Top 10 Sims 4 Building Tips – How To Get Better?

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Author: Stefan
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Find Out The Best Sims 4 Building Tips!

Building is an essential part of The Sims 4. And for many people, it’s the only thing they do in the game! Seriously, building is sometimes so fun that we end up only constructing the house and never actually playing the Sims that we created the home for in the first place! But some of us aren’t creative geniuses and need a little push. So here are the best building tips for The Sims 4!

And as is the case with the gorgeous houses and mansions we’re building, we need to start from the very fundamentals!

Common Sims 4 Beginners Building Questions

Can you just build in Sims 4?

Yes, absolutely! In fact, Sims 4 is played by so many people with different goals. And it is also a place where many architects try out their ideas. And our architect friends only build houses in the game and nothing more. They enjoy crafting homes from scratch and treating Sims 4 as a testing ground for their real-life projects.

But this playstyle isn’t only limited to architects, exterior, or interior designers. I know more than dozen simmers personally that only build stuff in the game and never actually play their Sims. Building is fun, so why shouldn’t we do it all the time?

How do you build in Sims 4?

If you’re just starting with The Sims 4, then you should know how to start building before you go on to the more advanced tips. And there is nothing easier than to enter the build mode in The Sims 4!

First of all, you need to make sure that you’re on a lot and not the CAS menu. Simply select a world, a neighborhood, and a lot you’d like to live in, and then look for the build mode icon. It looks like an intersection of two tools. You can also activate the build mode by pressing F2

How do you enable free build?

To freely build in Sims, you’ll need to use a cheat! The quickest way to do this is to first enable cheat by typing in the testingcheats true line in the command console (SHIFT + CTRL + C). Next, insert the bb. enablefreebuild command, and you can then start building freely!

Now let’s get on to the more advanced building tips for The Sims 4!

Top 10 Best Building Tips For The Sims 4

10.The Building Shortcuts Are Very Helpful

Building can take a lot of your time. It’s very helpful when you can quickly switch to various tools without having to look for them and manually click them. Instead, use keyboard shortcuts!

For example, the “[“ and “]“ buttons increase and decrease your brush size while painting a terrain. And “.“ and “,“ let you rotate an object while you’re building. Commands like this can really save you time, so make sure to use them!

9. Always Activate Free Build

If you happen to like a home that you can’t edit, then the free build mode is the only thing that can save you! It lets you reconstruct those “special” buildings, such as the dorms in Discover University. You don’t need the free build mode for every house, but it’s essential for these situations.

8. Start Out With Small Houses

If you’re just starting out in The Sims 4, or you’ve never really given building a proper shot, you’ll find it much easier to fully build a small house rather than a massive mansion. When you have to take care of a smaller space, you can simply relax, try some things and eventually you’ll get there. But big homes are investments of time, and you’re better off finishing smaller projects and moving on to the next, so you can try out even more styles.

And that’s why this is one of the best building tips for The Sims 4!

7. Experiment with Stairs

Stairs aren’t often challenging to most simmers, but they can be problematic. They connect our floors and make it possible for our Sims to go up and down their home. But sometimes stairs don’t fit our general design.

So don’t be afraid to experiment here. Break the stairs in half and change their direction. Do anything you can to freshen up their design!

6. Know Your Style

One of the things that can make or break a build is the style. You see, every home has a certain style – modern, vintage, minimalistic, outdoorsy… you get the idea. So you need to make sure that you know the style you’re going after with your build.

Having a clear idea of what you want will help you choose colors, objects, and everything else much quicker. So think about your style in the beginning of your building

5. Use Different Floor Heights

If you’ve mastered the fundamentals of building, then you can move onto one of the best building tips for The Sims 4 – don’t’ be afraid to use different floor heights

People don’t often talk about floor heights, but they can be instrumental in achieving a unique look. They introduce complexity and character to your home, so look for ways to incorporate them!

4. The Outside is Just as Important as the Inside

We often get focused way too much on our interior and completely forget our exterior. But the truth is – our porch and yard is also crucial for achieving a great look!

One of the best building tips that we can give you is to match your exterior with the surrounding landscape. No matter if you’re living in the suburbs or the city, look for ways to adjust your build to your environment.

3. Accept That Roofing is the Hardest Part of Building

There’s no denying it – designing the roof is the toughest part of building in The Sims 4. It simply takes too much time, and it often seems like you can’t get it right. 

But this is true for everybody! So don’t get frustrated! The best way to approach it is to acknowledge that the roof will take a lot of time and leave it for the end. Finish the rest of the house and have 90% of your project done first!

2. Use Scale Objects

What distinguishes noobs from pros in Sims 4 is whether and how they use the scale objects options. By holding down SHIFT and using the “[“ “]” buttons, you can enlarge and decrease the size of your objects.

This is particularly useful when you need to match smaller things to the rest of your house. But you can use these commands for everything in your build!

1. Use Move Objects

And the absolute best tip for building in Sims 4 is to use the move objects cheat! This cheat lets you move anything you see on your screen to any place. It’s extremely handy for putting vases and other things on top of counters. But you can also use it for adjusting beds, windows, doors, and everything else!

To activate the move objects cheat, type bb. moveobjects on in the command console. Just make sure that your cheats are enabled first!

We hope our top 10 best building tips for The Sims 4 helped you out!

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