Sims 4 Father Winter – How to Have a Baby With Santa?

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Author: Jovanna
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Have you ever met Santa in Sims? If you like to experiment with default interesting characters, you’ll be pleased to hear that Santa, or Father Winter as he is called in the Sims 4, is open to meeting you. You can even try for a baby! If you are interested in learning how to interact with him and learn more about his character you are in the right place. We have prepared all the info that you need about Sims 4 Father Winter. Let’s hop right into it!

sims 4 father winter

If you’d like to learn more about Sims 4 holidays, check out this holiday calendar.

Who is Sims 4 Father Winter?

In The Sims 4, Father Winter is a character with the ability to brighten up your special holidays. In other words, he is the Sims version of Santa Claus, in the Sims 4: Seasons pack. He wears blue winter robes, has a typical Santa beard, and has a snow cap. As a default character, he appears only during the holiday season and Winterfest.

Ultimately, the part about Father Winter is that you can interact with him just like you would with other Sims. He is an impressive character, a pro in his job, and will have level 10 skills in Parenting, Baking, and Cooking.

Father Winter Interactions

The greatest part about his character is not the festive look. He is a character with a couple of friendly interactions, open to meeting others. He has a task to deliver presents, but will also be available for making friends. You can greet him, ask him for presents or get into a fight with him to get them. If he catches your Sims’s eye, you can even flirt with him and start a romance. However, you won’t be able to kill him since Father Winter has a hidden trait as well, reserved only for him. Unlike other, ”normal” characters, Sims 4 father winter death won’t happen, as he has an immunity to all types of death.

If you are curious to learn more about The Sims 4: Seasons Expansion pack, go here.

When to meet Father Winter in The Sims 4?

Since Father Winter appears only on rare occasions, you might want to do a bit of preparation. Decorate your Sims 4 if you’re looking to give him a warm welcome and meet him. During Winterfest, Father Winter is designed to show up at around 8 PM with a pile of gifts that will be placed in your gift pile if you have one. The presents can also be added to your decorated trees during Winterfest.

Sims 4 father winter usually shows up at your fireplace. However, if you don’t have one, he will simply walk in through the front door. If you’re looking for a more custom experience, Father Winter is also capable of showing up on a custom holiday as long as it has the Father Winter tradition.

Impress Sims 4 Father Winter by decorating

Father Winter might not be a character that was primarily intended for raunchy activities. However, he sure rewards your effort if you’re able to succeed. What can help you get him in the best possible mood is living on a lot with the Romantic Aura lot trait. This trait helps with making adult Sims feel flirtier when they are in your home. He usually stays around till about 2:00 AM, so you should have a few hours to make a few solid moves on him.

In case you don’t have this lot trait, worry not. Having a beautiful home will also enhance the mood. If you have enough simoleons, decorate the room where the Christmas tree is with expensive items that have an Environment value of 5 or 4.

Getting him in flirty vibes

Another way to get Sims 4 Father Winter in the right mood is by preparing in advance. If they are the creative type. get them to ”Paint Flirty Painting”. To make one, just click on the easel and you’ll see the only option. Once it’s done, hang it up in your home near the Christmas tree and activate ”Enable Emotional Aura” by clicking on that painting. Additionally, the higher the Charisma skill your Sims has, the better!

Did you know that being a master romancer can be a Sims 4 aspiration? Read more about Romance aspirations here.

Try for Baby with Father Winter

Once Father Winter is in a flirty mood, charm him further to be able to Try for Baby option. Simply ease into some romantic interactions after engaging in a few friendly interactions. Try increasing the nice romantic vibe and hence the romance bar as you interact and tactically wait until you get to a point where you get the option to Try for Baby. Once this option comes up, make your move and hope for the best!

To know if you were successful, you will find it out just like you would with a normal Sims pregnancy test. If you learn that your Sim didn’t get pregnant, be sure to try again, but remember that you really only have until 2:00 AM. Of course, if you like you can marry him and invite him to move in first, and try for a baby later.

Can he move in with you?

The answer is yes! Father Winter isn’t just an interesting character. In his essence, he is just like anyone else. As a matter of fact, Sims can develop full friendship and lasting feelings for Father Christmas and he can reciprocate! Not only that, but once you get close to him, you can ask him to move in. Once you are close enough, you will see the ”Ask to Move In” interaction option.

If he agrees, you get an increase in family funds. The first Sims 4 Father Winter shows up with an impressive 500,000 Simoleons. However, if you marry Father Winter once or ask him to move in, he will lose his function as a Santa. The next one will have only $20,000. This action will replace him with a new, single Father Winter. Once he agrees to join your household, he will become a fully playable character in your family.

Interesting reward trait for having Father Winter as a Dad

If you manage to secure and have a normal human baby with Father Winter, your baby will get a special reward trait. You will see ”Father Winter’s Baby” listed in your child’s traits panel. Sims 4 Father Winter baby’s reward trait boosts satisfaction gain for Sims by an additional 50%. This makes it so that the amazing extra bonus satisfaction point gain will lead to some nice rewards. Whims are turned off by default, but you can turn them on by going to game Settings.

To get the most out of the Sims 4: Seasons game pack, check out useful cheats on cheat console , including those for Father Winter here.

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