Best Lip Piercing Custom Content for the Sims 4

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Author: Nicolas
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Simple Lip Piercing Set


Below the Lip Piercing


Upper Lip Piercing


Random Lip Piercing Set including Lip Ring Piercing

We simmers all agree that lip piercings enhance the look of our characters. It can create a very stylish and glamorous look. Let alone the fact they’re very trendy. So when you create a look, you must try new accessories and give your character a new fancy look.

And if you want some amazing lip piercings, keep reading this article.

Trendiest Lip Rings for the Sims 4

Lip Piercing Set by MahoCreations

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We’re starting off with this cool and fancy set of lip piercings. It comes in 4 styles and you can wear it as you like. It can be worn on the upper lip, lower lip or even on both lips. This is a simple yet classy addition to the look of your character. You can get this resource from this link.

Born to Rise Hell

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Definitely eye-catching! Not only does it make your sim character appear fierce but also confident. This lip piercing set comes in 15 colors, and it works for male and female sims. While keeping it, the character looks very stylish. You can download this lip corner piercing from here. Check out this hair visiting this post.

Statement Lip Ring

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She’s one of the cutest sim characters we’ve ever got to play with! This lip piercing comes in two sizes. One is small, and the other is big. It works for all types of lip shapes and looks like a chain with some ornaments attached to it. You can download this custom content from Pralinesims.

Arroll Lip Piercing

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This one is honestly gorgeous! It works for both males and females, and it comes in 6 different colors and gives the character a stylish look. You can download this by clicking here. We definitely recommend checking out some of the best default skin blends and overlays to top your character’s look.

LeahLillith Collide Lip Piercing

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This funky and cool lip piercing comes in three styles and shades. It comes in sets of two that can be worn on the lips together. It gives a gangster look to the character. You can download this lip piercing from this page. Check out the coolest makeup mods for the Sims 4.

Twisted Lip Piercing

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This lip piercing set comes in 43 different colors and has an eccentric design. It is a fancy addition that enhances the character look, and it also makes the character look very classy and stylish. The twisted lip piercing is straight, and it has two twisted versions. You can download this custom content from here.

Devil Vertical Labret

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This vertical labret lip ring is very simple and casual, but it can completely change the character’s look into something unique. It works for both genders, teen to elder. It comes with 6 swatches. You can download this custom content from Tumblr.

Labret Piercing

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Our female character looks quite nerdy, doesn’t she? This custom content is one of the funkiest one in the category of lip piercing. It comes in two swatches. It comes with two lip rings that are to be worn together on the lower lip. You can download this resource from Tumblr.

Triz Tass Lip Piercings

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Jekyll and Hide

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Designer Lip Piercing

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DS Lip Ring by DarkNighTt

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ANATHEMA Lip Stud Piercing Selection

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TROUBLE Piercing Set

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Weepingsimmer’s Maxis Match Piercings

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MALICE Chain Piercing Collection

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PIERCING Ultimate Collection

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Faux LipRing

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Maylin Lower Lip Piercing

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Triple Lower Lip Piercing

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Tumblr Exclusive – Smiley Piercing

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Playerswonderland’s Spiked Lip Piercing

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Mouth Piercing Ball

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Gemstone Piercing Set

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Pearl Piercing Set

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OBSESSION Lip Chain Piercing

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Dahlia Lower Lip Piercing by PlayersWonderland

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Mouth Piercing Ball V2

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Mouth Piercing Ball V3

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Your Author: Hi! I'm Nicolas

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Hi there! I’m Nicolas, your fellow Simmer who also happens to be the force simmering behind SNOOTYSIMS. I can’t believe it has been nearly 20 years since I created the very first Sims fan site. Time just flies by, doesn’t it? I’ve always loved writing about the Sims games and being part of its community has never ceased to be my personal thrill.

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