How To Activate “Testing Cheats” In The Sims 4?

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Author: Dyan
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Ah, the famed Testing Cheats in The Sims 4. If there’s only one cheat you should definitely know inside out in The Sims 4, it is THIS cheat. Learn all about it here!

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Learn How to Use Testing Cheats in The Sims 4!

Testing Cheats is a fundamental tool that every Simmer should master! This simple cheat is essential for activating almost all other cheats in the game, as it’s usually the gateway to unlock other more complex cheats. If you’re new to using cheats in The Sims 4 or a new player of the game in general, it’s crucial to understand that activating Testing Cheats will help you a lot in the game.

Using testing cheats and setting a couch as the “head” of a Sim. Hilarious!

The Testing Cheats can help you instantly put your Sims into a good mood, set any object as their “head”, generate new Sims, objects, and craftables, or even adjust skills and get jobs for your Sims. The list is endless when it comes to what this cheat can offer, really. Hence, in this article, we will tell you how to activate and deactivate this basic cheat, as well as the things you can do in the game while using it.

Activating and Deactivating Testing Cheats

Open the command console and enter the cheat.

How do you exactly make this cheat work in the game? The first step to activating the Testing Cheats in The Sims 4 is to press SHIFT + CTRL + C on your keyboard at the same time. If you’re playing the game on a Mac, then the keyboard combination should be COMMAND + CTRL + C. However, if you’re a console user, you’ll have to press the four triggers on the back of your controller. The combination of presses will then trigger the command console, or the cheat box, to pop up in the top left corner of your screen. Here, you’ll need to type the following line: testingcheats true.

You should receive a notification whenever testing Cheats have been enabled or disabled.

After doing it, you shall receive a notification that cheats have been enabled in your game. To turn cheats off, all you have to do is type testingcheats false and you’re good to go. Disabling the cheat should also result in a notification in the text box below the command console.

More on SNOOTYSIMS: In this post, we’ll introduce you to the Sims 4 move objects cheat which I guarantee you’ll always use!

moveobjectscheat snootysims

What If Testing Cheats Won’t Work?

Now sometimes, the exact command “testingcheats true” would not work for all Simmers. Luckily, there are a couple of variations that you can try, and they all have the same purpose. They are the following:

  • testingcheats on
  • testingcheats 1
  • testingcheats true
  • testingcheats yes

It doesn’t matter which one of these you use, as long you find one that works for your game. For console players of The Sims 4, there have been reports wherein the cheat would not work. We found out that it’s essential that you are in Live Mode when activating Testing Cheats, for the command to work properly.

Playing with Testing Cheats

After having activated the Testing Cheats, what should you do next? What are the actual ways that you can utilize the advantages of Testing Cheats in the game? Well, there are plenty!

Shift + Clicking on Sims


One of the first benefits you’ll notice after activating Testing Cheats is the expanded range of actions available when you press SHIFT + CLICK on any Sim. A whole new menu will pop up, offering options that will help your Sims to gain the power to cheat their way through selected aspects. Here are just some of the cheats:

  • Add to Family – This allows you to add any Sim or NPC to your current household. Yep, even Grim Reaper!
  • Kill – This lets you kill Sims right on the spot.
  • Cheat Sim Info – You can customize different things about your Sims like their jobs, skills, etc.
  • Modify in CAS – will instantly transport you to the character creation menu, where you can freely alter your Sim’s appearance, including their age, gender, traits, outfit, and anything else you desire!
  • Cheat Need – grants you the ability to fulfill all your Sims’ needs instantaneously or even completely disable the draining of their needs.
  • Reset Object – Additionally, you’ll have the option to debug or reset a Sim, which is useful if they get stuck on a animated loop.

Shift + Clicking on The Mailbox


If you SHIFT + CLICK on your Sim’s mailbox, you’ll open an array of options for your lot. You will find things that you can change, like the needs of the household and the world (clicking the Fill Needs option will instantly boost the mood of Sims). Similarly, you’ll find options to modify, such as the Utilities aspect of the house, or the Neighborhood Action Plans.

Shift + Clicking on Objects


And lastly, if you SHIFT + CLICK on any object in the game, you’ll have different options, depending on the type of the object. For example, using this on a refrigerator will allow you to craft animal treats instantly while using it on a table will give you the option to make it clean or dirty. The possibilities are endless!


As we said previously, Testing Cheats gives you a basic array of tools for The Sims 4. Its purpose is to help you out with gameplay aspects that usually take a longer time to accomplish. The rest is solved by other cheats like the move objects cheat, change the weather cheats, and plenty of others. However, it’s vital to know that before inserting any other cheat in The Sims 4, Testing Cheats is usually the pre-requisite to be activated. So yup, that’s how useful it is!

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Dyan

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Sul sul! I'm your fellow Simmer, Dyan. I've been a passionate player of all Sims games since 2004. I prefer spending time in Live Mode because I enjoy conducting various social experiments with my Sims *evil laugh*. Kidding aside, here on SNOOTYSIMS, you can count on me to provide you with only the most excellent guides, tips, and lists about all things The Sims. 😉

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