Casanova Expanded – Kit Out Your Man Cave!

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Author: Nicole
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Does your sim’s “man cave” need something more? Elevate the space with the Casanova Expanded Kit add-on.


The Casanova Cave Kit was one of the Kits that released in January of this year. Also known in the community as the “Don Lothario Kit,” this was one of the first Kits to release with a combo of CAS and Buy/Build pieces. The downside to this is that the offerings for each category were smaller than usual since the items were split between them, with Buy/Build only having 12 new pieces.

Casanova Expanded Is The Free Add-On You Need!

CasanovaCave items

If you have the Casanova Cave Kit, you’ll be excited to know that Peacemaker had released another of his CC expansions, this time with 18 items to complement the Kit’s offerings. You read that right—Casanova Expanded raises the amount of goods by 150% with new and expanded items to enhance EA’s Kit:

  • Six add-ons to “The Zenith Wall Unit” for more modular placement
    • Right, Left, Center shelves
    • Short and Tall cupboards
    • Console table
  • End table version of the “High Stakes Card Table”
  • Three-surface plant stand version of the “High Stakes Card Table”
  • Loveseat and Armchair variants of the “Streamlined Leather Sofa”
  • Two new sizes for the “TitanScreen 5000” television unit
    • Aptly named “TitanScreen 1000” and “TitanScreen 3000”
  • Side table version of “The Zenith Glass Coffee Table”
  • Rounded full glass version of “The Zenith Glass Coffee Table”
  • A brand new dining chair
  • A brand new bar stool
  • A brand new tripod floor lamp
  • A brand new floor rug

The Casanova Expanded Kit requires its namesake for the items to show in-game. These pieces should appear in the catalog when filtering only pieces from the Casanova Cave Kit as if they were EA assets.

More on SNOOTYSIMS: If you somehow managed to get into CC for The Sims 4 but have never heard of Peacemaker, here’s some info about this fabulous creator!


Closing Thoughts

If you bought the Casanova Cave Kit you probably did it to build Don (or your favorite masc sim) an epic man cave. Using Casanova Expanded you can make an even better, more comfortable place to hang out with “the boys” or build an epic bachelor pad for your favorite romantic sims!

Did you get the Casanova Cave Kit? Which piece from this expanded add-on do you like the most? Let us know in the comments, and happy simming!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicole

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I've been playing The Sims since the first game launched way back in 2000 and have been using CC for over 20 years. As a creative person with an interest in design, The Sims games have always been a great outlet for me whether I'm creating a cool sim, trying a new build style, or dabbling in CC making. The Sims really is a wonderful medium for all sorts of creative outlets and I'm happy to share my enthusiasm with other like-minded players!

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