Would you like to bring True Happiness into your Sims lives? Bring realistic moods and emotion into your sims lives with the True Happiness Mod.

What is the True Happiness Mod?
True Happiness is a mod that brings a more realistic aspect to your Sims moods and emotions. It changes the way your Sims moods work and therefore your Sims characters become more real to life. The Sim’s current moods in the basic game are a kind of “level” happiness, an uneventful positivity where they don’t reach the super happy heights. Keeping your Sims happy right now is relatively easy, but it can become boring, as they can behave more artificially. As we know, real life is just not like that. This Mod will bring meaningful but more fleeting emotions that can pass relatively quickly. These moods may not last, but they are more powerful and special, bringing real life to your sims characters.
How Will It Work?

The True Happiness mod will bring more “true to life” experiences. For Example, your Sim may be having a boring day, where not much is going on, they are plodding on doing the chores, etc. Then all of a sudden something may happen, where they may experience a promotion, a gift, or a new friend. This creates a break in their more mundane daily routine.
Having this Mod will mean that they can experience true happiness for the first time! Now every inch of your Sim will feel SO good, that this moment may encourage them to achieve more in other aspects of their lives. They may now feel like painting an amazing masterpiece, working harder to get a better grade in their education, or may look for a more successful career. This mod is so much fun and brings a new dimension to your Sims4 character’s lives and your gameplay.
What’s worthy to know is, the “Meaningful stories” mod pack includes True Happiness. So if you already use Meaningful stories, you do not need to download the True Happiness mod.
There is flexibility with this mod, so within the in-game settings, many of the features can be turned on and off. To get to the settings, click on your Sim and open the ‘roBurky’ category, and choose ‘True Happiness’. There’s nothing to lose in having this mod installed.
True Happiness In Detail

In the True Happiness mod, the moods have changed. “Happy” has been replaced by “Fine”. So your Sims overall mood has lowered. “Fine” is now the boosting mood for positive emotions, whereas previously it was “Happy”. Other positive moods will be boosted by the “Fine” mood score. “Happy” is now boosted up to a proper positive mood, which can also be boosted by the “fine” mood score.
So now, in the background, most “Happy” moodlets are now “Fine” moodlets. Although your Sim may now seem a little sadder, it just means that when something really good happens, they will be ecstatic. On the display, they will still display as Happy+1, but unless boosted by other positive moodlets, the Sims mood will display as “fine”.
The Moodlets

Within the True Happiness Mod, your sim can be put into a “happy” mood, as some of the moodlets have been selected to be truly happy moodlets. These moodlets can be boosted by the “Fine” moodlet. Although these happy moodlets are rare and harder to get but can be obtained by your Sim doing something that they enjoy. This brings an element of encouraging your Sim to try harder. To achieve in their lives, to not give up, and to feel inspired and strive for true friendship.
Please bare in mind, that the associated colors of the “Happy” and “Fine” mods have been swapped over. This is due to the hardcoding of the moodlets that boost other moodlets being set to green, it can not be changed by mods. The “Happy” mood and its moodlets are display as white, the “Fine” moodlets display as green. This keeps the colours consistent and easy to read at a glance, giving great ease of use.
Additional Features

There are many additional benefits for your sims, that make being truly happy worthwhile. Added to “happy” mode are:
- When your sim gets a true happy moodlet, they will obtain +1 “Fine” moodlet for “A Happy Moment” that will last half as long as the true happy moodlet. So your sim’s mood can still be briefly boosted, even if their nor feeling truly happy.
- When a Sim is truly happy they get a bonus for their career path performance. This is equivalent to the bonus from being in a career’s associated mood.
- When a Sim is truly happy it obtains a bonus to its Skills, which is equivalent to the bonus from other positive moods related to their associated skills
Recommended Mods to go along with True Happiness
Recommended mods to go with this:
- Emotional Inertia This mod makes the happiness last longer. It works along the lines of when a Sim becomes truly happy, it becomes more of an event, with the added optional extra of trying to keep the mood going for longer.
- Variable Emotional Traits With True Happiness installed, this increase’s the effectiveness of the cheerful trait, and makes it more interesting, by sometimes making the “Feeling Happy” moodlet stronger.
- Uncomfortable Overhaul this mod allows discomfort to boost negative moods making playing with sims emotions more interesting, challenging, and fun.
Will This Mod Enhance Gameplay?

True Happiness will indeed enhance gameplay. If you enjoy the emotional element of your Sims4 game, this mod is for you. If you are interested in bringing that extra bit of real-life to your Sims, it’s a must-have. More than anything it will make the game more challenging and more fun. Rather than your Sims having a moderate temperament, this mod will make them more passionate and reactive, bringing with it lots of the excitement of the highs and lows of real life.
Install instructions
Extract the contents of the zip file into your ‘Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods’ folder
Download from the mod page: https://roburky.itch.io/sims4-happiness
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