Relish a Relaxing Dip: Incredible Hot Tub CC for The Sims 4!

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Author: Lina
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Ah, hot tubs. They’ve been around since the early days of The Sims and have allowed our Sims to unwind and relax from the daily rigors of their lives. As the times have changed, CC creators have blessed Simmers with more hot tubs to incorporate into the game! So, in this list, we have assembled the most incredible hot tub CC that you can download to let your Sims have added joy and relaxation!

sims 4 hot tub cc

Try Out our Top Hot Tub CC for The Sims 4!

Hot tubs have always been an essential favorite in The Sims franchise! It has allowed us to increase our Sim’s fun and relaxation while also giving them the opportunity to form bonds with other Sims, making it a much-needed social and leisure activity. If you would like to spice up your game by incorporating other varieties of hot tubs, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, read on and download the top 15 hot tub CC that we handpicked just for you.

The Furniture Showroom

The Furniture Showroom

A CC pack that’s like several mini-kits in one, we had to share this because of the massive nostalgia factor. If you played The Sims 1 you recognize that heart-shaped hot tub and coordinating bed! Talk about a throwback.

Even if romance isn’t what you’re after you will still find pieces you love in this 38-item set, which is made up of 4 different collection themes. It’s also only one of over 60 different collections by SIXAM and each one is a real banger. If you can never get enough furniture Kits, take a scroll through their offerings!

Above Ground Pool

Above Ground Pool

This sneaky swimming pool isn’t a swimming pool at all, but a hot tub in a clever disguise. It still makes for a great item to have if your sims’ local summer camp doesn’t have the luxury of being positioned along a river or somewhere stable enough for an in-ground swimming pool. The camp counselors sure won’t complain about it being there!

AlphaCrest Oasis: Elevate Your Space with Outdoor Hot Tub Essentials (#Accessories & #Build)

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Mystic Oasis: Asian Mud Tub Delight (Sims 2 Bathroom Accessory)

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TS4 Spa Day Hot Tub Retexture: 24 New Swatches, Eversims Credit


Japanese Hot Tub by Dreama

Get the Japanese hot tub CC here.

Spa Hot Tub (Aspen Collection) by Nomad Creations

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Download the Spa hot tub CC here.

Medieval Wooden Hot Tub by The Sense Medieval

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Get the Medieval Wooden Hot Tub CC for your game, which includes the Bathhouse Tub, the Copper Bath, and the Deco Water (for poses and animations). The water can appear normal, bloody, and muddy with this tub.

Hot Tub with Roof by AlialSim

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Here is the link for AlialSim’s hot tub.

Solium Hot tub Set by Syboulette

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Download Syboulette’s tub set here.

Niagara Love Tub Copy by AphroditeCC

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Get the Niagara Love Tub Copy here.

Shadeless Hot Tub by hafeezaj

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Download the Shadeless Hot Tub CC here.

The BAFROOM Hot Tub by Felixandresims and Harrie-CC

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Download the BAFROOM hot tub here.

Nostalgia Tub by My Cup of CC


The Patreon site for the Nostalgia tub is here.

Final Thoughts

That’s it! We hope that you had fun going through the ultimate hot tub CC that we handpicked for your Sims! Download them all and let your Sims revel in the pleasure of dipping their weary bodies in our collection of soothing and refreshing hot tubs. Don’t forget to take a break if you’re feeling tired today as well, dear Simmer, as rest is deeply important. And as always, happy playing!

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