters look more distinctive and sultry. It is always exciting trying out new hairstyles, don’t you agree? If you’re feeling this hair, grab it from this link.

9. TS4 Ponytail Hair

black hair cc sims4 9

Good hair stays fashionable forever! If you are looking for some nostalgia-inspired grooming, then this awesome black hair is just for you! Show your love for a classic and lean back with a pony tail. The ponytail hair works on sims from teen to elder. And there are other swatches for it if you’d like to experiment with that as well. Here’s your download-link.

10. Natural hair recolor dump

black hair cc sims4 10

We hope you’re seeing what we’re seeing because this pack by NBHT is one to look out for. You can download a recolor for each of these haircuts separately. Not only do you get it in black but in 19 other swatches. But keeping in mind that black rules, you will perhaps settle on it like we did. Go ahead and download it.

11. Black Hair Recolour

Sims 4 Base Game Black Hair Recolour (NonDefault) | Updated For Island Living

Change your sim’s hair color instantly, giving him a dark, vibrant appeal with this black hair re-color mod; which is a default option for all sims. It is best to give your sims a refreshing touch as well as a younger feel. Here’s your download link

12. Black Hair With Accessories

7 Black hair with accessories

Sims love hair accessories and that’s why these black hair mods with accessories are quite popular among Sims. This series consists of 7 black hair re-color mods, beautifully embellished with stylish hair accessories to give your sims a cuter appeal. Here’s your download link.

13. Black And Pink Long Hair

Black and pink long hair

Want a girly feel with a bold appeal? Turn your sim into a fashionista with this exclusively black and pink long hair mod. Female sims love long hair and that makes one of the best choices. Download.

14. Black Hair And Ribbons

Black Hair and Ribbons

Young sims love ribbons as a hair accessory and are never going out of fashion. Let your sims have a great childhood memory with black hair mods with ribbons and let them get an ultimate level of cuteness with a style. Download.

15. Black Honey Hair

Black Honey Hair

We will never stop loving black honey hair and so do your sims. Keeping the latest fashion trends in mind, this black honey hair re-color mod is ideal for sims seeking a significant hair transformation. Download.

16. Blackout Hair Retexture

Blackout Hair Retexture

What if your sim wants to have hair re-color but desires the same texture they have? No worries, this blackout hair retexture mod is the best option for such sims! Download!

17. Curly Black Hair


Sims having curls have their uniqueness and so we want to keep that uniqueness alive with a twist with this special curly black hair update mod. Stylish and bold curls in black are no more impossible for sims. Download.

Final Words

You just never know what you’ll find when trawling for custom content for the Sims 4! We hope you enjoyed our picks of the best black hair custom content for the Sims 4. If you are looking for more, then we recommend checking out some of these links below. We will also be adding more content to this category in the future, so stay tuned!

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