Even more information has some out about the upcoming Sims 4 Lovestruck EP, and it’s sure to get your heart pumping.

We recently shared information about the next DLC coming for The Sims 4, the Lovestruck EP, and now there are even more details to share.
What We Know So Far About The Sims 4 Lovestruck EP
Take a look at the newest leaked images and information for the upcoming Expansion, and there’s a lot to be hot & bothered about!
Finding & Going Out On Dates

Adult sims now have the option to browse available romantic matches on the new Cupid’s Corner app, accessible from their mobile phones. Your sim will have to create a profile which includes a selfie as well as a section where they can decide on which of their Traits to put on display. The app will find potential matches based on your sim’s preferred age bracket and their romantic/sexual orientation by searching through the world and the Gallery which your sim can then choose to save their favorites. From here you can add these potential partners to your sim’s contacts or go right to planning a date!
The new dating system is leagues ahead of the current/old system for The Sims 4. For starters, your sims can go on group dates by inviting more than just their potential match along and not only do they get to pick the venue, they also get to pick the activities to do there. When on a date, other random sims won’t butt into your activities unless you initiate, so you can focus on making it a great experience without anybody getting sidetracked. You can change venues during the date, whether that means moving to a new location to hang out or going back to your sim’s place for some “quality time.” And if the date stinks, you or your date can end it prematurely. Be careful though—too many bad breakups could lead to your sim dying of a broken heart!
Connecting With Others

There are lots of new things in the Lovestruck EP for sims to do with their partner(s) along with new ways to connect with them. Bond with your date over new flirty games, gussy up with a new adult costume box, or share treats like chocolate covered strawberries with one another. Smitten sims can cuddle together (or more) in bed, or spend some quality time on the portable Romantic Blanket where they can cuddle, kiss, or have a full-on Woohoo session!
Traits matter more than ever when it comes to finding the perfect match. Two new traits include Lovebug for sims who really love being in love and everything that comes with it, and Romantically Reserved for sims whose hearts are more guarded and need more work to get through to. In addition to these Traits your sims will develop Turn Ons and Turn Offs based on things like liked/disliked Activities, sim Characteristics, preferred Fashion vibes, and their Romance styles. Unrequited love is totally a thing now where sims will feel differently toward one another in terms of their Romantic Satisfaction and Attraction.
Exploring Romance All Over

With the Lovestruck EP there are new ways to get a “spark” going between two sims whether you’re at a regular Community Lot or one of the new Singles Hangout locations. Romance-specific interactions are everywhere, such as your sim’s ability to show off their muscles at the gym or take a chance and strike up a conversation at a museum by viewing art together. At a Bar, Nightclub, or Lounge? Put out those feelers by performing the new Seductive Dance action.
The Singles Hangout is a Community Lot Trait where unattached sims will appear more frequently so the potential for romance is ever-present. You can finally stop worrying about accidentally finding the perfect partner for your sim only to learn that they’re already with somebody else!
Skills And Thrills

The Lovestruck EP introduces the Romance Skill which is available starting at Teen age. The higher the skill the more desirable a sim will be as they unlock Perks which make them more attractive to others. These sims will be better at charming their dates, and have an easier time staying Romantically Satisfied.
Along with new Traits and Skills there are two new Aspirations your sims can choose from. The Romantic Explorer loves a good old-fashioned date but they’re also into the more minute & mundane when it comes to showing affection for another. Paragon Partner sims are concerned with one thing: having a great romance with as many sims as they can manage.
Turn Love Into Money

If your sim is particularly talented at the love game they can turn those skills into simoleons with the new Romance Consultant career. Like other 10-level career tracks this has 2 different branches, where your sim can become a Matchmaker or Therapist. Career Rewards include unique heart-shaped furniture pieces and new interactions such as “Give Unsolicited Love Advice,” “Gush About Love,” “Share Relationship Satisfaction Tips,” and “Propose Potential Match.”
Buy/Build & CAS Content And The New World Location

Although we don’t have full access to all the new content that will be coming with the Lovestruck EP just yet, the leaked screenshots that have come out give us a great idea of what’s to come. Clothing seems to be centered on two main themes: hearts and skin. Several pieces of clothing and accessories have a heart motif, while many other clothing items feature things like cut-outs, lace, and high or low cuts that expose more skin. Check out the new tattoo which appears to be the names of prior romantic partners, crossed off as each romance fizzled out and was replaced with another! We can also see a neck tattoo in one of the leaked images (the strawberry eating picture) so in addition to new ink, it looks like me might be getting new places to put it as well.
Buy/Build mode content seems to be a bit more all over the place. There are cutesy things like the axolotl plush, neon bird sign, and the Herbert Heart Plushie (shown in our previous post) but there’s also a mix of other styles like the Boho vibes of the beaded curtain, modern lines of one of the new chairs, and dramatic bold looks on things like the bearskin rug and floral wallpapers.
Initially I thought the new world of Ciudad Enamorada would take place in an area similar to Spain, but the inclusion of papel picado in one of the outdoor images now has me thinking this world will be Mexico-focused instead. It’s hard to determine what the world will look like based on the limited images we have but it seems like it will be more similar to Selvadorada than say, Oasis Springs or StrangerVille. We already have some Mexican representation in The Sims 4 by way of certain Hispanic foods and the Sugar Skull Challenge, so a Mexican-themed world would fit in nicely.
More Info To Come In Just One Week!

Although The Sims 4 Lovestruck EP won’t be out until July 25th, you can pre-order it starting a week from today on June 27th! Hopefully when it goes into pre-order we’ll get even more information about the upcoming EP, including full views of what’s coming for Buy/Build and CAS. We’ll see you next week with whatever new information we can find!
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