You don’t need special Expansion Packs to give your sims some company. Fill those homes with the Roommates Mod!

If you don’t have the Discover University EP, your sims are missing out on the opportunity to have roommates that you don’t need to manage. Technically any sims who live together and aren’t related are roommates, but since you as the player still have look after them it doesn’t feel that different. Even the Discover University roomies aren’t perfect, often complaining about issues that aren’t there or obsessively baking white cakes.
LittleMsSam released a Roommates mod over a year before DU brought us the mechanic, allowing players to have the roommate experience even if they only owned the base game. Since living situations in The Sims 4 have evolved quite a bit over time let’s revisit the Roommates mod and see how it works, and see if it’s something you might be interested in playing with!
LittleMsSam’s Roommates Mod
With this mod your sim will be able to have roommates that aren’t part of their household, but they behave like any other sim. This means they can have jobs, pets, families, and might even fall pregnant! You can travel with your roommates, ask them to complete tasks, and collect rent weekly.
How To Get Roommates
For a sim to be eligible to become your roommate they must be homeless, and LMS recommends that you favorite any households in your Gallery that have roommates in them so the game doesn’t move them in elsewhere or cull them from the game. When you’re ready to get roommates go to the phone or computer and select “LMS Roommates Service” from the Household menu tab.
The mod allows you to choose up to 20 roommates (though we would advise against that many if you have a lower-end computer) and this includes whole families and pets. That being said, animals and Toddlers will appear as potential roommates but you will be unable to bring them to your household without also adding their owners/parents.
Your new roommates will show up shortly after you’ve selected them and immediately begin acting like roommates. You can assign them a bed, unlock doors for them, and assign pet objects to any animals they may bring along.
More on SNOOTYSIMS: Living with another sim that you want to be more independent? The new Roommate Stories Mod by KawaiiStacie will transform your sims’ roommate experience!

Roommate Behaviors
Roommates who are school-aged or have jobs will automatically go to those events without your intervention, however you will need to assign your home with the “Roommate Lot” trait for them to autonomously return. Sims can call their roommates home via the Phone if their lot doesn’t have this Trait or you need them home sooner than later. Unemployed sims will have an opportunity to find a job on their own without your interference.
Sims can fall pregnant while being your roommate, however they will not give birth while in this situation. Pregnant sims will need to become regular household members or be moved into their own home lot in order to give birth.
Otherwise they will act like any other non-playable sim. Each Friday your roommate(s) will pay §500 in rent.
Interacting With Your Roommates
You can interact with roomies like any other sims, however there are multiple new interactions made available with them as part of the roommates mod. Clicking on one of these sims will bring up a special “Roommate” menu with options to ask them to use the bathroom, bathe, sleep, repair items, clean, as well as cancel your roommate agreement with them. You can also call them home with the phone, and take them with you to club events and other social activities.
Optional Add-Ons
There’s a version of the “Roommate Lot” trait which is categorized as a Lot Challenge, since there’s only room for 3 Lot Traits at once. This way you can have the needed Lot tag without taking up limited Trait space.
LMS also recommended combining the Roommate mod with mods that allow your sim to ask others to do things, such as her Ask to Cook/Bake/Grill/Mix Drink mod, Ask to Upgrade mod, and Ask to Go for a Walk & Bathe mod. Combining these mods, along with strategic planning over your roommate’s traits, can turn them into incredibly useful sims to have around!
Download The Roommates Mod!
You can find more information about the mod as well as the options to download it here. As of the time of this writing the mod was last updated in February 2024 so it should be ready to install & play!
Known Conflicts
There are no known conflicts listed with the Roommates Mod aside from the aforementioned culling issue. It’s possible the mod will conflict with anything relating to autonomous birth but this is just speculation on our part.
Since this is a script mod, it will need to be disabled & checked for compatibility after every game update.
Final Thoughts
If you’re looking for a simple, hands-off roommate experience for your sims then the Roommates mod by LittleMsSam is the mod for you. It will allow you to have others living in your home, from single sims to full-on families, providing you with company and useful skills if you pick the right people. Use the mod to make new friends, have a reliable person at home when you can’t be, utilize wasted space after family members have moved out, or whatever else you can think of. Have you ever lived with roommates? Was it a good or bad experience? Let us know in the comments. Have fun with the mod!
Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole
SnootySims @ Patreon
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