The Sims 4 Homeless Challenge – Your Full Guide

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Author: Lina

Thanks to many passionate and creative Simmers, the Sims 4 community is saturated with a bunch of fun challenges to partake in whenever gameplay gets dull. Out of all these challenges, the Sims 4 homeless challenge might be one of the more difficult ones. Which also makes it very fun to play. But, how much do you actually know about this challenge? Are you familiar with the rules and the goals? Let’s find out!

The Sims 4 Homeless Challenge: A Fun Adventure!

The Sims 4 version of the Homeless Challenge was originally created by Simmer AISLYNNE way back in 2014. But since then many Simmers have put their own twist to it as the challenge has become increasingly popular. So, in this post, we will cover the updated version, which basically has been modified by the entire Sims 4 community by this point…

For Simmers who are looking for some serious challenges in their game, this is the perfect solution. The Sims 4 homeless challenge is not only difficult, but it offers a wide range of storyline options that can be very fun to play around with. Answering questions such as “why is my Sim homeless in the first place?” can be a very nice way to build backstory and personality. Ultimately making the game more realistic and exciting! Anyway, we know you are just waiting to get started with this challenge – so let us get into the rules!

1. Rules & Requirements Of The Homeless Challenge

If you want to play the Sims 4 homeless challenge you better get familiar with the rules & requirements. So, here they are:


  1. Create a young/adult Sim & dress them in “homeless-looking clothes”.
  2. Move them into an empty lot.
  3. Press CTRL + SHIFT + C, type in testingcheats true in your cheat console, and use the money 0 cheat to empty your Sim’s account.


  1. First, you cannot move out or get married.
  2. Second, you cannot get a job.
  3. Third, you cannot place objects on your lot, just items found outside your lot, like seeds.

Check out these Lagacy Challenges for your Sims characters.

2. Tips & Tricks That Will Help Your Gameplay

When playing with a homeless Sim it can be quite hard to fill up their needs without a proper home. Without normal appliances such as a toilet, a shower, a stove, a fridge, sofa, and a bed, taking care of your Sim is a big challenge. Thus, the name homeless challenge.

Anyway, it can also be hard to save up money without keeping a job. Overall, this is a real challenge. But luckily, we have a few tips and tricks up our sleeve which can help you tackle this challenge!

Taking Care of Needs

  1. Visit neighbors or community lots to eat, shower, and seek shelter.
  2. Once you afford it, buy a tent from build mode to live in (requires Outdoor Retreat).
  3. Use a Woohoo bush as a toilet – it’s gross but it works.

Earning Money

  1. Collect metals, crystals, fossils, fish, and more to sell.
  2. Practice gardening, growing plants, and collecting seeds to sell.
  3. Choose the Klepto trait to steal things that you can sell.

3. The Goal of the Homeless Challenge

The goal of the Sims 4 Homeless Challenge is to make 5000 simoleons without the help of a house or a job. Whilst simultaneously staying alive with everything homelessness throws in your face… When you reach §5000 you can start to build a house. And from there on out, follow the same pattern until you are satisfied with where your Sim is at. As you make more money, you may also adjust your Sim’s outfits to reflect their wealth. Which can actually be really fun!

Check out these amazing custom posters for a modern day house in the Sims 4.


To sum it up, the Sims 4 homeless challenge might be one of the most difficult challenges in Sims 4. But despite that, it is one of the most fun challenges. We really just love being put outside of our comfort zone when it comes to gameplay. And what is more outside our comfort zone than starting completely from scratch without any household funds or a house for that matter?! It is actually kind of insane… So, if you manage to complete the challenge, we applaud you because it is hard!

We would love to know your thoughts on the Sims 4 homeless challenge! Have you tried it yet? What did you think of it? Will you try it out? Let us know in the comments down below! Anyway, Happy Simming!

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2 thoughts on “The Sims 4 Homeless Challenge – Your Full Guide”

  1. At what point do you win or get out of poverty. I did this in an evening doing the comedian trait and getting tips from the bar and as a beggar. Once I built my house on the lot I was confused on what “Winning” is. I was able to get a job after I had built and established the home and brought in a wife to consider it my version of a win. What are your thoughts?

    • Hey there, JoJo! Once your Sim earns 5000 simoleons without a house or a job, you’ve already won the Homeless Challenge! In your case though, you’ve accomplished much more than that basic goal. So, congratulations to you and your Sim!


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