Everything to Know About the Awesome Salaryperson Career in TS4

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Author: Lina
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Have you wanted to get your sims involved in the Salaryperson career but you have no idea where to start? If this sounds like you then check out this article that tells you everything you need to go about being a Salaryperson!

salaryperson career sims 4

Climbing up the Corporate Ladder has never been easier!

The Salaryperson career was introduced in The Sims 4: Snowy Escape which can be bought here. Rather than focusing on a western business structure, it focuses on the one you would usually see in Japan. With this career, you will need to have experience in logic, writing, programming, and charisma skill. Some of them, however, do depend on which branch you decide to choose.

Read on to find out all about this career!

The Humble Beginnings of the Salary person career

salaryperson career

The Salaryperson Base Career has a following of four levels. They are the following:

  • Level 1: New Hire is the start of your salaryperson career. Hey, everyone has to start somewhere.
  • Level 2: Pencil Pusher makes you sound a little more important. In order to get a promotion, make sure your logic and writing skills are at level 2.
  • Level 3: Competent Clerk shows you are on your way up! If you want to get to the next level then get the logic and writing skills up to level 3.
  • Level 4: Office Doyen is the last level of the base career. In order to get to either of the branches and get a promotion, you need logic and writing skill at level 4.

Expert Branch

One of the branches you can go with is the Expert branch, which has a total of six levels. They are:

  • Level 5: Data Wrangler is the first level of the Expert branch. If you want to get to the next level, make sure your logic skill is at 5 and your programming skill is up to level 3.
  • Level 6: Calculus Adept sounds like a difficult role. To keep on moving up have logic at level 6 and programming at level 4.
  • Level 7: Spreadsheet Specialist sounds boring, but hey at least you are halfway there. To get a promotion, have your logic skill at level 7 and programming at level 5.
  • Level 8: Master/Mistress of the Cells is the title everyone wants to have! To get a promotion get to level 8 of the logic skill and level 6 of the programming skill.
  • Level 9: Formula Virtuoso sounds so fancy, doesn’t it? To reach the final level, the logic skill has to be at level 9 and the programming skill at 7.
  • Level 10: Cloud Data Guru means you have made it! Props to you and your sim!

Supervisor Branch


The second branch you can go with is the Supervisorbranch, which has a total of six levels. They are:

  • Level 5: Valued Employee sounds like they at least appreciate you. To reach the next level get your logic skill to level 5 and charisma skill to level 3.
  • Level 6: Team Leader means you get to take charge! To get a promotion, logic has to be at 6 and charisma at 4.
  • Level 7: Skilled Supervisor gives you some power over people under you. If you want a promotion, you need to have level 7 logic skills and level 5 charisma skills.
  • Level 8: Prime Planner is level 8 and if you want a promotion, make sure logic skill is at level 8 and charisma is at level 6.
  • Level 9: Group Oracle means you are almost there! To reach the top, have the logic skill at level 9 and the charisma skill at level 7.
  • Level 10: Head of Department is the end of the road for this career branch! Give your sim and yourself a pat on the back.

Final Thoughts

And here is everything you need to know about the Salaryperson career in The Sims 4. If this sounds like something you want to get involved your sim in, then what the heck are you waiting for? Get your sim signed up!

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