The Incredible Dairy Cow Mod: What Makes It So Great?

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Author: Jovanna
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Looking for new ways to upgrade your farming experience in Sims 4? If so, then cow mod is a must-have. Read on to discover what this incredible mod is all about and how you can incorporate it into your gameplay today!

sims 4 cow mod
The Sims 4 Cow Mod: Everything You Need to Know!

What is a dairy Cow Mod For Sims 4?

Have you ever wanted to start a cow farm in Sims 4, but needed a quick solution that would make that possible in just a few clicks? Dairy Cow mod is the answer! The Dairy cow mod is a simple yet powerful way to introduce cows and milk into the gameplay. This fabulous creation is a result of a collaboration between three fantastic mod makers: PandaSama, Icemunmun, and MizoreYukii.

It features a few features that make cow farming possible for everyone, including the Base game players. Besides an animated cow and new farming objects, you can expect to earn some cash from collecting and selling milk or developing a friendship with a cow. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Let’s discuss the mod and uncover how it works in more detail, shall we?

what are the key mod features?

To start their farming journey with the cow mod, Sims will need to purchase a dairy cow ( or a few). They come in 7 swatches. Pick the prettiest one for your farmland and rename them as you, please. You will need to take good care of them and feed them hay or special seeds from the treat bag that comes with the mod.

The mod has a couple of options your Sims can benefit from if they chose to have these animals around, including collecting the milk. Milk will be different depending on what the animals eat. Once collected, Sims can either drink it to boost their mood, or, sell the milk. If you want to go a step further in your farming, you can collect meat from them. To do this, just Shift and click on the animal and it will be sent away. Be mindful, because cows have feelings, too. Sims can talk to and even befriend them.

Now, let’s talk about how to use the cow mod: how you can get a cow, take care of it, collect milk, befriend it, and explore new moodlets.

1. How to get a cow?

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Before we dive into mod features in more detail, let’s kick off with the essentials – getting the cow. To get one from the cow mod, go to the build/buy menu. Sort your build/buy objects by function and custom content, and you should be able to see a cow, which you can then purchase for $0. What you’ll be purchasing is just the sign, though.

Place a sign with a cow in your yard or indoors where you have 5×4 free squares. Go to live mode and click on the sign finally purchase the animal and chose how you want it to look. One will cost you 1,500 simoleons, and if you have some extra cash you can purchase as many of them as you like. They are so well-animated!

2. How to Take Care of Your Animal?

Cows from the cow mod will require some special food. All you will need to do is place them directly on the grass, as they will start grazing the grass. This will keep them alive without your intervention. If you prefer a little more interaction, you can give them hay from a hay bale or hay pile. The third option is to feed them seeds from ‘’Treat Bag for Cow’’.

You will need to collect seeds in this bag. Both the hay and the bag for seeds (and some seeds) come with the mod, so you will find them in the build/buy. You can also enable auto eating, by placing the hay 9 building squares away from where the cow is placed.

Unless they are on auto-feeding or on the grass, you can feed them every 4 hours. Or, your Sim will autonomously take care of it and feed it seed or hay from their inventory, but only after they’ve established a friendship with the animal. Even if you feed them timely, cows don’t live forever tough and will die of old age after some time.

3. How to Collect Milk?

Milk Info

If your main aim when playing the cow mod is to collect and sell milk, you will be able to do so every 4 hours, right after feeding the cow. It will produce different types of milk, depending on what you feed it. There are 15 different milk types you can get, and all will appear in different milk bottles. The only time you’ll get plain milk is when you give it hay and grass, and feeding them seeds will give milk special flavors. They can even produce special plasma milk, that can satisfy Vampire’s hunger.

Once it’s fed, use the ‘’Grab Milk’’ option, and your Sim will kneel down to milk the cow. Once they are done, they will get a milk canister in the inventory. If you want them to, Sims can take a sip of fresh milk directly from inventory, or store some for later in the fridge.

4. how to befriend a cow?

Cows are gentle beings. Sims can not only use animals from the cow mod for their benefit but also make them their animal companions and befriend them. They can ask cows about their day and talk to them.

As the friendship progresses, they will be able to pet them and tell them secrets! They can also yell at the cow, which will ruin the relationship.

To track your relationship with each cow, just hover over it, and you see the relationships bar the Sim has with them (along with milk, hunger, and energy info). The best part is, every Sim, from children to elders can interact with them.

3. What are the effects of interacting with the cow?

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The cow mod doesn’t just allow Sims to drink different kinds of fresh milk and sell it. Every interaction they have with the animal will have a direct impact on their mood, from petting the cow and collecting hay to drinking different kinds of milk. There are a bunch of new moodlets that come with the mod, most of which are happy and give your Sims +2 happy buffs.

Friendship with cows is a real deal, so if you decide to send it away for meat, your Sims will feel like they’ve lost a friend.

how to install the mod?

The cow mod includes two types of files: the main mod, which is a must-have, and add-ons, which are optional. Add-ons are harvestable you can use them to feed the cow or plant. You can download them all or pick only a few. To access the download files, go here.

Once you’ve picked your files and downloaded them, follow the standard mod installation procedure. Copay and paste files to Documents> Electronic Arts> The Sims 4> Mods, and launch your game to start playing. Your cow mod is ready!

Is the mod compatible with cottage living EP?

Cows are featured in The Sims 4: Cottage Living expansion pack. While Sims can totally have a small cow farm and collect milk from their cows without it, the mod is a nice addition to how Sims benefit from cows.

Cows from the CL pack and from the mod operate slightly differently but don’t interfere with one another. Animals from the cow mod are linked with different build/buy objects (cow sign), and shouldn’t interfere with regular CL cows, which you’d purchase via an animal shed. However, cow milk from the mod is fully compatible with the pack, it just tastes differently!

Overall, you should have no trouble when playing with the mod if you have Cottage Living installed. Similarly, you don’t need the CL for the mod to work, which makes it a great solution for players who’d like to collect or sell milk but don’t have the CL pack installed yet.


This was the cow mod! Although we have cows in Cottage Living, this mod complements what we have in the game perfectly, and can be especially useful if you’d like to start farming, but don’t have the EP yet. The cow itself is adorable, and you’ll love how finely animated it is. Try it out yourself and happy swimming!

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