Loving The Sims 4‘s latest EP but looking for a little…enhancement? Here are 9 Lovestruck Mods to spice things up!🔥

The Sims 4 Lovestruck has been out for a few weeks now and although there are still some kinks to be worked out (and not the fun kind), the modding community has hit the ground running with a selection of Lovestruck mods to further tweak things to your liking.
Lovestruck Mods: Here For A Good Time!
Whether you’re trying to adjust how sims relate to each other or are just looking for something physical, we’ve got what you need right here!
1. No Cupid’s Corner Notification by Sims4Me

Whenever there’s a new feature for The Sims 4, the game likes to share the excitement by letting you know all about it. And then letting you know again. And again. AND AGAIN. Over and over as you play with new households or start new stories, you’ll get pop-up notifications reminding you to check out Cupid’s Corner. If this kind of pop-up is an annoyance to you like it is to many players, you’ll enjoy this mod by Sims4Me which disables the notification entirely!
2. Teen’s Cupid’s Corner by Lumpinou

Because of the more “adult” nature of many features from the new EP, Teens didn’t get as much attention this time around. With this mod however, your Teen sims can now browse their own version of Cupid’s Corner where they can connect with other Teens.
By default this Lovestruck mod will only connect Teens with other Teens, but there’s an optional add-on which will enable interactions with Young Adult sims as well.
3. Cupid’s Corner Tweaks by Zerbu

Zerbu’s Cupid’s Corner Tweaks Mod lets sims “cast a wider net” when it comes to looking for love online. No more cooldowns when you want to refresh your sim’s matches, see way more matches each refresh, and contact up to 20 sims per day which even Don Lothario might have trouble keeping up with! This Lovestruck mod basically makes Cupid’s Corner a source for unlimited potential dates.
4. Improved Turn-Ons & Turn-Offs by Down In Simsland

Admittedly the Lovestruck EP didn’t do too bad in regards to the different options sims can find attractive or unattractive in a partner, but leave it to a modder to make things even better! The Improved Turn-Ons & Turn-Offs mod tweaks certain aspects of sim attraction to make more sense, and even adds some new ones:
- Instead of Outfit Color preferences (which very few players are likely to use) sims now have several options in regards to the types of bodies they’re into (or not). They can choose from 4 different body shapes, whether or not they like facial or body hair, eye color preferences, as well as cosmetic effects such as makeup, tattoos, and piercings.
- Fashion Choices are now more of a broad spectrum instead of specific styles, which is a bit more realistic and doable with the way the EA fashion tags work. Does your sim have a thing for leather? Are they turned off by someone who goes crazy with the accessories? Now you can decide!
- Hair options have been modified slightly to combine color categories and a Bald preference has been added.
- Way of Life characteristics have been re-weighted for more accuracy and nuance.
- Better integration of various Traits that affect your sims’ preferences including some that initially weren’t factored in, such as Character Values.
More on SNOOTYSIMS: If your sim is on a date that’s just not going their way, give them a little help with Relationship Cheats!💕

5. Choose Turn Ons & Turns Offs in Live Mode by Lumpinou

Adjust what makes your sim tick on the fly with the Choose Turn Ons & Turns Offs in Live Mode mod. No more messing with CAS when you want to change what they’re attracted to or repulsed by, plus you can do this to any sims on the Lot (not just the ones you’re playing)!
The optional Auto Assign System allows you to immediately generate Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs for all sims the moment they’re loaded in, as opposed to the vanilla method of only doing so for specific sims in specific circumstances. This system will also pull from CC characteristics instead of just the vanilla options, which means more diversity in your characters and more interesting experiences.
There’s also a slight tweak to the “Ask about…[attraction]” social interaction, which again will pull from CC options as well as vanilla options.
6. Lovestruck Attraction Overhaul by MissyHissy

Although similar to mod #4 on this list, the Attraction Overhaul mod gives your sims new physical preference options but with more specificity. There are 10 new characteristics to choose from, and you can decide if you want them all or just the ones that make sense to you:
- The Body Decorations category has separate options for earrings, other facial piercings, makeup, and tattoos
- Body Hair breaks up arm, leg, back, and chest hair options
- There are 2 different packages for Eye Colors: one only covers “natural” colors while the other includes less traditional hues
- Facial Details is the catch-all section for freckles, moles, and eyeglasses
- With the Facial Hair category you can choose how your sim feels about mustaches, beards, and goatees independently from one another
- The Figure and Fitness categories give you 5 options for each according to where sims’ bodies fall on the size sliders
- Hair Length includes the different lengths as assigned in CAS along with a Bald option
- There’s a category for Occults so sims of a different “appetite” can find what they’re looking for
- Facial and body scars both fall under the Scars category
7. Improved Social Compatibility by Down In Simsland

Improved Social Compatibility is a Lovestruck mod that re-balances how different traits weigh in on compatibility, even adding values to vanilla traits that EA ignored! This includes adding more realistic weights to individual traits (instead of grouping a bunch of them together and giving them all the same weight), and incorporating traits and lifestyles that initially didn’t factor in at all such as those from Horse Ranch and the Character Values from Parenthood.
8. Romantic Satisfaction Metric Only for Officially Committed Relationships by Lumpinou

Plenty of us have jumped into relationships that got too deep too fast and have looked back on those dumpster fires with embarrassment. Keep your sims from doing the same with the Romantic Satisfaction Metric Only for Officially Committed Relationships mod! This mod will prevent sims from gaining Romantic Satisfaction unless they are in a committed relationship, as Soulmates, Partners, Engaged, or Married.
In addition to keeping those sims from falling too hard too fast, this is a great mod for players who play with concepts such as arranged marriages or chastity before marriage. No matter the reason, if it’s something you want in your game now you can have it!
9. Lovestruck Auto Break-Ups Tweaks by Lumpinou

Last but not least, Auto Break-Ups Tweaks does what it says on the tin and tweaks the way auto-breakups work. Sims will still autonomously want to end a relationship if the factors are there, but now the player can decide if they’ll let their sims go through with it. It could be argued that this takes the “auto” out of autonomy, but you can still choose to split the couple or even leave it up to random chance. At least this way you don’t have to worry about a sim randomly blowing up their relationship if there’s a specific story you’re trying to create!
In addition to this new option, there are other changes that have been made to the Break-Up interaction that make a bit more sense. Sims will remember being wronged for a longer period of time, and the wrongdoing will be recalled differently by each sim depending on if they were the instigator or the confronted party. There are also additional Moodlets for the different outcomes of the Break-Up prompt, so even if you choose to say “no” to a break-up your sims won’t walk away from the encounter unscathed.
Kissing Goodbye
The Sims 4 Lovestruck has been well-received by lots of simmers for lots of reasons, from the deeper emotional impact sims can have on one another to the nostalgia-feeding hit of the EP’s overall aesthetic. Even if the Expansion Pack was perfect however, there would still be ways to improve, and the Lovestruck mods showcased here all elevate an already great EP even higher. Which of these mods do you think will make the biggest impact on your game? Are there other Lovestruck mods you’d like to see in the future? Blow us a kiss in the comments and let us know! Until next time, happy simming! 😘
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