Because our sims can never have enough instruments, why not download a drums mod?

Did you know that piano counts as a percussion instrument? It’s classified this way because sound is made by hammers percussing (hitting) the strings. Did you know that pianos are also the only percussive instrument in The Sims 4? Strange, isn’t it? We’ve got several string instruments as part of the base game and with the Vampires Game Pack you get an additional wind instrument in the Pipe Organ, but we still don’t have the quintessential percussion instrument: the drums. They made an appearance in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, but if you want them now you’ll need to use a drum mod.
The Sims 4 Play Drum Mod
Our solution to this gross lack of drums in the game is the Play Drums Mod by Cepzid. A conversion of the Marvin Beats Drum Kit mesh from TS3, the drum kit comes with all the essentials: bass drum, tom-toms, floor-tom, snare drum, crash cymbal, and hi-hat cymbals.
This instrument will allow sims aged Child and older to “Practice” the drums with actual animation and music (also pulled from TS3) attached. Once they reach level 5 in the Drum skill—yes, it’s got its own dedicated skill, too—sims can “Play” the drums. Or, you can cheat the skill with the drums mod’s dedicated skill cheat: stats.set_skill_level Major_Drum 5 will max the skill out.
Unfortunately there are no options to play for tips, and other sims won’t react to your sim who is playing. Though I suppose that’s not necessarily a bad thing if you like to practice in your apartment with thin walls…
See The Drums Mod in Action in This Nifty Video:
You can tell from the video that sims will sit at the drum kit and then pop into position before the paying animation starts, which is fairly smooth and looks correct with the kit. There are a variety of songs that can be practiced/played which will be picked at random and won’t necessarily match with the animation, but it still looks great. Some improvements have been made to the set since the time this video was taken, as the cymbals now animate and the option to “Hire Pianist” no longer comes up.
Where is The Drums Mod Found?
You can find this object in the Buy Catalog under Activities & Skills→Creative. It’s simply called Drum Kit with a cost of §3600 and is available in 8 swatches, half of which have additional artwork applied to the bass drum.
Known Conflicts
There are currently no known conflicts listed on the drums mod’s download page, though we did run into one issue during testing:
If you try to place the drum kit indoors you’ll receive the error message “Object is intersecting the floor or the ceiling.” This is typically a message you see when trying to place something in a tight vertical space, such as a tall piece of furniture on a platform or a large object under a hanging light or ceiling fan. Activating the MoveObjects cheat will fix this issue however you will now be able to place the drum kit anywhere which includes places your sim might not be able to reach it at. You might have to experiment with placement to get it working, but it’s certainly worth it.
More on SNOOTYSIMS: Are you a music lover? Well, thanks to incredible music CC & mods for the Sims 4, you can now listen to fine tunes and play music on new instruments.
Final Performance
Elevate your faux-bands and give those musicians a new skill to master with the Drums mod by Cepzid! Let your sim practice a range of songs, climb the skill latter, and play to your heart’s (or ears’) content! Your neighbors might not stop to applaud, but they shouldn’t stop to complain, either! Do you have a favorite instrument in The Sims 4 or one you’d like to see added in the future? Let us know in the comments, keep the rhythm, and happy simming!
i was looking for the upright bass 😭😭😭
Hi abe nuh, take a look at the “Into Music” pack on this list which includes a contrabass!