It’s time for another #MaxisMatchMonday post! Step out in style thanks to our favorite Maxis Match Shoes creators.
When it comes to CC shoes, the line between Maxis Match and Alpha tends to be more blurred than it is for other custom content. This is in part due to how small shoes are compared to other pieces, and its also an area of the body that isn’t often the primary focal point of an outfit. That being said, shoes and feet haven’t gotten the same caliber of love in The Sims 4 as clothing has so any amount of detail can look Alpha when held up against EA’s older offerings.
Maxis Match Shoes Creators You’ll Want To Follow
There are some incredibly talented Maxis Match shoes makers out there but we’re focusing on those who have made CC for 2024 and beyond to keep things fresh. Because of the more lax distinction between Alpha and MM shoes you may find that some of the pieces we share are more Maxis Mix than Maxis Match, but we’ve tried to avoid anything that’s blatantly outside of the vanilla aesthetic.
Spikez Set
Madlen is the genius behind the recent Business Chic Kit and their talent extends far beyond office wear! Their catalog is a treat for your your eyes and your sims’ wardrobe.
Trillyke is the mind behind the Sweet Slumber Party Kit and she’s known for her colorful and bold designs. Her shoes are often chunky and attention-grabbing, adding some bright fun to any look.
Simmer nsves dabbles in lots of different categories when it comes to making CC for femme-framed sims with a fantasy slant, and we love the unique style of their pieces.
Ciao makes content primarily for femme-framed sims but his style range goes from casual sandals and dainty ballet shoes all the way to sophisticated heels and scene-stealing boots.
Admittedly this entry is a slight cop-out because Juis-sims officially retired from making CC last summer. However, they have a prolific catalog of high-quality footwear for sims of all ages and gender expressions that we feel every simmer should experience!
When it comes to releases, Blue Craving usually drops their content in themed sets which include everything from clothing to accessories to shoes. Be warned though, their preview images can be fairly NSFW so browse at your own risk.
FlyStone makes shoes for sims of all ages and genders while allowing each group to appreciate their own styles and designs. Definitely don’t sleep on their Child/Toddler footwear!
When it comes to high-fashion designs ShakeProductions’ shoes tend to be more Alpha, but their casual styles like sneakers and sandals fit into Maxis-Match gameplay quite well. These sandals even come with a version that can be worn over socks!🤢
Although some of MERMALADE’s more fashion-forward footwear falls firmly in Alpha territory, a large portion of their collection slots seamlessly into Maxis-Match style. Many of their shoes creations are available for sims of all genders and ages, so everybody can appreciate this great creator!
LVNDRCC has made content for a whole slew of CAS categories, but with almost 70 pairs of shoes available for download you definitely don’t want to sleep on their below-the-ankle offerings.
Creator MiliNiki is still fairly new to the CC making scene but they’ve already got a good handle on quality, with a focus on shoes. These winter boots are simple and comfortable making them perfect for any winter outfit regardless of whether your sim is in baggy pants, a skirt with leggings, or something in-between.
More on SNOOTYSIMS: Upgraded shoes lose some of their luster when paired with boring EA feet! Give your sims’ pedi an upgrade with amazing HD feet.
Final Thoughts
Even if your sims spend most of their time barefoot, that doesn’t mean they can’t appreciate a great pair of shoes. We’ve shared over a dozen creators today that have footwear in a Maxis Match or Maxis Mix style to help stuff your sims’ wardrobes with feet-fashion.
Did you have a favorite creator from this list, or do you know of a Maxis Match shoe creator that we missed? Step to the comments section and let us know. Until next week, happy simming!
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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole
I've been playing The Sims since the first game launched way back in 2000 and have been using CC for over 20 years. As a creative person with an interest in design, The Sims games have always been a great outlet for me whether I'm creating a cool sim, trying a new build style, or dabbling in CC making. The Sims really is a wonderful medium for all sorts of creative outlets and I'm happy to share my enthusiasm with other like-minded players!
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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole
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